

  The UT Dallas MBA is a 16-month, 53 credit hour full-time program, with a  career-focused orientation. There is an optional extra semester to make the MBA  a 21-month program. UT Dallas wants it MBA program to develop cutting edge  ‘problem engineers’ who can think, plan, and act strategically to solve business  problems.The school has many extra programs and opportunities that both enhance  and enrich student learning. The ‘Power of Two Mentor Program’ sees mentors  provide students with insights into the business world. The school also has  study abroad options, either for semester studies, international internships,  global experience courses, and international summer programs.


  班级资料是多种多样的。2016年入学班级由56名学生组成,其中女性占39%,国际占43%。班级平均年龄29岁,有5.6年的工作经验。有奖学金可供选择,大约80%的学生获得奖学金,平均占项目总成本的45%。学校拥有大量学生组织,为学生提供发展,网络和实践技能的机会。这些俱乐部和组织包括Enactus,全球商业组织,DECA,JSOM图书俱乐部,Nova,房地产俱乐部和JSOM职业管理中心领导委员会。有超过300个学生组织和俱乐部。学校与许多总部位于达拉斯的财富500强企业保持着紧密的联系,学校声称这对他们90%的就业率(三个月后)至关重要。毕业生平均起薪在9万美元至10万美元之间。毕业生最近的毕业生包括亚马逊,Verizon,富国银行,摩根大通,安永,英特尔,德勤咨询,AT&T,Chick  Fil-A,FTI Consulting,爱立信和SpaceX。


  Benefit from small classes taught by top faculty in a market-driven  curriculum designed to maximize your career success. Connect with an active and  growing network of more than 60,000 alumni. Be part of a diverse and  collaborative learning community at a leading research university in one of  America



  onceived in 1995, the Indian School of Business (ISB) is one of the  subcontinent’s leading management and business education providers. The ISB was  founded in response to Asia’s rising economic status, at a time when private  enterprise in India and China was beginning to take a global lead. Since then,  it has evolved alongside the continent, becoming a truly global institution with  the goal of making Asian-trained businesspeople into international leaders, both  inside and outside of the continent. The school has been officially associated  with the Wharton School and the Kellogg School of Management for 20 years,  serving as testament to its high quality of teaching and the ability of its  graduates.

  印度商学院于1995年设想,是次大陆领先的管理和商业教育提供商之一。印度商学院是为了应对亚洲不断上升的经济地位而建立的,当时印度和中国的私营企业开始占据全球领先地位。从那时起,它已经与非洲大陆一起演变,成为一个真正的全球性机构,目标是使亚洲培训的商人成为非洲大陆内外的国际领导人。学校与沃顿商学院和凯洛格管理学院正式建立了长达20年的合作关系,证明了其高质量的教学水平和毕业生的能力。印度标准(尽管随着IIM法案而改变),印度商学院不提供MBA课程。相反,它提供了自己定制的为期一年的管理研究生课程。印度商学院  PGP招生过程与正常的一年制MBA课程大致相同。申请人必须具有学位、GMAT /  GRE成绩、两年全日制工作经验以及英语语言能力证明。考生按学业成绩,领导潜力和个人素质评分,为每个申请者形成一个完整的档案。印度商学院然后根据这个档案选择最好的申请人。学费大约为35,000美元,提供各种分期付款和住宿选择。根据需要和优点,印度和国际学生都可以获得奖学金和豁免。

  在学术上,印度商学院PGP基于五个关键的学习目标:人际意识和团队合作; 批判性思维; 对全球问题的认识; 口头交流;  和道德责任。核心课程在前三个学期进行,然后在创业,财务,IT管理,运营管理,市场营销,战略和领导等广泛类别中提供选修课程。还有一系列的实践课程,包括体验学习课程,让学生解决真正的商业问题,进行研究,以产生最终报告。这些项目是团队进行的,客户是真实世界的企业,有预算和真正的时间敏感问题。印度商学院的职业重点也非常重视,PGP项目是一个非常实用的企业领导力培训课程。从第一学期开始,学生可以与内部的行业专家一起参加一对一的会议,并提供CV讲座和全功能的模拟访谈。这意味着当真正就业的时候,印度商学院PGP毕业生在准备,信心和知识方面都高于同龄人。


  As the business school of the Université de Montréal, the French-language  HEC Montréal has been in operation since 1907, and is now triple-accredited. It  has a reputation for academic excellence, with faculty holding 27 research  chairs, including five Canada Research Chairs and over 133 partner institutions  in 40 countries.

