



  Acrisius 阿克里西俄斯

  Acrisius,king of Argos,was Hypermnestra' s grandson.He had one beautiful daughter, Danae by name. So much did he love her that he decided not to remarry after the death of his wife. But one day an oracle from Delphi prophesied that he would be killed by the son of Danae.He felt so upset that his love suddenly changed to fear and hatred. To avoid the disaster he built a tall bronze tower,wherein he shut Danae up with her nurse.he kept the key of the tower himself,and left only the roof open for Danae to take an occasional look at the blue sky above. One bright sunny morning Danae felt a childish joy at the sight of the clear,blue sky and longed for freedom when a golden shower of sunlight shot through the open roof and spread all over her.A wave of happiness spread all over her,and Zeus himself stood before her in his splendour and won her.

  Some time later,a guard came rushing into King Acrisius' palace and told the astonished king that Danae had given birth to a son. The baby was called Perseus. Acrisius decided that both mother and son must die if he wanted to live himself. Very soon he had a great chest(箱子) built,where he put Danae and her son,and then set it adrift on the sea . Answering the sad prayers of the poor mother,Zeus had the chest swept onto the land of the Seriphos. Polydectes,king of the country,treated them at first with kindness,...





  泰索尼斯 Tithonus

  Every day,when Helios drove his wonderful horses and his fiery carriage across the sky,it was Aurora who opened the gates of pearl and drew back the dark curtains of the night;for Aurora was the goddess of the dawn .She was so beautiful that the whole sky became pink with pleasure when she appeared in the east.

  On the earth lived a man called Tithonus,who loved Aurora so well that he never failed to leave his bed while it was still dark,to watch for her coming.Aurora loved Tithonus too,and one day she flew to the king of the gods,and begged of him that Tithonus might be given a cup of magic liquid ,and so become living forever.

  Zeus allowed this request, and Aurora took Tithonus up to Mount Olympus to live in her golden house.

  The goddess had forgotten to ask that Tithonus might never grow old.Therefore,the time came when gray hairs could be seen among his golden curls . Aurora was kind to him in spite of this,and continued to give him beautiful clothes,and to feed him on the food of the gods.Still, Tithonus grew older and older,and in time,after several hundred years,he was so old that he could not move at all.Little was left of him but his voice ,and even that had grown high and thin. Then he was so weak that he had to be shut up in a room,for safekeeping.Aurora felt so sorry to see him become weaker and weaker in this way that ...





  海先得斯 Hyacinthus

  Hyacinthus was a beautiful Greek boy who was greatlyloved by Apollo,Apollo often laid aside his golden lyreand his arrows,and came down from Mount Olympus to Join Hyacinthus in his boyish games.The two were often busy all day long,following the huntingdogs over the mountains or setting fish nets in the river or playing at various games.

  Their favourite exercise was the throwing of the discus .The discus was a heavy metal plate about a foot across, whichwas thrown somewhat as the round ring is thrown.One dayApollo threw the discus first,and sent it whirling high up amongthe clouds for the god had great strength.It came down in afine,strong curve,and Hyacinthus ran to pick it up.Then as it fell on the hard earth,the discus bounded up again and struck the boy a cruel blow on his white forehead.

  Apollo turned as pale as Hyacinthus,but he could not undo what had been done.He could only hold his friend in hisarms,and see his head bend down like a lily on a broken stem ,while the purple blood from his wound was dropping down to the earth.

  There was still one way by which Apollo could make Hyacinthus live,and this was to change him into a flower.So,quickly,before it was too late,he whispered over him certainwords the gods knew,and Hyacinthus became a purple flower,a flower of the colour of the blood that had flowed from his forehead.As ...

2013中考英语阅读素材:The Tablecloth



  The Tablecloth

  A young minister had been called to serve at an old church that at one time had been a magnificent edifice in a wealthy part of town. Now the area was in a state of decline and the church was in bad shape. Nevertheless, the pastor and his wife were thrilled with the church and believed they could restore it to its former magnificence.

  When the minister took charge of the church early in October 1948, he and his wife immediately went to work painting, repairing and attempting to restore it. Their goal was to have the old edifice looking its best for Christmas Eve services.

  Just two days before Christmas, however, a storm swept through the area, dumping more than an inch of rain. The roof of the old church sprung a leak just behind the altar. The plaster soaked up the water as if it were a sponge and then crumbled, leaving a gaping hole in the wall.

  Dejected, the pastor and his wife looked at the defaced wall. There was obviously no chance to repair the damage before Christmas. Nearly three months of hard work had been washed way. Yet the young couple accepted the damage as God’s will and set about cleaning up the damp debris.

