




  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English Dubbing Contest, the biggest voice-over competition of the year! We are thrilled to have you all here today and we can't wait to see what our contestants have to offer.

  The English Dubbing Contest is a platform for young and talented voice-over artists to showcase their skills. The competition is fierce, and the stakes are high. Our judges are looking for originality, creativity, and most importantly, the ability to bring characters to life.

  The rules of the contest are simple. Each contestant will be given a script and a character to dub. The script will be from a popular film or television series, and the character will be chosen at random. The contestants have to read the script and record their voice-over for the character they are assigned to.

  The judges will be looking for a few key elements when they are scoring the performances. First and foremost, they want to see that the contestant has a good understanding of the character they are dubbing. They want to see that the contestant has researched the character and has a grasp of their personality, tone, and mannerisms.

  Secondly, the judges will be looking for the contestant's ability to bring emotion to the character they are dubbing. We want to see tears, laughter, and everything in between....

