

  第一部分:申请美国的研究生院的美国风格的简历书写方式Apply to U.S. Graduate Schools With an American-Style Resume

  International graduate applicants should format resumes properly and include U.S. work experience.Looking to launch a second career? Follow these tips to revitalize your résumé.Applying for graduate school in the U.S. is a comprehensive task. As part of the application, most U.S. grad schools require candidates to submit a resume to help them get to know a candidate better.If we compared the graduate school application process to a person, a resume would be a person's face. It's how the admissions office gets its first impression of a candidate.Schools want to know a candidate's basic information, including educational background, academic performance, experience and other skills. A good resume will answer all those questions in a clear and straightforward way. Here are a few tips on how to make your resume attractive in the competitive application process.


  First, sell any U.S. work or internship experience. Experience counts in graduate school applications. Some programs may say that no experience is required to apply, but the reality is that having work or internship experience will give you an edge.It's great if you have internships or work experience from your home country. But if you have finished your bachelor's program and have lived in the U.S. for four years already, admissions officers will want to know what you're doing now.Tell your dream school what you have learned outside of the classroom in the U.S. In my journalism grad school applications, I included my experience interning for a U.S. media outlet on my resume.


  Second, your GPA matters. This is another important item to include on your grad school resume. Good academic performance can tell admissions officers that you have the potential to do well in your field and that you take your studies seriously.Your GPA doesn't just measure your grades, but can also suggest whether you are capable of continuing your studies at a higher level.International students might be amazed by the colorful American college life that includes parties and all kinds of organizations and activities. It's not wrong to enjoy college life, but keep in mind that studying is a student's most important task.


  Third, include your extracurricular activities. Once in the U.S., some international students keep their old habits and routines: taking classes, going to the library, eating in the dining hall and returning to a dorm. This routine isn't uncommon for students in many countries, where education systems were designed to solely address students' academic performance.In some countries, students are trained to spend the majority of their time each day studying. Many students who come to the U.S. from those places find it hard to transition to an environment where students are taught that studying is not their one and only task.You have to show your dream school that you are more than a studying machine. Demonstrate the leadership capabilities and communication skills that you developed and improved through participation in extracurricular activities.


  Last but not least, format your resume in an American way. A good resume must be clear and well-organized.Put your name, address and contact information at the very top, followed by your education background, work experience, activities and skills. A good rule of thumb is to keep your resume on one page.You should know what an American audience expects. For example, while it might be very common to put a professional photograph of yourself on your resume in China, that's rarely done in the U.S.In essence, a good resume tells people what you have achieved and experienced. But the best way to make it attractive is to take action ahead of time so that you have those achievements and experiences to share.




  Job growth cooled to its lowest level since May, according to ADP Research Institute's National Employment Report.Different jobs call for different skills, and the résumé requirements for those positions demand no less variety. Crafting a résumé that's tailored to the job you're applying for will help it stand out among the dozens of applications on a hiring manager's desk. August Cohen, certified résumé writer and owner of the executive résumé writing and coaching service GetHiredStayHired, lends her expertise on how to do just that.


  First, there are some elements every résumé should have regardless of its intended recipient. Chief among those is a section that outlines achievements. "One of the biggest challenges job seekers have is that they write a résumé that's like a job description, and what they really need to focus on is achievements and not just the duties and responsibilities," Cohen says.Other basics include organizing sections to emphasize what's most important and incorporating strategic keywords. Separating the document into various sections with keywords spread throughout, and placing critical sections toward the top will help ensure anyone looking it over will see that information first. Cohen also points out that sections make the document more readable and, with proper use of bullets and white space, will help catch a hiring manager's eye.Here are some other ways to customize your résumé to the field you want to enter.


  Résumés for business jobs. In general, business résumés should follow a traditional, conservative structure. However, slight differences for specific jobs are necessary. Sales and marketing résumés, for example, should place a strong emphasis on numbers. You can also use bolder language that reflects the skills needed for the position. "You can brag in a sales résumé," Cohen says. "Salespeople are expected to be very confident and comfortable with promoting their company and … promoting themselves."Unlike sales, marketing positions require you to show how well you understand the company brand, and demonstrate your ability to convey that brand to the customer. It's also important to demonstrate your ability to develop data for market research.


