
2023-05-14 16:07:20 春节英文短语句子

  “步步高升:Promoting to a higher position。”也许以下内容“关于春节的英文短语和句子”合你胃口。在今天的日常学习和生活中,我们常常会给身边人分享一些自己摘录的句子。这些句子常常显得短小而精炼。供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友!


  1、May this warm blessing, the salute in the night sky, sing Festival songs, may your life be sweet and happy, and you can sleep well every day.

  2、感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助。请接受我新年的祝愿,祝你平安幸福!  Thank you for your care and help. Please accept my wishes for the New Year and wish you peace and happiness.

  3、Thinking about the laughter of the past and recalling the warm caress, may all our days be filled with joy. Happy Spring Festival and good luck every year!

  4、愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。may happiness follow you wherever you go!

  5、新的一年,新的开始;心的祝福,心的起点。  A new year, a new beginning; the blessing of the heart, the starting point of the heart.

  6、鹏程万里: have a bright future

  7、在新春佳节到来之际,祝您全家身体健康,万事如意!  When the Spring Festival comes, I wish you and your family good health and good luck.

  8、Keep a little warm, wish you happy every day; Lift up a blue sky and make you feel bright; Pass a wish, I wish you good luck; Keep a friendship and be friends with you in this life. Wish the teacher a happy new year in advance!

  9、I still benefit a lot from your teachings. Your words are still in my ears and have a deep impact on me. You are my most beloved teacher. Send my best wishes on the Spring Festival today. I wish you a happy New Year!

  10、 祝贺佳节。With the compliments of the season

  11、恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。  Good health, good luck and a happy new year.

  12、步步高升:Promoting to a higher position

  13、祝您永远健康快乐。may joy and health be with you always.

  14、祝福您及全家新年快乐。wishing you and your family a very happy new year.

  15、It's a great honor to work and study under your leadership in the past year. I wish you good health and success in the new year and 2022!

  16、过年啦!祝您领导及家人春节快乐!幸福安康!万事如意!心想事成!  It's a new year! Wishing you and your family a happy new year. Happiness and health! Everything goes well! May all your wishes come true!

  17、祝你新年快乐!一切顺顺利利!  Happy new year to you! Everything goes well!

  18、New year, new things, new start, new starting point and new harvest. I wish my friends all the best, peace, happy spirit and good Spring Festival.

  19、愿你:年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气!  Wishing you a happy year, a happy month, a happy day and a happy day, full of vigor all the time!


  20、心中有一份牵挂,款款捎给远方的你,愿快乐永与你相伴。  There is a concern in my heart, money to you in the distance, I hope happiness will always accompany you.

  21、恭贺新禧,万事如意。 Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year

  22、我们销售部全体人员祝您圣诞快乐! From all of us in sales: Happy New Year!

  23、祝福串成一首诗,一段旋律,开启一片温馨的春的园地!Greeting transformed into a poem,a melody,open a garden of spring!

  24、恭贺新年 A happy New Year to you.

  25、新年的钟声悠然响起,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在您的身边。Taking the New Year's bell sounded,gone with the wind to send my blessing,lingering in your side.

  26、Forget sadness and pain; 2022, looking forward to the future; Bless you; Forge ahead and make progress; More grinding and more experience, career has drama.

  27、一份不渝的友谊,挚着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温声地问侯:春节快乐!新年进步!  An unswerving friendship, with thousands of sincere wishes, to my missing friends, warmly greeting: Happy Spring Festival! New year's progress!

  28、感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我所做的一切。请接受我新年的祝愿,祝你平安幸福!  Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help, and thank you for all you have done for me. Please accept my new year's greetings, wishing you peace and happiness.

  29、The streets and alleys are filled with the smell of the Spring Festival. My deep blessings to you are also scattered in them. Do you realize it? Happy New Year!

  30、致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。  Best wishes for a happy new year.

  31、SMS to celebrate the new year, year-round peace, live and work in peace and contentment, industry and Bangxing, prosperity, good luck and eternal youth. I wish you a happy New Year!

  32、The new year means a new year, a new beginning, everything starts from scratch. A good beginning is half success. I wish you success forever.

  33、Thousands of text messages, special feelings, with the teacher, have a good trip; Ten thousand blessings, fresh and fresh, come from the heart and are happy. Wish teachers: happy new year, bright future, moist life and dreams come true!

  34、美满宴,生活美满展笑颜。  Happy feast, happy life and smiling face.

  35、年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for

  36、What rings is the bell, what passes through is the years, what remains is the story, and what takes away is the blessing! Hope, hope is beauty, send is blessing, wish you: Happy New Year! Peace and happiness, step by step!

  37、In the new year, good things are followed by two consecutive three, the mood is like spring in four seasons, the life is five colors and six colors, the career is prosperous, the troubles are nine night clouds, and 10 hearts and 10 meanings bless you!

  38、人依旧,物依然,又是一年;想也好,忘也罢,本是平凡;今儿好,明更好,衷心祝愿新年快乐!  People are still, things are still, is another year; think or forget, it is ordinary; today is good, better, sincerely wish a happy New Year!

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