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  列举指的是:First,Second,Third等逐条列出。并列句是指:A,B and C,即逐项列出。它们共同的特征是列出二点或三点以上的条目。该类型语言点常考的题型是“细节性问题”,主要有两种:

  1. Which 题型


  2. EXCEPT 题型

  该题型俗称“三缺一”题型,即题目 4 个选项中有三个符合文章内容,剩下一个不符合,题目便是要求选出这个不符合文章内容的选项。例如:All of the following are mentioned as types of evidence concerning handedness EXCEPT 这种题型只适合于考并列、列举句,这是因为它要求其三个选项一定是文章中出现的,也就是并列或列举之处。利用这一特点。我们在读文章的时候就可多留意,如看到并列、列举句,可预想其有可能被考到;如发现题目中有“三缺一”题型,则应到并列、列举处找答案。





  否定句是指带有NO或NOT,NEVER等否定词的句子,而转折句则指带有HOWEVER,BUT 或RATHER等关联词引导的句子,它们可以用下面的句型说明:A is not B,as C,but is D 。对于以上的句型常出“推断性问题”。


  句中由as或such as,for example等引导的短语或句子为举例句,常考“推断性问题”和“细节性问题”。上面句型中的as C为插入的举例句。




  文章中若出现must,all,only,anyone,always,never等绝对性词汇或first,most beautiful等最高级词汇,往往是考题要点,一般出“细节性题目”。这是因为它们都有一个共同的特点,那就是概念绝对,答案唯一,无论是出题还是做题,不会产出歧义和疑问,因此很容易出题,答案绝对正确。相反地,如果文章中出现相对性的词汇、例如Some of the people chose red hats,some chose green hats, and others blue ones. 其中some为相对性词汇,如果我们出这样一道题:What color hats did some people choose. 那么就没有唯一正确的答案,因为有可能为red,green 或blue,给评卷带来困难。


  如果文中含有more tha...



托福阅读资料 托福阅读方法 托福阅读



  The research is published online in the journal Nature Geoscience(地球科学). El Nino is a periodic(周期的)warming in the eastern tropical Pacific that occurs along the coast of South America. Recently, scientists have noticed that El Nino warming is stronger in the Central Pacific rather than the Eastern Pacific, a phenomenon known as El Nino Modoki (Modoki is a Japanese term for "similar, but different").

  Last year, the journal Nature published a paper that found climate change is behind this shift from El Nino to El Nino Modoki. While the findings of that paper are still being debated, this latest paper in Nature Geoscience presents evidence that El Nino Modoki drives a climate pattern known as the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO).

  "We've found that El Nino Modoki is responsible for changes in the NPGO,"said Emanuele Di Lorenzo, associate professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "The reason this is important is because the NPGO has significant effects on fish stocks(鱼类)and ocean nutrient distributions(海洋营养分布)in the Pacific, especially along the west coast of the United States."

  The NPGO, first named two years ago by Di Lorenzo and colleagues in a paper in Geophysical Research Letters, explained for the first time long-term changes in...


新托福阅读资料:Food Caching

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  Humans may be one of the smartest animals on the planet, but when it comes to remembering where things are, Clark’s nutcrackers have us beat.

  A relative of jays and crows, nutcrackers hide pine seeds in the ground each autumn so they have a source of food during the Colorado Rocky Mountain winter. They cache as many as 30,000 seeds in 5,000 different locations over a fifteen square mile area. Since they cannot smell the seeds buried in the soil very well, they must use their remarkable spatial memory to find them.

  Nutcrackers are not the only animals that cache food. Caching behavior is seen in birds, mammals and even insects. Chickadees store collections of seeds, insects and spiders in the bark of trees or under leaves. Red squirrels cut conifer cones from trees and bury them in plant litter on the forest floor. Harvester ants bring seeds back to their nests and store them in chambers, while honey bees save nectar and pollen in their hive.

  Because nutcrackers are one of the best at remembering cache locations, researchers are studying them to find out why they have such great memories. Scientists know that the nutcracker’s abilities evolved because of environmental pressure. Nutcrackers with poor memories did not likely survive the harsh mountain winters. Now resear...



托福考试 托福阅读
  6)【美国主要报刊】(Major Newspapers and Journals in the U.S.)


