search;search for; look for
They searched their homes without any reason.他们毫无理由地搜查了他们的家。
They searched him but found nothing.他们搜了他的身,但没有找到什么。
(2)search for 则指“搜寻、搜索某人或物”。如:
They searched for him everywhere.他们到处搜寻他。
The police searched the wood for the lost child.警察在树林里寻找走失的孩子。
试比较:They searched his clothes.他们搜查了他的衣服。(看是否藏有东西)
They searched for his clothes.他们在搜寻他的衣服。(要找到衣服)
另外,search也可用做名词,in search of “寻找、寻求”是个常见短语。如:
The boys went in search of something to eat.孩子们去找东西吃。
(3)look for意为“寻找”,同search for意义大体相同。但search for 意味较强,用很大注意力搜寻。而look for则较为通俗,常用于日常用语。如:
I looked for my missing pen everywhere.我到处找我丢失的那支笔。
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