  Résumés for executive business positions should focus more on leadership than the practical skills of the business world and should highlight specific achievements. Lastly, Cohen suggests moving information about your education to the bottom of your résumé and spotlighting your work experience and achievements over the last eight to 12 years at the top.


  Résumés for technology jobs. Unlike the numerical focus of business résumés, the résumé of someone who works in technology should demonstrate proficiency with a variety of programs that pertain to the job. "For technical résumés, the section of technologies could be pretty long so, again, we want it to be palatable to the reader so you can break it down into categories," Cohen says. "Instead of having 30 or 40 technologies listed, break it down by software, or hardware, or languages, or applications, or networks or however you want to do it that makes sense for your particular industry." If the technology section is still too long, consider adding an addendum that demonstrates the full range of technologies you're competent using.Much like executive business résumés, the résumés for higher-level IT positions need different elements than those for lower-level professionals. "For the [chief information officer], and [chief technology officer] and higher-level technical résumés, they would be more strategic," Cohen says. "There wouldn't be as much focus on technology because they would be leading people that were actually hands-on in the technology."Résumés for creative jobs. These résumés should be focused on projects, and Cohen advises including achievements in projects. Key design and creative elements from each assignment may also be incorporated to highlight project achievements.


  Résumés for creative positions are expected to showcase the applicant's abilities. The use of color as well as a personal logo or other design elements can demonstrate your aptitude for a creative position.However, the creative elements need to be strategic. "You want the audience to remember the brand," Cohen says, "and you want to leverage the design and creativity in doing that." Although creative résumés have more room for imagination than others, that same creativity can cause problems with online applications. If there is too much design or the wording is too lengthy, job application software could prevent the résumé from making it through the system. To combat this, Cohen recommends adding either a link to an online portfolio or an addendum to inform the reader that more examples of your work are available.Regardless of the industry you are applying to, Cohen says it's important to have a solid strategy along with a strong résumé. And the best strategy is to network. "Applying for jobs is a very ineffective way to try to find a job," she says. "The minority of positions are secured though an online application, either through a job portal or a company website. Networking is the No. 1 way that job seekers find a new position."Cohen also emphasizes that résumés are "living documents" that need to shift and mold to each new employment opportunity. Given the competition prevalent in today's job market, keeping your résumé flexible and ready to evolve with each new application is a key strategy when searching for a job.



  Talk about your home country and culture when applying to grad school as an international student.Emphasizing cultural differences is a natural way prospective international graduate students can craft unique applications.Every college-age individual wants to believe that he or she is special and has something unique to offer the world. The good news is that being from somewhere other than the U.S. automatically provides you with some key talking points for your postsecondary application essays.You have something that really sets you apart, and I'm not just talking about the ocean or the plane ride.


  Schools are interested in influence, primarily the kind of influence their alumni will have on the global village. A student's experience will shape his or her influence on the world – where you come from has a big impact on where you go.In applying to graduate school in the U.S., I talked about my home country's multicultural perspective. We like to call Canada a mosaic, a piece of art, a coast-to-coast picture made up of a variety of smaller shades and shapes.As a prospective international student, I talked about how the experience of growing up in Canada shaped me. The Canadian national attitude of inclusion and participation in service has greatly influenced the way in which I view people and interact with them.Using your status as an international student is an interesting hook for applications, and begins with the influence of country, culture and courage.

  学校对他们的校友对地球村的影响是十分感兴趣的, 所以你可以用国际根源为美国研究生入学申请。一个学生的经历会影响他或她对世界的影响——你来自哪里,对你的去向有很大的影响。申请美国研究生院我谈到了我的祖国多元文化的观点。我们喜欢把加拿大称为马赛克,一种艺术,一种由各种各样的小阴影和形状组成的海岸到海岸的图片。作为一名未来的国际学生,我谈到了在加拿大长大的经历对我的影响。加拿大人对服务的包容和参与态度,极大地影响了我看待人们和与他们互动的方式。使用你作为国际学生的身份是一个有趣的申请方式,并从国家、文化和勇气的影响开始。

