出国留学网专题频道碟中谍5栏目,提供与碟中谍5相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 《碟中谍5》(Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation)是《碟中谍》系列电影的第五部,《碟中谍5》继续由汤姆·克鲁斯主演,中国演员张静初确认加盟。导演选定曾和阿汤有过合作的克里斯托夫·迈考利, 《碟中谍5》是导演克里克里斯托弗·麦奎里首次执导“碟中谍”系列,但并非他第一次与阿汤哥合作,《钢铁侠3》编剧德鲁·皮尔斯操刀剧本。执导过《碟中谍3》的J·J·艾布拉姆斯将和阿汤一起担任制片人。影片由《非常嫌疑犯》的编剧克里斯托夫·迈考利执导,也是阿汤哥继《明日边缘》、《侦探杰克》及《行动目标希特勒》之后再度与迈考利携手。他饰演的伊森·亨特将继续上演特工冒险,与一个名叫“The Syndicate”的犯罪组织斗争。The Syndicate即是片名中所谓的“失控国度”。影片于2015年7月31日以2D/IMAX格式在北美上映,并于2015年9月8日在中国内地上映。


英语阅读 英语文章 碟中谍5

  下面是出国留学网英语资源栏目小编为大家带来的一篇英语阅读:看《碟中谍5》之前你必须知道的6件事,在你观看这部电影前,了解下面这6个事实会升级你的整个观影体验 。

  Mission: Impossible is now almost synonymous with its lead actor Tom Cruise. While even the James Bonds and the Marvel superheroes of the world keep changing, Tom Cruise has been with the Mission Impossible franchise for almost two decades now. And we're still not tired of it!


  Meanwhile, his MI character, Ethan Hunt, is back one more time, to leave us all breathless in the fifth installment of the film series - Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation. But before you catch the film, check out these 6 facts that will make the entire experience even better!


  1.The airplane stunt that Tom Cruise performed himself, without any stunt double or special effects, had him suspended on the aircraft 5000 feet in the air at times.


  2. Tom Cruise and Ving Rhames are the only actors to appear in all five films in the franchise.

  2. 汤姆·克鲁斯和文·瑞姆斯是唯一两个都在五部《碟中谍》系列电影中出演过的演员。

  3. Cruise performed all of his driving stunts as well.

  3. 电影中阿汤哥所有的飙车特技也都是自己亲自完成的。

  4. Benedict Cumberbatch was the first choice to play the villain in the film. But the role finall...