  It was a depressed minister and his wife who attended a benefit auction for the church youth group that afternoon. One of the items put of for bid was an old gold-and-ivory-colored lace tablecloth, nearly ...





  Everybody in our family has different hair. My Papa's hair is like a broom, all up in the air. And me, my hair is lazy. It never obeys barrettes or bands. Carlos' hair is thick and straight. He doesn't need to comb it. Nenny's hair is slippery--slides out of your hand. And Kiki, who is the youngest, has hair like fur.

  But my mother's hair, my mother's hair, like little rosettes, like little candy circles all curly and pretty because she pinned it in pincurls all day, sweet to put your nose into when she is holding you, holding you and you feel safe, is the warm smell of bread before you bake it, is the smell when she makes room for you on her side of the bed still warm with her skin, and you sleep near her, the rain outside falling and Papa snoring. The snoring, the rain, and Mama"s hair that smells like bread.





  People have been passionate about roses since the beginning of time. In fact, it is said that the floors of Cleopatra1’s palace were carpeted with delicate rose petals, and that the wise and knowing Confucius had a 600-book library specifically on how to care for roses.  人类有史以来就钟情于玫瑰。据说,克娄巴特拉的宫殿的地面就铺满了娇嫩的玫瑰花瓣,博学的孔子有600册藏书专门讲述如何培育玫瑰。

  The rose is a legend on its own. The story goes that during the Roman Empire, there was an incredibly beautiful maiden named Rhodanthe. Her beauty drew many zealous suitors who pursued her relentlessly. Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana. Unfortunately, Diana became jealous. And when the suitors broke down her temple gates to get near their beloved Rhodanthe, she became angry turning Rhodanthe into a rose and her suitors into thorns.  玫瑰本身就是一个传说。在罗马帝国时代,有一个名叫罗丹斯的美丽绝伦的少女。她的丽姿引来了无数狂热的求婚者锲而不舍地追求她。罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。不幸的是,狄安娜产生了嫉妒之心。当求婚者冲进了神庙的大门,要接近他们所爱恋着的罗丹斯时,狄安娜一怒之下将罗丹斯变成了一枝玫瑰花,将她的求婚者变成了花刺。

  In Greek legend, the rose was created by Chloris, the Greek goddess of flowers. It was just a lifeless seed of a nymph2 that Chloris found one day in a clearing in the woods. She asked the help of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who gave her beauty? Dionysus, the god of wine, added nectar3 to give her a sweet scent, and the three Graces4 gave her charm, brigh...






  Phaeton was the son of Apollo by Clymene.The mother had filled the lad's head with so many stories of his father's glory that the youth was quite proud.Wher ever he went he told those stories again and again until everybody was tired of him.On one occasion,when one of his playmates asked him to show his skill of coming down from sky,he felt quite hard to do it.He came back to his mother and told the unhappy event in tears.Unable to do anything for him,she sent her soneast wards to pray to Apollo for help.

  The sungod graciously received his son and heard the story with interest.Then he took an oath by the Styx ,ready to give help according to the boy's request.But he was surprised to hear that the boy's hope was to drive his fiery carriage.He told his son of the dangers on the way,but failed to stop him fromthe try.As the god had sworn by the Styx there was no going back on his word.In his desperate effort to avoid disaster,Apollo warned his son to keep to the middle course and stop the horses in time.

  Phaeton joyfully jumped on the carriage and set off.Very soon he lost his way.he grew pale at the great height and the vast sky in front of him and behind.The horses ran wild.Unable to hold them,Phaeton dropped them in fear.Straight downto the earth the carriage dashed.Rivers were dried up.Cropshung down and withered .Men's cries of su...





  Ron was a fifteen-year-old teenager, a tenth-grade student at Granger High School. It was game day, and he was the only sophomore suiting up with the varsity team. Excitedly, he invited his mother to attend. It was her very first football game, and she promised to be there with several of her friends. The game finally ended, and she was waiting outside the locker room to drive Ron home.

  "What did you think of the game, Mom? Did you see the three touchdown passes our team made and our tough defense, and the fumble on the kickoff return that we recovered?" he asked.

  His mother replied, "Ron, you were magnificent. You have such presence, and I was proud of the pride you took in the way you looked. You pulled up your knee socks eleven times during the game, and I could tell you were perspiring in all those bulky pads because you got eight drinks and splashed water on your face twice. I really like how you went out of you way to pat number nineteen, number five and number ninety on the back every time they came off the field."

  "Mom, how do you know all that? And how can you say I was magnificent? I didn't even play in the game."

  His mother smiled and hugged him. "Ron, I don't know anything about football. I didn't come here to watch the game. I came here to watch you!"

