

托福口语 托福口语机经


  1. 如何帮助一个不敢再public面前讲话的朋友

  2. 喜欢快餐还是其他食物 为什么

  3. 学校说以后提供给学生的job list不仅包括on-camps job 还有off-campus job 女生觉得这样很好 因为on-camps job总是很快被抢光 而且对于freshman来说 不知道如何开始工作因为都不是很熟悉 再说on-camps job都跟学生专业无关 也不能让resume

  4. place marketing 一个地方寻找自己与众不同的地方创造商机吸引顾客 professor举了一个beach的例子 这个beach发现自己有bicycle path 别的beach都没有 决定用这个发展商机 它做了一堆广告介绍自己的sports activities 比如沙滩排球 自行车比赛神码的 吸引年轻人 并取得了巨大成功

  5. 男生遇到问题 借不到合适的西装参加朋友的婚礼 他brother的他穿太小 他自己说另外一个一个朋友zoey也可以借给他 但是这个也不一定合适 女生说你可以自己买啊 男生觉得一个好西装太贵 但是又说马上有一个面试 他觉得可以在面试里找工作赚钱买西装

  6. 介绍了两种树抵御森林大火的方法 一种有thick tissue 保护里面重要的部分(vital part) 不被stay cool 另外一种drop off已经被烧到的部分 保持剩下的部分尽量不被烧到

  1. Your friend wants to drive away the fear when speak in front of groups of people, what suggestion you would give her?

  2. Do you prefer to have fast food in the fast-food restaurant?

  3. State university is planning to post off-campus job opportunities on the university's newspaper:

  1) let the student aware that there are lots of job opportunities available

  2) help students to find a job that is relevant to their major

  The woman agrees with the above plan:(use her own exp. and her friends exp. )

  1) hard for them, esp first grade students to find a job on campus in that the # of jobs offered are limited & they will be occupied very quickly

  2) Her friend who majoring in law, but only get a job in a book store, ...



托福作文 托福作文机经


  综合: 文章讲到一种叫lembeosaurs的恐龙,有一个crest(冠)在头上,这个crest 有三种用处,第一,帮助嗅觉,因为发现crest里头有很多blood vessels,这个构造跟当代一种嗅觉发达的动物很像。 第二, 通过extra area that can help them cool down rapidly.作者拿出另一个s 开头的恐龙,说明这个道理。 第三,这个crest 能make sounds for them to communicate, 因为科学家发现他们有很好的听觉,所以他们需要交流,故crest 有这个用处。 但是听力中,教授反驳, 1,虽然crest上有很多血管,但是这种恐龙的大脑太小了,不能process the information efficiently.所以跟大脑不配对,故不可能。 2. 跟另外一种龙相比,crest部分的皮肤is too small to make a difference in cooling them down. 3. fossils found that only 1 species of the lembeosaur had developed a sphisticated sound ability, others may not, 因此证据不够,综上所述,这个crest到底有啥用,还不清楚。

  独立:do you agrre or disagree with the statement, although a lot of people know the environmental situation ( global warming etc) the present situation is unlikely to change in the future,



托福阅读 托福阅读机经



  第二篇:日本土地私有化过程,公元7-8世纪,日本土地分配问题严重,导致很多 农民放弃土地,影响到了国家的利益,然后国际后来颁布法令,改造灌溉设施等就能得到土地,后来直接就宣布国家实行土地私有化。(很抱歉,这个文章比较抽象,记不住。



  第三篇:美国蒙大拿的水的利用,开头说美国蒙大拿利用冰雪融水浇灌,和地下水(aquifer)生活,但是global warming 导致冰雪融水减少,中间举例国家公园的冰山的数量再减少。之后说当地居民根据土地所有时间去分配用水,土地持有长的有优先权,但是造成了问题,因为土地所有权短的人住在山上,他们分配的水少,对他们来说,看见水白白从山上流下,却不能用,可能被sue(起诉,单词题考到了).



  1. 电报, 一开始说电报对美国的作用,然后比较美国和欧洲电报发展的模式,美国是私人控制,然后经过激烈竞争后形成垄断,但是仍然保持私有, 欧洲则是整合到了国家邮政系统了,不利于发展,然后又说现在又很多人和历史学家过分夸大电报的作用,却没有注意到邮政系统的发展,,,(这文章也很抽风,读不懂)

  2. 鸟类如何学得自己的鸣叫? 开篇先提出问题, 鸟类如何学得? 模仿还是遗传? 然后科学家举出一个C开头的鸟的例子,说科学家从小把他们隔离后,他们之后,会叫,但是明显很简单,原来他们跟大鸟和邻居的鸟学得了一些特殊的叫声。 之后,又举例一种白羽雀,实验证明,他们出生前三个月在学习鸣叫,之后就不会再学了(实验证实),同时,他的基因让它了解鸣叫的模式,但是他需要自己练习,如果他听不见别的鸟的鸣叫,以及自己的鸣叫,他就什么都不会了。




托福听力 托福听力机经


  1. 学生跟教授申请做TA(teaching assistance) 但是philosophy专业只要graduate student做TA 女生说我可以帮忙批作业啊 老师说我们的TA不止要批作业 还要教课 女生说噢那我definitely没有准备好教科啦 于是就算了


  1. 问老师为什么说"aren't you grade two?" 我选了他想要确认对女生qualification的看法。

  2. 女生认为philosophy的TA是什么样的 我选了她认为跟别的department的TA一样

  2. 美国政府在经济萧条时期支援art的发展 给artist提供更多的职位 后来逐渐发展为art的style偏向反映当时的社会现状 后来出了一个artist创作一些反映社会敏感问题 诸如农民工过度劳作 之类的话题 导致政府撤回了对art的资助。。

