
2023-07-07 11:32:49 听说考试文案

  I'm worried I won't have enough time to complete the listening section. How can I manage m~~你对上面的句子感兴趣吗?下面是栏目小编为你精心整理的“听说考试文案”,请阅读后分享你的朋友!


  1、How can I know that my English listening and speaking test scores are valid?

  2、I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

  3、Is it possible to reschedule the English listening and speaking test if I have an emergency?

  4、I think I need to review the material before I answer that properly.

  5、Please make sure to check your work before handing in the exam.

  6、What are your plans for the future?

  7、Can you recommend any resources for practicing my listening and speaking?

  8、How will the speaking section be assessed?

  9、How can I improve my ability to detect subtle shades of meaning in complex sentences?

  10、What is your opinion on artificial intelligence?

  11、I need to review the vocabulary words before the exam.

  12、Please speak clearly and loud enough to be heard.

  13、What are your thoughts on the importance of education?

  14、This is a multiple-choice question.

  15、Can you suggest ways to improve my reading comprehension of longer passages?

  16、Could you introduce yourself and your hobbies briefly?

  17、I need to develop my note-taking skills during listening exercises.

  18、How long will I have to wait for my scores if I take the offline English listening and speaking test?

  19、What kind of accommodations are available for individuals with disabilities?

  20、What are your goals for the future?

  21、I feel nervous about the exam.

  22、How does the author use the protagonist's flaws to create tension?

  23、Can you rephrase this sentence?



  25、Can I take the exam more than once?

  26、What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to learn English?

  27、I need to use my note-taking skills during the exam.


  29、Will there be any group discussions during the English speaking test?

  30、I don't think I'm equipped to answer that. Can I pass?


  32、Can you discuss any cultural differences you have experienced while using English in a real-life situation?

  33、I need to use my critical reading skills during the exam.

  34、How far in advance do I need to register for the exam?

  35、What is the relationship between the two characters in the dialogue?

  36、The exam will last for three hours.


  38、Should I take any breaks during the exam?

  39、My point of view is that...

  40、I need to remain composed throughout the exam.

  41、Is there a minimum pass score for each section of the English listening and speaking test?

  42、How can I manage my time effectively during the exam?

  43、How does the author use symbolism in the story?

  44、Will there be any group activities or discussions during the speaking section?

  45、What is your opinion on this topic?

  46、The exam will be divided into different sections.


  47、The exam is worth a lot of marks.

  48、Excuse me, could you speak a bit louder?

  49、How does the author use flashbacks to develop the character?

  50、Are there any dress code requirements for the English listening and speaking test?

  51、How can I expand my knowledge of cultural references in English?


  53、Sorry, I didn't follow that. Could you repeat the question?

  54、I think I need some more information before I can give a complete answer.

  55、Can I take a break during the English speaking test if I am having difficulty?

  56、Please focus and concentrate on the exam.

  57、I need to practice speaking in front of a group.

  58、Are there any refreshments provided during the English listening and speaking test?

  59、Can you suggest exercises to improve my grammar?

  60、You are not allowed to leave the exam room before the end of the exam.

  61、What is the significance of the title?

  62、How does the author use irony in the story?

  63、Can you give me feedback on my response?

  64、Can you recommend any English language movies or TV shows to watch for language practice?


  66、I need to use my intuition during the exam.

  67、Can I discuss the exam content with others after taking it?

  68、I'm worried I won't have enough time to complete the listening section. How can I manage my time effectively?


  考试祝福语 | 升学祝福语 | 毕业祝福语 | 励志名言 | 励志语录 | 励志的句子




















