Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English Dubbing Contest, the biggest voice-over competition of the year! We are thrilled to have you all here today and we can't wait to see what our contestants have to offer.
The English Dubbing Contest is a platform for young and talented voice-over artists to showcase their skills. The competition is fierce, and the stakes are high. Our judges are looking for originality, creativity, and most importantly, the ability to bring characters to life.
The rules of the contest are simple. Each contestant will be given a script and a character to dub. The script will be from a popular film or television series, and the character will be chosen at random. The contestants have to read the script and record their voice-over for the character they are assigned to.
The judges will be looking for a few key elements when they are scoring the performances. First and foremost, they want to see that the contestant has a good understanding of the character they are dubbing. They want to see that the contestant has researched the character and has a grasp of their personality, tone, and mannerisms.
Secondly, the judges will be looking for the contestant's ability to bring emotion to the character they are dubbing. We want to see tears, laughter, and everything in between. We want to feel like we are watching the character on the screen, not just listening to a voice-over.
Finally, the judges will be evaluating the technical aspects of the performance. They will be looking for clarity of speech, timing, and overall delivery. They want to see that the contestant is comfortable with the microphone and knows how to control their voice.
The winner of the English Dubbing Contest will receive a cash prize, a recording contract, and a chance to work with some of the top film and television producers in the industry. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our contestants, and we are excited to see who will come out on top.
So, without further ado, let's get started! Our first contestant is ready to take the stage and show us what they've got. Remember, ladies and gentlemen, we are here to support our contestants and appreciate their hard work and dedication. Let's give them the encouragement they deserve!
黄埔江游览的线路是从外滩出发,先逆流而上,向南至南浦大桥,再调头向北,过杨浦大桥直至吴淞口,再从吴淞口返回至外滩。这是上海市区第一座跨越黄浦江的大桥。南浦大桥。全长8346米。江对岸,就是东方明珠电视塔,塔高468米,仅次于多伦多的加拿大国家电视塔和莫斯科电视塔,是亚洲第一、世界第三高塔。黄浦公园,上海最早的公园,现在在公园内建有上海市人民英雄纪念塔。位于黄浦公园旁边苏州河上的这座铁桥,叫外白渡桥,建于1920xx年,桥边这座大厦是上海大厦,建于1934年,原名百老汇大厦。 杨浦大桥,继南浦大桥后,横跨于黄浦江上的又一座大桥,是世界第一的斜拉桥。两座大桥,象两条巨龙横跨于黄浦江上,中间是东方明珠电视塔,正好构成了一幅“二龙戏珠”的巨幅画卷。 吴淞口,黄浦江与长江的汇合处,又紧临着长江的入海口,这里,是黄浦江、长江和东海三股水流交会的地方,如果正值涨潮,便可看到著名的“三夹水”奇观,这是因为长江水流到这里,正遇上黄浦江横水流的阻挡,东海水涨潮从80公里处的长江入海口涌到这里,便形成了三股水流的汇聚,黄浦江从市区带出的是青灰色的水,长江带来的是夹有泥沙的黄色水,而东海水则是绿颜色的,三股水颜色不同,泾渭分明,形成色彩鲜明的三夹水。
