



  3.  Its almost Mid-Autumn Festival. Happy holidays to you! Have a good mood every day, remember to call me!   快到中秋了,祝福你节日快乐!天天拥有一份好心情,记得给我打电话啊!

  4.  The moon is full again. You are as perfect as my heart. Your success and mine will begin today. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!  月又圆了,你和我的心同样的圆满,你我的成功就从今天开始。中秋节日快乐哦!

  5.  Enjoy the full moon and welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival. In this annual festival, I wish friends at home and abroad a happy holiday!   共赏圆月一轮,喜迎中秋良宵。在这一年一度的佳节里,愿家里家外的朋友节日快乐!

  6.  The mid-autumn night is warm and the moon is bright and quiet. To invite Change Dance to share the worlds longing.   中秋之时夜温馨,十五月圆亮又静。举杯邀请嫦娥舞,共伴人间思念情。

  7.  I wish the motherland prosperity and prosperity and early reunification. I also wish you happiness, well-being and good luck, as soon as possible to achieve your wish. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!   祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛富强,早日实现统一。也祝你幸福安康如意,早日达成心愿。中秋节快乐!

  8.  The Mid-Autumn Festival full moon is more round, fat you can go to reunite with people, because you are the most round.   中秋月圆人更圆,胖嘟嘟的你可以去与人团聚,因为你是最圆的。

  9.  Everything that has passed will become a kind remembrance. Everything that has passed will be precious. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!   一切过去了的都会变成亲切的怀念,一切逝去了的方知可贵。祝您中秋快乐!

  10.  Ancient people often feared the arrival of autumn festival, but my generation only hated the late arrival of autumn. The golden cinnamon fragrance Festival arrives, celebrating the reunion day everywhere. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!   古人常恐秋节至,我辈唯恨秋来迟。金桂飘香佳节到,普天同庆团圆日。中秋节快乐!、

  11.  Since the Mid-Autumn Moon is brightest, the cool breeze will be clear at night. One day, the weather sinks into silver and the sea is full of fish and dragons.   自中秋月最明,凉风届候夜弥清。一天气象沉银汉,四海鱼龙跃水精。

  12.  Is it safe to ask a thousand miles? And send your thoughts to each other. Continuous love and care, strong feelings and blessings, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!  千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,中秋快乐!

  13.Feelings of love, concern of the festive season. Full Moon home, complete the Mid-Autumn Festival.亲情爱情,情系佳节。家园月圆,圆满中秋。

  14.Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy Mid-autumn day!  请接受我们对你以及你全家的祝福,祝你们中秋快乐!

  15.On this mid-autumn festive day,I hope spring breeze caresses you,family care for you,love bathes you,God of wealth favors you,friends follow you,I bless you and the star of fortune shines upon you all the way!  愿中秋佳节:春风洋溢您、家人关心您、爱情滋润您、财神宠幸您、朋友忠于您、我会祝福您、幸运之星永远照着您!

  16.I wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival,one more round full moon!  祝中秋节快乐,月圆人更圆!

  17.The Mid-Autumn Festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen;The family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth;Love is an altar wine too warm,never indulging fans forever!  中秋是一*篇史诗,永远漫长永远动情;亲情是一团不灭火焰,永远燃烧永远温暖;爱情是一坛温过美酒,永远劳神永远醉心!

  18. The Mid-Autumn festival is coming, wish you love love love, make love, good luck good fortune, movement, most species of happiness, fu fu, the family love, friendship, love filled with earth。  中秋佳节到来,祝你大爱关爱仁爱,爱爱相随,好运鸿运财运,运运相连,洪福口福幸福,福福相伴,亲情爱情友情,情满人间。

  19.The holidays to send blessing, only you。 Love is sweet, the family harmony。 Business won, promotions such as rabbit。 Old friends, new wish, I wish you a Mid-Autumn festival or live in my heart!  佳节送福,非你莫属。爱情甜蜜,家庭和睦。事业折桂,升迁如兔。老朋友,新祝福,祝你中秋佳节喜在心头住!  

  20.n the Mid-Autumn festival, I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival! Make your dream round full moon! Send a round cake, with a heart, round, send a round, round a round dream。 Happy Mid-Autumn festival!  在中秋佳节之际,祝中秋节快乐!让圆月圆你的梦!送一个圆圆的饼,献一颗圆圆的心,寄一份圆圆的情,圆一个圆圆的梦。中秋节快乐!  I

  21.To the Mid-Autumn festival, send you happy no trouble, no bad, give you satisfactory send you happy not depressed, send you calm customers find, business developed in the present, happiness in life, wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!  中秋到,送你开心无烦恼,送你顺心无糟糕,送你愉快无郁闷,送你淡定客户找,生意发达在今朝,生活快乐幸福找,愿中秋快乐!