  1. Country: You are from somewhere the school is not. This means you have been exposed to a different government and history and have a unique perspective on international relations. Use these global experiences to distinguish yourself as an academic asset.To describe my interest in community service, I wrote about a central Alberta youth project where we worked with young immigrant families and provided child care while the parents learned English. This showed the effects of those cultural attitudes of inclusion and service, but also how I was able to exhibit an international interest while still at home.Not only did this demonstrate that I was a functional and eager team player, but it also revealed that I could see where I stood in terms of others and their experiences, as well as identify and respond to community needs.Besides that, I proved that I could make the connection between my home and my hopeful future and what impact I could make at Andrews University.Presenting an issue of global import and discussing your nation's response allows you to state and defend your opinion and talk about what you would like to do about it if you had the education to back up your beliefs.


  2. Culture: The way you approach, interact and relate to others is fundamentally grounded in your cultural background. For instance, some cultures are more collectivist while others are individualistic.These aspects of intercultural relations are good to emphasize as you introduce yourself in essays. Referring to your own background and comparing it with what you expect to find in the U.S. will demonstrate two things: You already know how to do research, and you are smart enough to put the pieces together.In my admissions essay, I wrote that the purpose of my educational pursuit was to leave a better world for future generations. I showed that my goals were aligned with the recent emphasis on ethical, self-sustaining production of goods and services that the U.S. has embraced.


  3. Courage: Talking about a risk you have taken or a problem you have solved is a fairly common essay prompt, and as a student contemplating leaving home and loved ones for a foreign land, you have more than enough angles to cover.In applying for a scholarship on campus, I wrote about the international financing dilemma. The Canadian dollar is close but not equal to the U.S. dollar, and I discussed how student loans from one country did not take into account the currency exchange resulting in less than had been promised. It was an interesting twist that drew attention to the financial plight of international students coming to the States.You might discuss your choice to study abroad, your appreciation for the challenges of living somewhere new or your doubts about leaving and how you plan to combat them. Being an international student in the U.S. takes courage of the highest caliber.Learning how to present your past as an advantage will open up possibilities in the U.S. and elsewhere. Celebrate your background even as you begin this new journey. Of all the parts that make up your whole, it is a truly important one.













美国留学申请证材料 怎样准备出国留学简历

















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  第一部分:申请美国的研究生院的美国风格的简历书写方式Apply to U.S. Graduate Schools With an American-Style Resume

  International graduate applicants should format resumes properly and include U.S. work experience.Looking to launch a second career? Follow these tips to revitalize your résumé.Applying for graduate school in the U.S. is a comprehensive task. As part of the application, most U.S. grad schools require candidates to submit a resume to help them get to know a candidate better.If we compared the graduate school application process to a person, a resume would be a person's face. It's how the admissions office gets its first impression of a candidate.Schools want to know a candidate's basic information, including educational background, academic performance, experience and other skills. A good resume will answer all those questions in a clear and straightforward way. Here are a few tips on how to make your resume attractive in the competitive application process.


  First, sell any U.S. work or internship experience. Experience counts in graduate school applications. Some programs may say that no experience is required to apply, but the reality is that having work or internship experience will give you an edge.It's great if you have internships or work experience from your home country. But if you have finished your bachelor's program and have lived in the U.S. for four years already, admissions officers will want to know what you're doing now.Tell your dream school what you have learned outside of the classroom in the U.S. In my journalism grad school applications, I included my experience interning for a U.S. media outlet on my resume.


  Second, your GPA matters. This is another important item to include on your grad school resume. Good academic performance can tell admissions officers that you have the potential to do well in your field and that you take your studies seriously.Your GPA doesn't just measure your grades, but can also suggest whether you are capable of continuing your studies at a higher level.International students might be amazed by the colorful American college life that includes parties and all kinds of organizations and activities. It's not wrong to enjoy college life, but keep in mind that studying is a student's most important task.


  Third, include your extracurricular activities. Once in the U.S., some international students keep their old habits and routines: taking classes, going to the library, eating in the dining hall and returning to a dorm. This routine isn't uncommon for students in many countries, where education systems were designed to solely address students' academic performance.In some countries, students are trained to spend the majority of their time each day studying. Many students who come to the U.S. from those places find it hard to transition to an environment where students are taught that studying is not their one and only task.You have to show your dream school that you are more than a studying machine. Demonstrate the leadership capabilities and communication skills that you developed and improved through participation in extracurricular activities.