  (1)《纽约时报》(New York Times): 1851年创刊是美 国最有影响的三家大报纸之一。社址在纽约市中心的时报广场,为苏兹贝克(Sulzberger)家族所有。该报基本反映美国的外交政策及动向。平日发行量为80万份,每份约60至100页,星期日刊增加两个副刊,发行量为140万份,每份达300页以上。读者主要是美国上层社会,包括资本家、国会议员、政府官员以及高级知识分子。

  (2)《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post): 1977年创刊于首都华盛顿,是美国最有影响的三家大报纸之一,属格雷厄姆(Graham)家族所有。政治上接近国会,支持民主,颇受参议院重视。它向美国内外300多家报纸供稿,以刊载一些政府“内幕”而著称,平日发行量为50万份,星期日版为70万份。

  (3)《洛杉矶时报》(Los Angeles Times): 该报是美国西部最大的一家报纸,为美国最有影响的三大报纸之一。1881年创刊,以其倾向于共和,代表西部利益集团的观点而引人注目。发行量为100万份。

  (4)《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal): 1889年创刊,由美国主要财政金融新闻出版企业集团“道?琼斯”公司(Dow Jones)出版,是美国有影响的全国性财政金融专业性报纸。发行量为140万份。

  (5)《纽约每日新闻》(Daily News): 1919年创刊,为美国发行量最大的报纸。


  (1)《时代》(Time): 周刊,1923年创刊于纽约,分国内版和国外版,国外版又分欧洲、亚洲及拉丁美洲版。该刊以报导及时和文字新颖取胜。辟有国外新闻、经济、宗教、科学、法律、人物、医药、影剧评论、体育等各类专题报导。发行量约300万份。

  (2)《新闻周刊》(Newsweek): 创刊于1933年,是一种综合性杂志。除国内版外,还有大西洋版和太平洋版。是与《时代》同享盛名的美国两家全国性周刊,发行量约300万份。

  (3)《读者文摘》(Readers Digest): 月刊,创刊于1922年,号称世界发行量最大的杂志,以15种文字,39种版本出版,每期发行量达3000万册。内容广泛,以专摘各大报和著名杂志的文章为一特色,另一特色则是用刊头、刊尾到处补白、插警语、箴言、座右铭、小笑话等。政治上反映美国保守派的观点。

  (4)《美国新闻与世界报导》(U.S. News and World Report): 1948年由《美国新闻》、《世界报导》和《美国周刊》三刊合并而成。着重于政治、经济和军事的综合报导与评论。代表洛克菲勒财团的利益,发行量达300 万份。

  7)【常春藤联盟】(the Ivy League)

  指美国东部8所历史悠久的名牌大学。因其校舍墙壁上长满了常春藤,故名。这8所大学是:1764年建于罗得岛州的布朗(Brown)大学;1754年建于纽约市的哥伦比亚(Columbia)大学;1769年建于新罕布尔州的达得茅斯 (Dartmouth)大学;1865年建于纽约州的康乃尔(Cornell) 大学;16...



长寿 积累

  It may come as old news to many women, but it seems a bit of retail therapy really is good for you.

  A day at the shops can help you live longer, says a study.

  And surprisingly, the benefits are actually greater for men.

  The study even suggests the long-term survival benefits of shopping are better than going to the gym.

  Seeing friends and just people-watching can stave off loneliness and improve psychological health, suggests research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

  It looked at almost 1,850 people aged 65 and over living independently at home in Taiwan, who were asked how often they went shopping.

  The researchers then tracked how long each of the participants lived by linking individuals to national death registration data between 1999 and 2008.

  They found those who shopped daily lived longer than those who shopped less frequently, even after taking account of people’s physical or other health problems.

  Going to the shops every day cut the chances of a participant dying during the period of the study by more than a quarter compared with those who don’t shop regularly.

  Older men who frequently popped out to the shops had the best survival record, with a reduction of 28 per cent in their chances of dying, while older women saw sli...





  Singles who have trouble finding a date may be suffering from unresolved grief, which can block love, a US author suggests.


  Aurora Winter, author of From Heartbreak to Happiness, says loneliness, disappointment and anger are all symptoms of grief and studies show most people suffer from unresolved grief.

  《从心碎到幸福》的作者欧若拉 文特称孤独、失望和愤懑都是苦闷心情的典型症状,而研究表明大部分人都有难以释怀的经历。

  "Divorce, death and disappointments can all hurt your chances of finding love -- without you knowing it. Unresolved grief blocks love. I can tell you from personal experience that no one wants to compete with a ghost," Winter, who founded the Grief Coach Academy after the sudden death of her husband at age 33, says in a statement. "People who have lost a spouse to death frequently yearn for their late husband or wife."


  It's a very small step between resenting one's former partner and being bitter at the opposite sex in general -- including your date -- but to find love, it is absolutely essential that people heal unresolved grief from prior relationships, Winter advises.



托福阅读资料分析:穿越到古代 你敢私奔吗

 现在穿越剧大热,很多电视剧中的穿越女猪脚宣扬爱情婚姻自由,甚至和心爱的人私奔了之。可是,在真正的古代,私奔的结局又是如何呢?下面,就来进入我们今天的托福阅读材料:穿越到古代 你敢私奔吗?

  What happened to the runaway lovers in ancient China?


  “Elopement” is a term or an event with some sort of mysteriousness. In China, stories about runaway lovers are quite a lot. Some may wonder, what eventually happened to the runaway lovers, or if there were happy endings to those brave lovers.


