路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge),简称LSU,是一所美国著名的公立大学,坐落在路易斯安那州州府巴吞鲁日市的南城,距离新奥尔良大约1个半小时车程,距离休斯顿大约4个小时车程, 是该州的标志性大学。学校占地面积800多万平方米,被公认为是全美最美的20所大学校园之一。路易斯安那州立大学筹建至今已有超过150年的建校史,最初由美国政府赠地建立。校园西侧就是密西西比河,巴吞鲁日市横跨密西西比河大桥。该地区的文化是法国文化、美国文化以及非洲文化的综合体,在这里可以体验别样的人文风情,当地的食物以辣味著名(Cajun Food),非常值得一尝。路易斯安那州立大学是路易斯安那人最自豪和钟爱的大学,美国南部地区的名校,该校是美国位数不多的几所被政府同时授予土地(land-grant),海域(sea-grant)和太空(space-grant)用于科研工作的大学。2015年该大学在U.S.News全美大学综合排名中位列第129名,公立大学第62名,学校设有多达235个的学科和专业,其景观建筑专业排名全美第3,陶艺专业排名全美第7,并有商科、法学、化学、土木工程、环境工程、公共事务等众多专业位列全美前50或前100.
• Located in the southern part of the US; borders with Arkansas to the north, Texas to the east, Mississippi to the west, and the Gulf of Mexico to the south
• Capital is Baton Rouge and largest city is New Orleans
• Famous people from Louisiana include jazz musician Louis Armstrong, author Truman Capote, and rapper ‘Lil Wayne’
• Tennessee Williams’ Pulitzer Prize-winning play, A Streetcar Named Desire (1947) is set in New Orleans
• The state’s unofficial motto is laissez les bons temps rouler – a Cajun-French expression meaning ‘let the good times roll’
• The Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge, home of the Louisiana State University football team, is one of the top 20 largest stadiums worldwide
• Among the state’s many festivals is the Contraband Days Festival, which involves dressing up as a pirate and saying ‘Arrrgh!’ lots
Despite being situated at the heart of the ‘Deep South’ region of the US, Louisiana stands apart from its neighboring states – largely due to the unique cultural mixture created by its combined European, Caribbean and African heritages.Louisiana is a former Spanish and French colony, and was the site of large-scale immigration from West Africa during the 19th century. The state as a whole has become known for its cultural variety and vibrancy, but this is especially true of its largest city, the legendary multi-cultural melting-pot of New Orleans.
Known to the world as the birthplace of jazz music, New Orleans is one of the most culturally unique places in the US, and indeed the world. To visitors it can appear chaotic, but those who stay will discover a lively, rough-and-ready metropolis full of joie de vivre – an experience you’ll never forget.New Orleans may somewhat steal the spotlight, but of course there’s much more to explore in Louisiana.Outdoors, nature enthusiasts will find a mixture of coastal wetlands, rolling farmland, forests, swamps, lakes and rivers, with popular pastimes including camping, hiking, canoeing, hunting, fishing, bird-watching and golf.Meanwhile, New Orleans by no means has a monopoly on cultural delights. There’s also find plenty to discover and enjoy in state capital Baton Rouge, and smaller cities such as Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles and Shreveport.
新奥尔良作为爵士乐的发源地而闻名于世,它是美国乃至世界上最具文化特色的地方之一。对游客来说,它可能看起来很混乱,但那些留下来的人会发现一个充满活力的、杂乱的、充满了乐趣的大都市——你永远不会忘记的体验。新奥尔良可能会在某种程度上成为聚光灯的焦点,但在路易斯安那州有更多的地方可以探索。在户外,自然爱好者会发现一种混合的滨海湿地、起伏的农田、森林、沼泽、湖泊和河流,还有流行的消遣方式,包括野营、徒步旅行、划独木舟、打猎、钓鱼、赏鸟和打高尔夫。与此同时,新奥尔良绝不是对文化娱乐的垄断。在州首都巴吞鲁日,还有一些较小的城市,如Houma、Lafayette、Lake Charles和Shreveport,也有很多可以发现和享受的地方。
Louisiana’s highest-ranked institution, Tulane University (TU), is ranked 284 in the 2011/12 QS World University Rankings.Based in New Orleans, TU is a private university, and a member of the Association of American Universities, an organization of 61 leading research-intensive universities in the US and Canada. It offers degrees in architecture, business, law, liberal arts, medicine, public health and tropical medicine, social work, sciences and engineering.
As you’d expect, arts and culture play a major role in student life at TU. The university supports and promotes dramatic, musical, artistic and cinematic projects, and students can of course also participate in the major events that take place in the city each year – including Mardi Gras, the Jazz Festival, and the French Quarter Festival.The state’s flagship public university is Louisiana State University (LSU), which is based in state capital Baton Rouge. This is Louisiana’s largest higher education institution in terms of student numbers, and is well-respected in a range of different subjects.