专业认知 professional cognition
学科优势 discipline superiority
专业前景 major’s foreground
国内外现状 status both at home and abroad
学科建设体系 subject development system
学术风气建设 development of academic atmosphere
国际发展趋势 international development trend
行业发展前景 prospect of development
声誉 reputation
院校排名 colleges’ rankings
综合实力 general strength
专业特色课程 feature courses
知名校友 famous alumni
地理位置 geographic location
学术规范 academic norm
学术资源 academic resources
人文素养的培养 the cultivation of humanities
浓厚的学术氛围 dense academic atmosphere
教学科研能力 teaching research competence
优秀的师资力量 outstanding teacher resource
科技综合实力 science and technology strength
学术成果及奖项 academic achievements & awards
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