在中国,园林被分为三大类:皇家园林、私家园林和寺庙园林。豫园属于私家园林。中国园林有许多技巧,比如借景、障景等等。不过它们都由四个基本因素组成。这四个因素是水、植物、建筑和假山。大多数的私家花园是在江南,就是因为这儿多水源和适宜做假山的石。豫园是四百多年前明朝时建。园主姓潘,是个大官。他建此园是取悦于双亲,让他们安享晚年。所以豫园的”豫”字就取其豫悦之意。可惜的是他父母末能眼见豫园落成就去世了。清末,潘家衰弱,其后代变卖此园于当地行会。豫园之所以成为名胜,还另有一原因。1853年,上海爆发小刀会起义,园内一厅堂曾被用作指挥部。今天豫园是个必游之地。所以我建议到了那儿我们千万不要走散,最好大家寸步不离,好吗? 这儿是停车场。万一有人走散,请记住车号最后三个数字是121。我想最好不要发生这类事。我会举着小红旗,你们全陪张先生会殿后。大家准备好了没有?我们上路吧。下车时请注意自行车。 女士们、先生们,这座就是著名的九曲桥。为什么是九呢?因为是阳数最高的数。走在桥上,逗留时间就长。还可以从不同角度观赏风景。还有,据说鬼怪只能走直线,所以你不必为遇到鬼怪而担心。
在桥的中间,有座亭子,始建于清朝,大约在80多年前被改作一茶馆。老人们喜欢早晨来此,会会朋友,沏上一壶茶,聊聊天儿。一般他们喝的都是一种绿茶,叫做”龙井”。这个茶馆也是外国首脑常来之地。比如1986年英国女王伊丽莎白二世来上海,也亲临茶馆喝了茶。 确实,能在这儿喝上一壶也是一种享受。试想一下,在一个夏日,你来到茶馆,临窗而坐,俯视着开满荷花的绿池。迎面吹来阵阵凉风。在悠雅的江南丝竹声中,你提起紫砂壶,慢慢地呷上一口微温的”龙井”茶。你会觉得飘然若仙。 你们也想喝一壶?对不起,我还是不能让你们去。等我们看完豫园再做决定,行不行? 这儿就是豫园的入口。当你走进一个私家花园,视线总会被什么东西挡住,有时是假山,有时是这肃的照壁。这是园林一技巧,称之为障景。不让你一日了然,却让你看到一部分,然后才达到”步移景易”的效果。 这座堂叫”仰山堂”。大家知道,上海位于一冲积平原,市内无山、无林。所以此”山”就指对面那座假山。它高12米,重80吨。它过去乃至今天一直是个奇迹。因为四百多年前没有水泥和熟石膏,人们就用烹煮过的糯米,加上明矾和石灰,把石块粘起来。至今安然无恙。看见山顶的亭子吗?四百年前,这是上海城最高点。从那儿可看到黄浦江上的渔船、帆影,可这些今天只能在电影中见到了。你也仅能看见他们上移的头顶。因为盘旋的小径皆被树、石遮住。这实在是园艺大师张南阳的杰作。也被公认是本地最佳假山。 在假山之后,有座龙墙。这是本园一特色。总共有五条龙墙。这边走,我要带你们去个地方,那儿能清楚地看见另一条龙墙。
女士们、先生们,这就是我刚才说的那条龙墙。龙实际上是想像出来的动物。我们称自己为龙的传人。不知道大家是否读过赛珍珠的《龙籽》。如果看过的话,这儿很多东西令你觉得熟悉。请看这条龙,你会发觉这是个多种动物的综合体。你看它头似牛,眼似虾,角似……我看不太像牛。我们通常说角似鹿,身似蛇,鳞似鱼,爪似鸡或者鹰。请告诉我,你们看见几个趾,三个对。但一般龙应有五趾。为什么是三个呢?其中有一故事。以前,只有皇帝和皇室人员才配有龙的图案。园主潘允端用了龙做墙,他有野心。不知怎么,皇帝得知此事,便派人来调查。潘允端得悉后,立即令人敲下两个趾。当朝延官吏一到,园主说:”瞧,这本不是龙,只有三趾。”真是个聪明人,不然他性命难保。 你们说想拍一集体照。我看以龙墙为背景,这可是最佳的地方,我来替你们拍,别忘了说”cheese”。这儿我们可看见三块石头。中间那块称作”玉玲珑”。这并非是玉,但是挺有名,叫太湖石,外型是由水侵蚀而成。这原来是给宋微宗的贡品。宋微宗广收奇花异石,称”花石纲”。可怎么会到这儿来的呢?原来,在运往当时京都遗失了。多年之后,又成了地地方官绅的玩物。后来他把该石送给潘允端做嫁妆,因为潘的兄弟娶了他女儿。玉玲珑因有”瘦、透、皱、漏”等特点而著称。假如你自上而下倒水。它72孔孔孔犹如小瀑布;如你在下方燃香,它72孔孔孔烟香缥缈,非常美丽。园主以前常凝视此石多时,留连忘返。这也是园林功效之一,一个景物使你沉思,结果达到情晚合一的境界。
The snowflakes in the sky are like the dancing notes which compose a happy movement and predicts a wonderful and encouraging new year for all of us .
So let’s wait quietly for the spring bell from the Future, the Hope and the Brightness.
Turning over the last page of the calender, the year will become the history . Looking back to the past year, we are full of all sorts of feelings well up in our minds.
The past 365 days and nights seem like 365 steps which have been recorded in the history .
Our efforts have come up with great achievements and a lot of happy smiles. Looking back, we are all gratified .
Spring has been back. Let’s open the bee box where there’s so much honey stored over the winter. So today, let’s fly towards the future with the melody of the songs.
The New Year’s Day Celebration by XX School , now begins !
It’s the best time to give regards at the beginning and ending of the year.
We had both happiness and regret in the past year. Now , let’s sincerely bless
Bless our Huachu, bless the new year and our future
Well, let’s enjoy the wonderful programs by ......
The New Spring is round the corner. We wish our great motherland prosperity day by day
We wish our Huachu will bring up more talents and create more achievements
We wish all the distinguished guests, teachers, schoolmates present happiness!
We are lucky because we are living in an age-old but young and prosperous nation through the revolutionists and builders’ struggle and efforts generation after generation.