  In ancient China, elopement mainly referred to the act of running away with one’s beloved. The lovers, usually not able to gain approval of marriage from parents, had to resort to a secret runaway. Mostly the female lover would follow her beloved male lover.


  In fact, “elopement” seldom happened in ordinary households. In the rich or official families, as the young generation received a relatively higher education, there were cases of young lovers going against their parents’ wish and running away for marriage freedom. However, as the act did not accord with the value of “arranging a match by parents’ order and on the matchmaker’s word” which was much advocated by the feudal ethics, not many stories of runaway lovers have been handed down.




托福阅读资料:Bat Spit

托福阅读高分的关键是在于多看多练,同学们在日常练习中应该重视托福阅读材料的分析。为了帮助广大考生更好的复习,为大家整理提供托福阅读材料: 《Bat Spit》,供各位考生复习参考。


  Anyone who reads gothic fiction will tell you that vampires are bad news. People who read modern medical journals, however, might disagree–in fact, they think vampires just might help save lives.

  The kind of vampire I’m talking about is Desmodus rotundus, commonly known as the “vampire bat.” Yep, these little creatures are real; and even though they almost never turn into suave Romanian counts to drool over, they do drool a lot themselves. That’s because their saliva is an essential part of their dining habits.

  When a vampire bat latches onto, say, a steer, it needs to keep the blood flowing from the puncture made by its teeth. That’s achieved by a natural anti-coagulant in the vampire bat’s saliva. Despite what you see in the movies, vampire bats almost never drink human blood. But people do suffer from other blood problems–a leading one being stroke.

  Stroke is caused by a clotting in the blood which stops the flow and can starve areas of the brain of oxygen. Doctors have generally broken up clots with a compound called tPA. TPA works okay, but it has dangerous side effects, and can even hurt brain cells.

  A better idea? Bring in the ba...


托福阅读资料:Bedtime Blues

  托福阅读高分的关键是在于多看多练,同学们在日常练习中应该重视托福阅读材料的分析。为了帮助广大考生更好的复习,为大家整理提供托福阅读材料: 《Bedtime Blues》,供各位考生复习参考。

  Never a happy topic, bed wetting is a very distressing problem for five to seven million American kids. If we can’t explain why some people like to pick on these kids, can we at least shed some light on what causes bed wetting?

  At one time, people punished bed-wetters for acting badly, but today scientists believe that this condition has several physical causes. Some kids suffer from problems like infections or anatomical defects that can be easily identified and treated.

  Other causes are harder to pin down. One promising area of research is on the kidney hormone ADH. We all produce more ADH hormone at night. ADH signals the kidney to slow down production. This is why we don’t go to the bathroom for eight hours at night but could never last that long between bathroom breaks during the day. Some children who wet their beds do not produce enough ADH at night. When given drugs that boost this hormone, they stop bed wetting.

  Finally, some kids simply have small bladders and an undeveloped nervous system. The good news is that these kids, like most bedwetters, will grow out of it as their bodies develop and mature.



 托福阅读高分的关键是在于多看多练,同学们在日常练习中应该重视托福阅读材料的分析。为了帮助广大考生更好的复习,为大家整理提供托福阅读材料: 《长出“电脑脸”》,供各位考生复习参考。


  经常与电脑打交道的人,由于长时间面对没有生命的电脑屏幕,而与人的交流越来越少,会在不知不觉中生出一张表情淡漠、冷峻“电脑脸”:发色枯黄、神情呆滞、没有笑容,并往往缺乏生活热情,敏感多疑、以自我中心、固执己见或对某事耿耿于怀。据“互联网从业者健康调查 ”结果显示,98%长期使用电脑的上班族感到身体健康度有所下降,80%以上认为从事互联网行业会导致“电脑脸 ”“电脑狂躁 ”等疾病。电脑无疑是上班族最亲密的伙伴,上班办公、下班娱乐,但也因此引发了一系列健康问题,如颈椎疼痛、表情僵硬、眼睛发干发涩等。精神内科医生建议,为避免长出“电脑脸”,需保持合适欲望,拥有快乐的心态;多跟亲人、朋友联络,通过面对面的交流增进感情。很多人以工作太累为由,放假了就闭门不出,反而没有出去散散心得到的放松效果好。此外,积极参与体育锻炼能大大释放心理压力,缓解疲劳。运动能改善中枢神经系统的功能,提高大脑皮层神经过程的兴奋性、均衡性和灵活性。

  A growing number of women are developing something called ‘computer face’, a leading cosmetic surgeon said. Dr Michael Prager said professionals who worked long hours in front of a screen were ending up with saggy jowls, ‘turkey neck’ and deep-set wrinkles on their forehead and around their eyes. The Botox specialist said that, of all his clientele, office workers were most likely to show premature signs of ageing.


  ‘If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown or squint while they are concentrating at the screen then, over time, you will inevitably end up with frown lines,’ Dr Prager, 42, said.‘What is per...