  Last but not least, format your resume in an American way. A good resume must be clear and well-organized.Put your name, address and contact information at the very top, followed by your education background, work experience, activities and skills. A good rule of thumb is to keep your resume on one page.You should know what an American audience expects. For example, while it might be very common to put a professional photograph of yourself on your resume in China, that's rarely done in the U.S.In essence, a good resume tells people what you have achieved and experienced. But the best way to make it attractive is to take action ahead of time so that you have those achievements and experiences to share.




  Job growth cooled to its lowest level since May, according to ADP Research Institute's National Employment Report.Different jobs call for different skills, and the résumé requirements for those positions demand no less variety. Crafting a résumé that's tailored to the job you're applying for will help it stand out among the dozens of applications on a hiring manager's desk. August Cohen, certified résumé writer and owner of the executive résumé writing and coaching service GetHiredStayHired, lends her expertise on how to do just that.


  First, there are some elements every résumé should have regardless of its intended recipient. Chief among those is a section that outlines achievements. "One of the biggest challenges job seekers have is that they write a résumé that's like a job description, and what they really need to focus on is achievements and not just the duties and responsibilities," Cohen says.Other basics include organizing sections to emphasize what's most important and incorporating strategic keywords. Separating the document into various sections with keywords spread throughout, and placing critical sections toward the top will help ensure anyone looking it over will see that information first. Cohen also points out that sections make the document more readable and, with proper use of bullets and white space, will help catch a hiring manager's eye.Here are some other ways to customize your résumé to the field you want to enter.


  Résumés for business jobs. In general, business résumés should follow a traditional, conservative structure. However, slight differences for specific jobs are necessary. Sales and marketing résumés, for example, should place a strong emphasis on numbers. You can also use bolder language that reflects the skills needed for the position. "You can brag in a sales résumé," Cohen says. "Salespeople are expected to be very confident and comfortable with promoting their company and … promoting themselves."Unlike sales, marketing positions require you to show how well you understand the company brand, and demonstrate your ability to convey that brand to the customer. It's also important to demonstrate your ability to develop data for market research.


  Résumés for executive business positions should focus more on leadership than the practical skills of the business world and should highlight specific achievements. Lastly, Cohen suggests moving information about your education to the bottom of your résumé and spotlighting your work experience and achievements over the last eight to 12 years at the top.


  Résumés for technology jobs. Unlike the numerical focus of business résumés, the résumé of someone who works in technology should demonstrate proficiency with a variety of programs that pertain to the job. "For technical résumés, the section of technologies could be pretty long so, again, we want it to be palatable to the reader so you can break it down into categories," Cohen says. "Instead of having 30 or 40 technologies listed, break it down by software, or hardware, or languages, or applications, or networks or however you want to do it that makes sense for your particular industry." If the technology section is still too long, consider adding an addendum that demonstrates the full range of technologies you're competent using.Much like executive business résumés, the résumés for higher-level IT positions need different elements than those for lower-level professionals. "For the [chief information officer], and [chief technology officer] and higher-level technical résumés, they would be more strategic," Cohen says. "There wouldn't be as much focus on technology because they would be leading people that were actually hands-on in the technology."Résumés for creative jobs. These résumés should be focused on projects, and Cohen advises including achievements in projects. Key design and creative elements from each assignment may also be incorporated to highlight project achievements.


  Résumés for creative positions are expected to showcase the applicant's abilities. The use of color as well as a personal logo or other design elements can demonstrate your aptitude for a creative position.However, the creative elements need to be strategic. "You want the audience to remember the brand," Cohen says, "and you want to leverage the design and creativity in doing that." Although creative résumés have more room for imagination than others, that same creativity can cause problems with online applications. If there is too much design or the wording is too lengthy, job application software could prevent the résumé from making it through the system. To combat this, Cohen recommends adding either a link to an online portfolio or an addendum to inform the reader that more examples of your work are available.Regardless of the industry you are applying to, Cohen says it's important to have a solid strategy along with a strong résumé. And the best strategy is to network. "Applying for jobs is a very ineffective way to try to find a job," she says. "The minority of positions are secured though an online application, either through a job portal or a company website. Networking is the No. 1 way that job seekers find a new position."Cohen also emphasizes that résumés are "living documents" that need to shift and mold to each new employment opportunity. Given the competition prevalent in today's job market, keeping your résumé flexible and ready to evolve with each new application is a key strategy when searching for a job.



