【时事聚焦】 由央视和凤凰卫视联合推出的大型电视行动《走进非洲》一反常规旅行探险节目单线单队的拍摄方式,24名队员历时三个半月,穿越30多个国家,行程近8万公里。这是一次在同一时间、不同地点进行的多角度、大视野的电视拍摄拉力赛,一次前所未有的考验。每年的6~7月,随着旱季来临和青草逐渐被吃光,上百万头的角马从坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂国家公园(Serengeti, 世界最大的野生动物园)北上,向着肯尼亚的马赛马拉(Masai Mara)国家自然保护区进发,寻找东面印度洋的充足水源和食物,到11月前,再从马赛马拉返回。这是一段3000千米的漫长旅程,途中不仅要穿越狮子、豹子埋伏的草原,还要跨越布满鳄鱼的马拉河。在途中,有数十万角马将死在路上,抛尸荒野,但也有数十万头小角马在路上出生。这是自然界最伟大的迁徙过程之一。详见以下的原版新闻:
Wonderful Kenya wildebeest migration
One of the many famousevents that takes place each year in East Africa is the ‘great migration’,which would make a strong contestant for any wildlife event of the yearcompetition. The ungulates that take part in the migration consist ofwildebeest, zebra and gazelle. They make their way around the Serengeti andNgorongoro Crater of Tanzania and the Masai Mara of Kenya in an anti-clockwisedirection for over 1,000 miles. It is estimated that over 1,400,000 wildebeestmake the year long journey which repeats yearly, as well as 200,000 zebras andgazelle. Along the way many of the animals will meet their end, with some beingcrushed in the crowded stampedes, others drowning in the rivers that they crossand more unlucky ones falling prey to be picked out by hungry predators such aslions or crocodiles.
In search of pastures newand fresh watering holes, the wildebeest set off on their perilous trip. Theexact timing of it can’t be predicted, but we use previous year migration dataas a guideline.