We are proud because we have a great motherland. As the new year arrives, we want to say:
China, I shall give my best regards to you; China, I shall give my cheers for you
It’s true that we are a generation full of happiness ;
It’s true that we are a generation full of vigour.
We are enthusiastic; We have dreams;
We are young and healthy, we have inspiration .
To learn to thank others makes our life more valuable;
To learn to thank others makes our morality permanent.
As the saying goes, “ When we drink water from the well, we shall never forget the person who digs the well.” You know, our progress lies in.
The bell for the new year is soon to strike; The overture for the ceremony is soon to play.
With the accompaniment music of our school band, let’s wish our motherland more prosperity and our School
More verdure .
The footsteps of the new spring are nearer and nearer.
Wish each of our distinguished guests and teachers a successful career and a happy family.
Wish our schoolmates great progress and more achievements.
Wish our Huachu a more splendid future
In the new year.
That’s all for the New Year’s Day Celebration by XX School. Thank you for being with us.
Welcome Speech
Ladies and gentleman good morning !Welcome to广州please sit back and relax.your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you don't have to worry about that,first on behalf of nanhuo international travel service and myself welcome everyone come to广州province,I’m very pleased to be your guide during your stay in广州province,if you have just come to here I can show you around. now please allow me introduce myself my name is li xxOr call me , which is my English name,sitting beside me is our driver Mr li ,he has more than ten year’s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one,We will always be using the same bus while we are here in广州so I recommend that you write down the number on our license plate .There will be a lot of tour buses at the scenic spots we visit.If you happen to get separated from the group,you will have the bus number and still be able to find our bus .an old Chinese saying may express our hospitality:"Isn't it a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar "。Mr li and I will do as much as we can to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable ,I hope that your visit to this ancient province will be a happy and memorable experience in your life .
You are going to stay at the Holiday Inn Shangri-La Hotel.Hotel Details,Shangri-La Hotel, guangzhou is the city's only international luxury hotel. Located in the centre of one of China's fastest-growing cities, the hotel's 458 guest rooms and 98 fully serviced apartments provide a convenient, private and quiet haven for short- and long-term guests。 As you’ll be staying in our city for three days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus. The number is 97710. Let me repeat: 97710. We will always in from you in advance when we will meet to go somewhere and when we will have our meals.It's very important taht you always try to be on make sure that we don't have any problems,I'd like to remind you of the time difference.While you are traveling in Chian,you will always use Bejing Standard Time.Right now it is Sptmber 20 and the current time is 10:00 AM.please adjust you watches now.So that we can avoid any confusion later on.
If you have any special interests,please don't hesitate to let us know.Our job is to smoon your way,care for your welfare,answer any questions you have assist you in whatever way we can.We relly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope you will enjoy your stay in my city.
Ladies and gentleman!
Time goes so quickly and your travel in Zhejiang is drawing to close.
Let me take this opportunity to say something about our wonderful trip.
First of all, I wish to thank you all for your cooperation given us in the past days.
Days ago, we met as strangers,today, we say goodbye to each other as friends.
If you want to travel in Zhejiang someday in the future I hope to be your guide again and take you around more tourist sites.
Thank you!
请让我趁此机会谈谈我们的奇妙之旅 。
几天前,我们还是不相识的陌生人, 今天,我们是要说再见的朋友。
阳春三月,歌声飞扬,欢声笑语,天降吉祥,在这美好的日子里, 我们迎来了jason先生和爱丽小姐喜结良缘、幸福结合。
在这里首先请允许我代表二位新人对各位来宾的光临表示最衷心感谢和热烈欢迎!我是主持人xxx很荣幸能主持今天的结婚庆典仪式与朋友们共同见证这个美好的时刻 !这位是新娘的好朋友,丹艳小姐, 她将为今天婚礼庆典做一些 简要翻译。
ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. we are gathered today to celebrate the marriage of shaohua yan and jason madan. the ceremony will be conducted by our mc, xxx. my name is danyan. shaohua and i have been close friends for many years, and it is my pleasure to provide an english commentary on today’s proceedings. we feel honoured to be here with everybody to experience this special moment.
the host will now call for the ceremony to begin with the playing of the wedding march.
现在正是良辰吉时,我宣布新婚庆典仪式现在开始,请我们的音响师奏响庄严的婚礼进行曲,让我们大家以最热烈的掌声有请二位新人登场![music begins here] (婚礼音乐奏响,新郎和新娘挽手步入,向两边来宾挥手致意,要面带微笑哟)
the host has given us some background on the bride and groom. they were separated by distance and culture, but these are no barriers for destiny and love. in a short video, their matchmaker, ms zhang, will explain how this romantic journey began.