  The full-time MBA course offered at HEC Montréal is a 12-month program,  available in English or French, and includes 600 hours of tuition spread over  three sections. The three-part structure of the MBA takes advantage of synergies  between what students learn and the real business world, with an initial  introduction in which students engage in business management simulations  followed by the HEC Montréal Challenge, in which students solve a live case  submitted by a corporate partner, and then by further project work to implement  learned principles.

  蒙特利尔大学的商学院自1907年起开始正式教学,现已获得三重认证。在学术方面享有盛誉,拥有27名研究员,其中包括5个加拿大研究委员会和40个国家的133个合作机构。蒙特利尔大学商学院教授的全日制MBA课程是一个为期12个月的课程,提供英语或法语课程,包括600个小时的学费分为三个部分。MBA的三部分结构充分利用学生学习和真实商业世界之间的协同作用,首先介绍学生从事商业管理模拟,然后是HEC蒙特利尔挑战赛,学生们解决了由学生提交的现场案例一个公司的合作伙伴,然后通过进一步的项目工作来落实学到的原则蒙特利尔大学的商学院的MBA课程是通过不同的技能块传递的,目的是提高学生的沟通,领导力,决策,分析和解决问题的能力。课程规模小,便于与教授和学生进行互动,多学科专家利用一系列方法进行教学,例如小组工作、辩论和讨论、计算机模拟、案例研究、角色扮演练习、个人和小组口头表达、现场研究、会议和讲座。蒙特利尔大学的商学院MBA可以定制以适应特定的需求。它包括创业选修课;  财务,战略和咨询; 市场和商业情报; 一般管理和领导; 国际化管理;  和数字企业。其他选择还包括海外校园课程,在印度,迪拜,巴西和中国等国家深入了解全球商业文化三周。和一个监督组咨询实地项目,在这个项目中,学生为实际业务执行咨询任务;  和与特定行业相关的课程。

  除了通才MBA之外,蒙特利尔高等商学院还与蒙特利尔理工学院合作,提供工商管理硕士和创新与技术商业化学位,MBA  ITC。学生将学习如何领导技术开发项目并最大限度地实现商业化,项目包括HEC挑战赛,学生们可以团队合作为特定组织完成一个咨询项目。HEC蒙特利尔还与麦吉尔大学合作,提供为期24个月的兼职MBA(仅提供法文版本)和EMBA(英文版)。不同类别的学生多达三分之一(截至2015年占31%),女生占全球总数的一半,其中约一半(53%)来自加拿大,其余来自非洲(12%),欧洲和东欧13%),亚洲(9%),中东(6%),南美(5%)和西印度群岛(2%)。毕业后,90%的学生获得平均工资93,865美元,增长22%。主要雇主包括德勤、庞巴迪和IBM。


  The program has been created to actively promote the development of the  countries that INCAE serves by educating leaders in key sectors to improve their  practices, attitudes and values, creating bridges with other regions of the  world. INCAE belongs to a network of more than 34 universities around the world  that provide opportunities for exchange and dual degree programs. Partnerships  between these institutions allow students to have an academic experience with a  global perspective, which is considered essential by employers.


  第九十六位:东北大学 D'Amore-McKim商学院(美国)

  As the business world undergoes more and more complex changes, you need the  expertise and insight to keep up—and keep ahead. You’ll gain that knowledge with  an MBA program that offers both academic rigor and valuable experience. The  Full-Time MBA from Northeastern University’s D’Amore- McKim School of Business  delivers the proficiency you need to accelerate your career.The first powerful  component of our program is the outstanding classroom experience. MBA coursework  is taught by leading professors in their fields, bringing years of expertise and  decision-making directly to the academic setting. The knowledge you gain gives  you the skills that are in demand, helping you understand the intricacies of  business, and more specifically, your field of interest.The second dynamic  component is your six-month, paid corporate residency. Far removed from the  typical internship, this will take your work experience to a whole new level. As  a valued member of the team at a leading business, you will be fully integrated  in your company, working side-by-side with staff members to deliver on  organizational goals. As you contribute to projects that are business critical,  you not only gain experience, but also gain confidence in your abilities.



  Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) is the business school of the  University of Lancaster, set on its campus grounds in the south side of the city  of Lancaster, in the northwest of England. Since it was established in 1964, it  has steadily risen in reputation, with quadruple accreditation, both  international (AACSB, EQUIS) and national (AMBA, Small Business Charter Award –  for its role in kick-starting British enterprise), as well as memberships of  multiple professional, corporate, and institutional associations.

  Through its Department of Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation, LUMS  plays a key role in providing business support to key regional small and  medium-sized businesses. LUMS has a number of significant business partnerships  with many businesses to deliver customized executive education; these include  BAE Systems, Astra Zeneca, British Airways, Total, Royal & Sun Alliance, and  public-sector organizations such as the NHS and the UK Cabinet Office.

  兰卡斯特大学管理学院,是兰开斯特大学的商学院,位于英格兰西北部兰开斯特市南边的校园内。自1964年成立以来,在国际和国家(AMBA,小企业包机奖 -  在英国企业中的作用)四项认证的声誉不断提高,并获得了成员资格多个专业,企业和机构协会。通过创业,战略和创新部门,兰卡斯特大学管理学院在为重点地区中小企业提供业务支持方面发挥着关键作用。兰卡斯特大学管理学院与许多企业有许多重要的业务伙伴关系,以提供定制的执行教育;  其中包括BAE系统公司,Astra  Zeneca公司,英国航空公司,道达尔公司,皇家和太阳联盟以及NHS和英国内阁办公室等公共部门组织。兰卡斯特大学管理学院提供屡获殊荣的为期一年的全日制住宿型的MBA课程(兰卡斯特MBA),其中包括核心能力模块以推动关键决策制定和其他实践技能的发展。工商管理硕士课程运用独特的思维管理和引人入胜的模块,通过四个行动学习机会,模拟现实世界的商业问题和MBA职业发展计划,将深厚的哲学学习和实践技能发展融合在一起。

  兰卡斯特大学管理学院MBA课程旨在为学生提供必要的商业和管理语言,工具和技术 - 从经济到创业,会计到市场营销,从运营到财务和战略 -  并确保他们深入了解功能的业务,以及组织和市场的复杂性。兰卡斯特大学管理学院的MBA课程着重于培养学生的实践智慧,以及在最高管理层面建立高效的心态和技能。重点在于培养学生在现实世界中将学习注意力投入到实践中的能力,这种能力是动荡不定的,复杂的,充满含糊和深刻的不确定性  - 是一个充满机遇和威胁的邪恶世界 - 远从漫画的教科书中删除。

  兰卡斯特大学管理学院的学生可以通过全球商学院合作伙伴网络获得更多的研究和全球职业发展机会。所有兰卡斯特大学管理学院学生都有机会参与一系列令人兴奋的全球留学和工作安置选择。合作机构也有一系列的双学位课程。兰卡斯特大学管理学院的MBA课程具有多样化的队列,代表了一系列的背景(从美术到核工程),47%的女学生,通常至少有15个民族(占总LUMS学生人数的65%左右)  150个国家)。课程很小,以促进与教师和交互式学习的一对一交互。毕业后,86%的学生在三个月内就业,三年后平均工资为114,220美元,增长101%。


  We believe that being a great business leader isn't just about knowledge;  it's about character. The GW Global MBA program builds both. In this program  immersed in values, rigorous in theory and experiential in practice, you will  become proficient in the fundamentals of business and management, while building  muscle around your own sense of doing what is right.The GW Global MBA is  comprised of 57 credit hours and divided into four modules with a summer in  between. The program provides a dynamic experience in our core values of ethical  leadership, globalization, sustainability and social responsibility. One  highlight during your first year is the Consulting Abroad Program (CAP). This  faculty-mentored, credit-bearing, real-world consulting project brings to life  the intersection of business and society in emerging markets such as Peru,  Rwanda, Sweden, Turkey, and India.At GW, we don't believe an MBA should be  one-size-fits-all. In your second year, you have the flexibility to customize  your curriculum by taking electives from 15 different areas. Develop your own  interests and expertise. This is about your career, your life.