  3. 两种不同的ant和他们所依赖生存的树 其中一种ant以某种树为食物 貌似可以喷毒液导致那种树的竞争对手都死掉 所以那种树dominate了一个热带雨林 另外一种ant和一种植物相互依赖生存

  第三篇 讲模生工程的,举了壁虎的爪子和海绵的fiber做例子

  4. Greenland上的人们。。Dorth(不确定)这种人种先生活在这里 会建造ice house 会利用animal skin 后来不知道怎么就灭绝了 然后另外一个人种(不记得叫什么了) 来了 没有证据说明是不是他们导致了Dorth的灭绝 这种人学习了Dorth建ice house的技术 而且他们的捕猎技术很好 会捕鲸 之后他们就追随着鲸move 问题有文章主旨 我选了"讲一个人中如何在Greenland上发展的" 不确定啊不确定。。



雅思机经:2011.6.11 雅思A类写作

2011.6.11 雅思A类写作机经




  图表说明:The pie chart below shows the country of birth living in Australia, and the table tells information about percentage of country of birth living in different areas.

  Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


  第一个饼图中共分成6个区域,按照面积大小分别为Australia(73%), other, UK, New Zealand, China (2%)and Netherland; 而表格图中涉及到来自上述国家的人口的分布情况,分成cities 和 rural areas. 要特别留意中国人口99%居住于城市中等特殊数据。



  考题文字:Some people think the government should spend more money on public services rather than waste money on arts (i.e. music and printing). To what extent do you agree or disagree?



雅思机经:2011.6.11 雅思G类写作

2011.6.11 雅思G类写作机经




  书信说明:You planned to make a tour to Britain with your family. However, the local bus company made some changes on their services. Write a letter to the company:

  (1) describe the detail of the changes;

  (2) explain what problems you and your family will have;

  (3) give a solution what you want them to do.



  考题文字:Nowadays, more and more people don't wear their national clothes, and the clothes look almost the same all over the world. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?


雅思机经:2011.6.11 雅思口语Part2

2011.6.11 雅思口语Part2机经



  Describe a teacher you want to see again.

  Describe a famous person which impacts you very much, you should say:

  Who that person is?

  Why he/she impacts you?

  What his / her famous works are?

  Describe a person whom you live / have lived with for a long time. You should say:

  Who the person is?

  How long you have been living together?

  What are the usual things that you do together?


  Describe a foreign cuisine.


  Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future

  Will the special thing help you in your study?

  Do you like to go shopping?

  What are the effective ways of advertising?

  Why do you like shopping?

  Where do you usually go shopping?

  How often do you go shopping?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern ways of shopping?

  Are there any differences between the old and modern ways of shopping?


  Do you like writing letters?

  Do you often write letters?

  What do you write?

  Describe a meaningful letter or card.

  Do you usually write by hand or using a computer?


雅思机经:2011.6.11 雅思口语Part1

2011.6.11 雅思口语Part1机经


  Personal information & Introduction

  What’s your name?

  Are you a student?

  What is your major?

  Do you think the major is useful?

  Do you have driving lisence?

  Will you teach your child to drive?

  How was your first day at work?

  Is the first day at work important? Why?

  When do you usually get up?

  Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits?


  Where are you from?

  Where’s your hometown?

  Where do you live?

  Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer?

  What’s on your apartment’s wall?

  How to improve your home?

  Which room do you like most?

  If you can redesign your home, what would you do?

  What’s your flat like?

  What’s on the wall?

  What can you see from your window?

  Are there any fitness facilities near your home?

  How often do visitors visit your home?

  Tell me about your city.

  What historical places would you recommend to see there?

  What culture events would be interesting for tourists?

  When should they start to teach culture history, history of art at schools?


2011.6.11 雅思写作预测【慎小嶷版】

2011.6.11雅思写作预测 慎小嶷


  1 Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real need of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  2 Some people think that advertising discourages us from being different individuals by making us all want to be and to look the same. Do you agree or disagree?

  3 Space research is a waste of money. The government should dedicate more money to improving citizens’ living conditions. To what extent you agree or disagree?

  4 Traffic and housing problems in big cities can be solved by moving companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  5 Some people believe that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries has positive effects while others think it will cause countries to lose their identities. Do you agree or disagree?

  6 Motorised flight is the greatest invention in the modern world. No other invention has influenced our lives more significantly. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  7 Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them. Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and be given special treatment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  8 Som...

无忧雅思网:2011.6.11 雅思口语Part2预测

无忧雅思网 雅思口语预测



  A People /Animals

  A wild animal, A person you helped,A person you want to travel with;an adventurous person you know=A friend of you who tends to be leader=A person you know who speaks a foreign language=an oldest family member=A good friend, A host, A foreign celebrity=A teacher you want to meet in the future; A family but not yours, A great cook, A fairytale character

  B Objects

  A kind of western food; A vehicle you want to have; A piece of (broken) equipment=A photo, A gift you received from others=A thing you bought with little practical value=A thing you bought with great value; a piece of clothing someone bought you

  A card=A letter


  A project you did with others=One favorite meal=A happy event=An celebration for something=A festival

  A thing your friend did that made you admire=*An important conversation over the phone=A walk you had with your friend=A visit you got=A positive change in your life;

  A public event=A science course you took=A thing you did which was good to the environment

  A healthy lifestyle=An outdoor activity; a skill you learned from computer

  A naughty thing you did when you were little; An occasion you were late for