  22.The Mid-Autumn festival, no matter how far way, no matter the ends of the earth, also want to send my blessings, no matter where are you, lucky happiness will always accompany, wish you are healthy, happy Mid-Autumn festival reunion。中秋节到来了,无论路途多远,不论天涯海角,我的祝福也要送传,不管你身在何方,幸运快乐都会一直陪伴,祝你身体健康,中秋快乐团圆。

  23.According to the Mid-Autumn festival, the full moon, like the tip, ZhuFuYao, no worries, enthusiasm high, round, health sorrow escape, therefore laugh, with a pretty face, good luck, make more money, auspicious, happiness。 A happy Mid-Autumn festival!  中秋到,圆月照,喜上梢,祝福耀,没烦恼,兴致高,健康绕,忧愁逃,常欢笑,容颜俏,好运交,多赚钞,吉祥罩,幸福抱。中秋快乐!

  24.Go after moon, genuine send greetings; Adjacent distance heart, li has moonlight; The Mid-Autumn festival should be together, singing and dancing never cease; Elixir of love in today, hobnobbing。 I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!  月亮走我也走,一片真心寄问候;距离远近心相邻,千里月光共拥有;中秋佳节应聚首,载歌载舞永不休;花好月圆在今朝,把酒言欢永无忧。预祝中秋快乐!

  25.Mid-Autumn reunion will deduce, full moon will be sweet and rendering, moon cake day will be sweet, the wine will be happy to touch the ring, the fruit will happy profusion, text delivers the blessing, the Mid-Autumn festival, wish your family, full of happiness!   中秋将团圆演绎,圆月将温馨渲染,月饼将日子甜蜜,美酒将幸福碰响,百果将快乐缤纷,文字将祝福传递,中秋节,愿你合家欢乐,幸福满满!

  26.To the Mid-Autumn festival, send you a box of moon cakes, wish you all the year round AnFuGui cake, a horse road cake, official career step cake qingyun, family dance up cake, cake light in see true friendship! I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!  中秋到,送你一盒月饼,祝你一生“饼”安富贵,道路一马“饼”川,仕途“饼”步青云,家庭歌舞升“饼”,友谊“饼”淡中见真情!祝中秋快乐!

  27.A harvest moon, and other round, remote send acacia Trinidad may; Reunion cake, exquisite beauty, sweet is blessing to read; Festival will come, I brought the company's best wishes: wish you a good thing! Good dream! One month two reunion Mid-Autumn festival!   中秋月,别样圆,千里遥寄相思愿;团圆饼,精巧美,甜蜜揉碎祝福念;佳节将至,我带来了公司的美好祝愿:愿您好事不断!好梦连连!中秋人月两团圆!

  28.The Mid-Autumn festival moon at the end of the world, blessing and colorful clouds。 Red maple leaf to cheer you up, white autumn cloud bring you good luck, golden moon cake to give you happiness, flowery SMS bring you wish: a happy Mid-Autumn festival, family reunion。  中秋明月照天涯,祝福多彩似云霞。火红枫叶带给你快乐,洁白秋云带给你好运,金黄月饼带给你幸福,绚丽短信带给你祝福:中秋快乐,阖家团圆。

  29.Moon round flesh thick, osmanthus sweet floating thoughts; The goddess of the moon dancing since blurred, yutu a smell m f; Spending a celebration of the Mid-Autumn festival, sharing joyful festival orchestra circle; I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival, family reunion。  月儿欲圆*浓,桂花香醇飘思念;嫦娥起舞自迷离,玉兔一嗅万家福;花好月圆庆中秋,共享佳节乐团圆;祝你中秋节快乐,阖家欢乐人团圆。

  30.Autumn rain, autumn autumn, autumn feeling filled with feelings of missing; Moon cake circle, circle, circle, a table together, sharing were filled with the joy of reunion; My dear friends, the Chinese Mid-Autumn festival to, peace be to all people around to health!    秋风秋雨,秋心秋情,一叶知秋,感悟满腔思念的情怀;月圆饼圆,人圆家圆,一桌团圆,分享满心团聚的快乐;亲爱的朋友,中国中秋到,愿身边所有人平安健康!

  31.nfants round on the 15th, osmanthus fragrance, Mid-Autumn festival wandering away from home in homesickness; Chang 'e regret rushes, and yutu dao medicine busy read thoughts like riverside; Greeting message short, long, blessed sound let home person heart happiness, healthy body!   十五月儿圆,中秋桂花香,离家的游子在思乡;嫦娥悔奔月,玉兔捣药忙,念家的思绪似春江;问候的话儿短,祝福的声儿长,愿离家的人儿心安乐、身健康!