  我们相信做一个伟大的商业领袖不仅仅是知识,这是关于性格。乔治华盛顿大学商学院全球MBA课程建立了两个。在这个项目中,沉浸在理论和实践的严谨的价值观中,你将变得精通商业和管理的基础,同时围绕自己正确的做法来增强自信。乔治华盛顿大学商学院  Global  MBA由57个学分组成并分成四个模块,之间有一个夏天。该方案提供了我们的道德领导力、全球化、可持续性和社会责任的核心价值的动态经验。第一年的重点是海外咨询计划。这个由教师指导的,信誉良好的现实世界的咨询项目将新兴市场的商业和社会交织在一起,如秘鲁、卢旺达、瑞典、土耳其和印度。在华盛顿,我们不认为MBA应该是一刀切的。在你就读的的第二年,你可以灵活地选择来自15个不同领域的选修课程。发展自己的兴趣和专业知识。


  hanghai Jiao Tong University’s Antai College of Economics and Management is  China’s first triple-accredited school. The International MBA (IMBA) program is  set in the heart of Shanghai, with additional campuses in Shenzen and Singapore  (via a partnership with NTU).The status of ACEM’s MBA has improved markedly in  recent years, with highly-qualified faculty publishing among the highest number  of academic papers of any Chinese business school. The bump in MBA graduates’  salaries (101%) upon completion of the course is another factor, with  strengthened career development guidance and support offered to students.The  innovation-focused ACEM MBA course designers introduced pre-test, face-to-face  interviews to assess its prospective MBA students in 2008, and established a  fund to support graduates’ start-up plans.



  上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院提供两个全日制课程:两年国际MBA(IMBA)和CLGO MBA /  Meng。两者都是英文授课,有机会通过每周的课程学习中文,使学生扩大对中国文化的把握。上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院学生也可以选修双学位课程,在合作大学学习一年,在ACEM学习一年,毕业时获得各学院的学位。合作学校的MBA学生包括与西班牙马德里IE商学院合作的上海交通大学工商管理硕士MBA  / IE MBA - 每年为三名学生开设的高度选择性课程; 上海交通大学MBA / ESCP MBA /  MIM与欧洲ESCP合作,可在巴黎,伦敦,柏林,马德里和都灵(都灵)的ESCP校区进行。这也是非常有选择性的,每年向五名学生开放。上海交大MBA校友会和上海交通大学中国企业发展研究所等机构保持着密切的联系,确保校友能够提升业务知识,分享专业经验,探索商机。



  The Full-Time MBA at the SMU Cox School of Business is a 21 month program  located in one of the best business hubs in the country, Dallas, Texas. As one  of the top MBA programs in the country, our students can expect exceptional  faculty, customizable curriculum, great corporate connections, and a  well-connected, active alumni network. Here are a few unique aspects of the Cox  MBA:

  Strategic Location - SMU is located in Dallas, Texas. The Dallas - Fort  Worth Metroplex is home to the second most Fortune 500 company headquarters in  the country. Global Leadership Program - 10 day global immersion experience with  your classmates at the end of your first year. Students choose between 4 trips  that examine business and culture in Asia, Europe and Latin America.Business  Leadership Center - Students learn the "soft skills" of business outside the  classroom. Our center offers seminars taught by industry professionals,  consulting projects with local non-profit organizations, and coaching.Customized  curriculum - Students get to choose over half of their courses in our program  which makes it possible to receive multiple specializations.Scholarships - All  candidates are considered for merit scholarship with awards up to full tuition  and fees.

  SMU考克斯商学院的全日制MBA课程是一个为期21个月的课程,位于德克萨斯州达拉斯最好的商业中心之一。作为国内顶尖的MBA课程之一,我们的学生可以期待杰出的教师,可定制的课程,良好的企业联系,以及一个连接良好,活跃的校友网络。这是考克斯MBA的一些独特的方面:战略位置  -  SMU位于德克萨斯州的达拉斯。达拉斯:沃斯堡大都会是这个国家第二大财富500强公司总部所在地。全球领导力计划,在第一年结束的时候,与同学们进行为期10天的全球沉浸式体验。学生可以选择4次考察亚洲,欧洲和拉丁美洲商业和文化的旅行。商业领导中心:学生在课堂以外学习商业的软技能。我们的中心提供行业专家教授的研讨会,与当地非营利组织进行咨询项目和辅导。定制课程:学生可以在我们的课程中选择超过一半的课程,从而可以接受多种专业课程。



