  Talk about your home country and culture when applying to grad school as an international student.Emphasizing cultural differences is a natural way prospective international graduate students can craft unique applications.Every college-age individual wants to believe that he or she is special and has something unique to offer the world. The good news is that being from somewhere other than the U.S. automatically provides you with some key talking points for your postsecondary application essays.You have something that really sets you apart, and I'm not just talking about the ocean or the plane ride.


  Schools are interested in influence, primarily the kind of influence their alumni will have on the global village. A student's experience will shape his or her influence on the world – where you come from has a big impact on where you go.In applying to graduate school in the U.S., I talked about my home country's multicultural perspective. We like to call Canada a mosaic, a piece of art, a coast-to-coast picture made up of a variety of smaller shades and shapes.As a prospective international student, I talked about how the experience of growing up in Canada shaped me. The Canadian national attitude of inclusion and participation in service has greatly influenced the way in which I view people and interact with them.Using your status as an international student is an interesting hook for applications, and begins with the influence of country, culture and courage.

  学校对他们的校友对地球村的影响是十分感兴趣的, 所以你可以用国际根源为美国研究生入学申请。一个学生的经历会影响他或她对世界的影响——你来自哪里,对你的去向有很大的影响。申请美国研究生院我谈到了我的祖国多元文化的观点。我们喜欢把加拿大称为马赛克,一种艺术,一种由各种各样的小阴影和形状组成的海岸到海岸的图片。作为一名未来的国际学生,我谈到了在加拿大长大的经历对我的影响。加拿大人对服务的包容和参与态度,极大地影响了我看待人们和与他们互动的方式。使用你作为国际学生的身份是一个有趣的申请方式,并从国家、文化和勇气的影响开始。

  1. Country: You are from somewhere the school is not. This means you have been exposed to a different government and history and have a unique perspective on international relations. Use these global experiences to distinguish yourself as an academic asset.To describe my interest in community service, I wrote about a central Alberta youth project where we worked with young immigrant families and provided child care while the parents learned English. This showed the effects of those cultural attitudes of inclusion and service, but also how I was able to exhibit an international interest while still at home.Not only did this demonstrate that I was a functional and eager team player, but it also revealed that I could see where I stood in terms of others and their experiences, as well as identify and respond to community needs.Besides that, I proved that I could make the connection between my home and my hopeful future and what impact I could make at Andrews University.Presenting an issue of global import and discussing your nation's response allows you to state and defend your opinion and talk about what you would like to do about it if you had the education to back up your beliefs.


  2. Culture: The way you approach, interact and relate to others is fundamentally grounded in your cultural background. For instance, some cultures are more collectivist while others are individualistic.These aspects of intercultural relations are good to emphasize as you introduce yourself in essays. Referring to your own background and comparing it with what you expect to find in the U.S. will demonstrate two things: You already know how to do research, and you are smart enough to put the pieces together.In my admissions essay, I wrote that the purpose of my educational pursuit was to leave a better world for future generations. I showed that my goals were aligned with the recent emphasis on ethical, self-sustaining production of goods and services that the U.S. has embraced.


  3. Courage: Talking about a risk you have taken or a problem you have solved is a fairly common essay prompt, and as a student contemplating leaving home and loved ones for a foreign land, you have more than enough angles to cover.In applying for a scholarship on campus, I wrote about the international financing dilemma. The Canadian dollar is close but not equal to the U.S. dollar, and I discussed how student loans from one country did not take into account the currency exchange resulting in less than had been promised. It was an interesting twist that drew attention to the financial plight of international students coming to the States.You might discuss your choice to study abroad, your appreciation for the challenges of living somewhere new or your doubts about leaving and how you plan to combat them. Being an international student in the U.S. takes courage of the highest caliber.Learning how to present your past as an advantage will open up possibilities in the U.S. and elsewhere. Celebrate your background even as you begin this new journey. Of all the parts that make up your whole, it is a truly important one.