  32.Vestibular moon light, backyard osmanthus fragrance。 Sweet crisp cakes anniversary reunion, sumptuous with hot soup。 Mid-Autumn festival wishes to hide in the heart, into blessing colourful bell rang。 Tianchang, cloud autumn waters were happy together a man healthy。 A happy Mid-Autumn festival!   前庭明月撒柔光,后园桂花沁芬芳。甜酥月饼庆团圆,珍馐美味伴热汤。中秋祝愿心中藏,编成祝福彩铃响。浮云秋水共天长,花好月圆人健康。中秋快乐!

  33.Mid-Autumn festival to invite the moon, totally happy together; Hospitality around the wind to enjoy reunion night; A toast to relatives and friends, and family happiness live full; Greetings from several affectionate, send endless love! Counterparts, the Mid-Autumn festival, wish you happy laughter!  中秋邀明月,共赏花好月圆;盛情约清风,共度团圆之夜;举杯祝亲朋,合家幸福福寿全;问候几多情,送不尽情意绵绵!中秋佳节到,祝君快乐同行,笑声不停!

  34.nfants round on the 15th, reunion on both sides of the Taiwan straits。 Of the same flesh and blood separation for decades, and I do not know when can see。 Regrets 10000 in the heart, only willing to unified early implementation。 The month circle person circle family, happy happy life。 The Mid-Autumn festival, wish family reunion countries!  八月十五月儿圆,海峡两岸盼团圆。骨肉分离数十年,不知何时能重见。心中感慨万万千,只愿统一早实现。月圆人圆合家欢,幸福生活笑开颜。中秋节到了,愿家国都团圆!

  35.Let the round moon accompany you and me. The bright moon will take my wishes and blessings to you. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future.   让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福… 祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满!

  36.I wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Did-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect.   祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满。

  37.On this special day, I want to send you a light, faint scent to celebrate your colorful life. Happy Mid-Autumn Day, my best friend.  在这特别的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,为你洒脱缤纷的祝福!远方的你,中秋节快乐!

  38.On the Mid-Autumn Day, may your life always be filled with happy times and may all your wishes come true. Happy Mid-Autumn Day!  中秋佳节来临之际,愿你笑脸如鲜花常开!愿望个个如愿!中秋快乐!

  39.When the first meteor crossed the sky, I made my life's promise. I would like to accompany you through the Mid-Autumn Night of your life!  当天际划过了第一颗流星,我许下我一生的诺言。我愿意,陪你度过一生中的中秋夜!

  40.The bright moon shines brightly in the sky, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is a good night to remember my sincere wishes. Good luck on the festival, the full moon makes everything round!  皓月当空洒清辉,中秋良宵念挚心;祝愿佳节多好运,月圆人圆事事圆!

  41.The moon is boundless and the world is full of affection. May you have a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and have a happy reunion with your family.   风月无边,人间有情,愿你中秋快乐,能与家人过一个美满的团圆节。

  42.In this harvest season, sincerely wish you a happy harvest, harvest a success! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!   在这收获的时节,真诚愿您收获一份幸福,收获一份成功!中秋快乐!

  43.May your career and life be as bright and full as the mid autumn moon.   祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满。

  44.  Particularly that of the Mid-Autumn Festival, people look to the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion ! Wishes you happy holidays! Family reunion !月到中秋分外明,人到中秋望团圆!祝您节日快乐!合家团圆!

  45.  In this special day, send a touch of Qingxiang,洒脱fun for your blessing! Afar you, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!在这特别的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,为你洒脱缤纷的祝福!远方的你,中秋节快乐!

  46.  In the Mid-Autumn night, looked at the round moon with a reading of Acacia, a worried about, that there are deficiencies in the United States, the eternal love, all right »在中秋之夜,一同望着那轮明月读一份相思,一份牵挂,还有那缺憾的美,永恒的爱,好吗?

  47.  6With the advent of the Mid-Autumn festival, I wish your company scale, business development, the business is thriving, source of money widely enter!   、随着中秋的到来,预祝贵公司规模扩大,业务发展,生意兴隆,财源广进!

  48.Gently a blessing, not the words of the heart, one short message, give you take my heartfelt greeting: Mid-Autumn night I miss you very much!  轻轻地一声祝福,道不尽心中的千言万语,短短的一条短信,给你带上我衷心的问候:中秋之夜我很挂念你!

  49.Mid-Autumn went to far in my home,only one conviction in mind - I wish the pro-family well-being of the peopleforever!









































