小伙子深爱着这位姑娘,跨越千山万水义无反顾的要把我们中国姑娘娶回家 ,那么他们是怎莫认识并情定终身的呢?请看大屏幕-这是他们的红娘张娜小姐对此解说的一段视频。
来宾朋友们, 这真是千里姻缘一线牵呀。
烛火代表着家族香火的延续 代表着爱情圣火 现场每一位来宾的心中充满了祝福的火焰 舞台上二位新人的心中充满了爱的火焰
the couple will now light a fire that symbolises their love and the continuation of the family line from generation to generation.
请二位新人 手持引火器共同点燃爱的烛台 让我们祝福新人爱相随心相依情相连!
mr. xxx, as a person of good standing, will now read out the marriage certificate and will also give his best wishes to the married couple.
for any parent, a child’s wedding day is a truly blessed occasion. the host will now ask the parents of the happy couple to join us on the stage. the bride and groom will then bow to them three times.
the first two bows give thanks for raising them well, and with the third the couple promise to look after their parents in the future. the couple will then bow to the attending guests, to show thanks, and then to each other, as a promise to love and take care of each other forever.
the host will now invite the father of the bride-mr.yan to say a few words.
[father of the bride delivers speech]
…….content of the speech, follows “the host now will invite the father of the groom mr.madan to say a few words. “
next, the couple will exchange rings, to represent pure and everlasting love.
we now invite the groom to say a few words.
[jason’s speech here]
好的,接下来请这对新人走到百年好合香槟塔前,共同的倾诉你们的爱和蜜意,此时此刻,缓缓流下的不仅是香槟酒的颜色和味道,更是象征着你们的爱是绵长、甜蜜,这是情与情的相容,这是爱与爱的呼唤一种情感,在至爱与极美的瞬间凝固,在碰撞与激情的瞬间,锁定 然后慢慢的沉淀,消融满意释放的柔美过程,深藏的柔情蜜意在瞬间化成永恒!
请你们细细品味相识的每一天、每一时、每一刻、每一秒、心有双丝网,化作同心结,二位新人已经将香槟塔注满,他代表着长久甜蜜! [1][2][3]
the champagne tower represents the couple’s love, sweet and overflowing.
we wish traditional chinese blessing for the newlyweds - may their marriage be joyful, may it last until every single hair turns white, may their hearts be joined forever. this concludes the ceremony - thank you for sharing this happy occasion with us. we hope you enjoy the rest of the day. lunch will now be served.
See station is coming, I also want to guangxi guide and said goodbye. As "and will send prince li, different." In this guide, I thank everyone guangxi friends of my work. Only a few days time, you leave me a very deep impression, thank you for your cooperation! In the days of the tour process, if you please, correct, your opinion is our direction, we improve the proposal will be the target. In return, if there is any deficiencies, please forgive. Hope everyone can have the opportunity to come again, we appreciate our spring lake, summer fragrance, autumn and winter snow red light. All of your beauty, when I come again to guangxi guide you as a guide. Finally I wish you have a nice trip! Family happiness! Health!
眼看火车站就要到了,桂导我也要和大家说再见了。常言道"相见时难别亦难,送君千里终有别"。在此,桂导我非常感谢各位朋友对我工作 的支持。短短几天时间,大家给我留下了非常深刻的印象,谢谢大家的合作!在几天的游览过程中,若有不尽人意之处,还请各位批评指正, 您的意见将是我们努力的`方向,您的建议将是我们改进的目标。在返程途中,如果有什么不足之处,还请多谅解。希望大家有机会能再来我 市,欣赏我们的春季湖水、夏日荷香、秋天红叶和冬季的雪光。一 年四季的美景等着您,到时桂导我再来给各位当导游。最后祝愿大家一 路平安!合家欢乐!身体健康!
Judge: I think it's time for the wedding to begin. 好,时间差不多了。
Judge: All right, ladies and gentleman. Please take your place. The wedding ceremony is about to begin. 好,女士们,先生们。
Judge: OK, (Sb.) start the music. 好,(某某)请放乐曲。
[the music and ceremony begin.] [婚礼进行曲响起,圣洁的婚礼正式开始]
Judge: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matriomony. Do either of you have any reason why you should not legally be joined in marriage? 大家好,我们今天在这里出席这位男士和这位女士的神圣的婚礼。
Is there anyone present who can show any just cause why these two people should not be legally joined in marriage? 在场的各位当中,有谁能提供正当的理由,指出这两位的婚姻不合法吗? (如果任何人知道有什么理由使得这次婚姻不能成立,就请说出来)
Then, (full name of the bridegroom here), do you take (full name of the bride here) to be your lawful, wedded wife? 好,(新郎正式姓名),你愿意接受(新娘正式姓名),作为你的合法妻子吗?