

雅思口语预测 9.3雅思预测 2015年雅思考试



  Question 1: Describe an interesting website you have visited

  Question 2: Describe an APP that you often used on your phone

  Question 3: Describe something interesting you learned from the Internet

  Question 4: Describe a piece of good news from the Internet

  1. 基本介绍:What is Weibo?

  Weibo, known as microblog, is the most popular social networking (社交网络) website in China. It’s pretty similar to Twitter and has huge numbers of members around the country. Generally, it is a virtual platform (虚拟平台) where people interact (互动) with each other. There’s also a mobile version (移动版本) for it, so you can not only browse the site (浏览网站) on computers but also download an APP on the phone to use it at any time.

  2. 主要功能:What content does it have?

  After registering (注册) as a Weibo member, a variety of functions are available. For example, you can follow (关注) any member you’re interested in to see their blogs. That’s why some famous celebrities (名人) could have millions of followers. Of course, your own blog will also be followed by others so you can share your experience and feeling (分享经历与感受) with them by posting (发布) words, pictures, music and even videos. It is nota...



雅思预测 雅思口语预测





雅思听力预测 9.3雅思预测 2015年雅思考试



  版本号:待定 场景:hotel reservation 题型:填空



  1-10 填空题

  1.address: 61/71, KVIUA


  3.nationalities: Canadian and Australian, total 7 persons

  4.don’t ask for kitchen

  5.need restaurant

  6.最贵的房间maximum price: $120

  7.parents-in-law 房间希望有good sea view

  8.don’t mind the share bathroom

  9.guests can watch the birds

  10.special requirement of the helicopter trip air view photos

  personal information 个人信息

  nationalities 国籍

  cupboard 食橱

  maximum 最大值,最高限度

  minimum 最小值,最低限度

  parents-in-law 公婆

  mother-in-law 岳母

  father-in-law 岳父

  sister-in-law 姐夫,妹夫

  brother-in-law 姐夫,妹夫

  refreshments 点心

  luxury/luxurious 豪华,奢侈/豪华的,奢侈的

  facilities 设施

  helicopter 直升机

  reservation 预定

  coastal 沿海的,海岸的

  laundry 洗衣房


  aerial photo 航片




雅思写作预测 9.3雅思预测 2015年雅思考试



  1. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

  Assume that you wish to study in England.

  Write a letter of inquiry based on your interests. Ask what kind of clubs there are at the university, and what is the procedure for joining them. You should write at least 150 words.

  You do NOT need to write your own address.

  2.It is often said that the subjects taught in schools are too academic in orientation and that it would be more useful for children to learn about practical matters such as home management, work and interpersonal skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?或In some countries young people ar encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.或 Financial education should be mandatory component of the school program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

  3.In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes, what are the causes? How should these young criminals to be punished.

  4.Some people think only best students should be rewarded, othe...


雅思阅读预测 9.3雅思预测 2015年雅思考试



  Well, there are so many different TV programs on show everyday in diversified channels; hence there are thousands and thousands of TV presenters we can see. Some may leave us a very deep impression while others may not leave a thing in our mind. Here, I’d like to talk about the TV presenter I love, Wu Zongxian, although others may have a mixed feeling about him. Being a TV presenter in Taiwan, Wu started his career in the field of variety shows in the late 1980s, and then he became famous because of his unique style of hosting TV programs and therefore the TV programs he hosted are constantly ahead in the ratings. All these earn him the top salary among those TV presenters in Taiwan, being the local king for many rs. In 2008, he even won the Golden Bell Awards in television industry.

  His fast reaction and tactfulness in hosting is among the first class, second to few others, and gradually, he formed his own style of hosting TV programs. Because he likes to use those popular words on the internet, and his figure is not like other middle-aged men, he is quite popular among the young audience. However, he also likes to rip on people, open the low gun, speak nonsense, and disrespect women, wh...


雅思预测 雅思口语


目前题目基本稳定,3月至4月的题目变化很小,新题量很小,主要集中在Part 1,大家按照话题分类合并准备即可。



A good parent/good parents(not yours)

Someone who is very polite

Someone you made friends on the first sight

A time when you helped others\ A person who helped you

A Good Neighbour

A Teenager You Know

Something You Learned from a Family Member



A Plan(not relate with your work and study)

A Museum or Library

A room that you stayed

A Garden

A crowded place

A Perfect Holiday

Recent Change of your hometown

A City or Town You Have Visited

A house or flat that you visited

A Café

A Meal You Like to Eat

Favourite ways of Relaxing


A Film About a Real Person or Event

A Film about Future

A Book You Would Recommend

An Advertisement that makes you want to buy something

A Television Program\ An educational TV program

A Meaningful Song

A Popular Band or Singer


An Unusual Job

Your Future Work Plans

A time when you are late

A Project

A language(except En...


雅思口语 出国留学网



S1:full name,
students or work,
major,advantage and disadvantage of your major,
why choose your major,
where do your like to go shopping,what kind of food do you ofen buy
do you often enjoy film,do people like to see film at home or go to cinema
st.2 book you have read before
some students don't like text books,what's your opinion?
how to improve the text books?
is it likely for computer to replace books in the future?



雅思口语part3话题预测 雅思口语预测 雅思口语


  初用外语 Describe a first time that you used a foreign language to communicate.

  1.What do you think of children learning a foreign language?

  2.Why are some language classes boring?

  3.Some students hate to learn foreign languages, what can teachers do to develop their interest?

  4.Some people travel for learning a foreign language, what do you think?

  5.What’s the best way to learn a foreign language?

  6.Why can some people learn languages fast while others learn slowly?

  7.Does one’s age affect their language learning?

  同住之人 Describe a person that just moved home

  P3:1.Do you like to live with people about your age or older than you?

  2. What would you do if your neighbor are noisy all the time?

  3.What are the advantages of living with old people?

  4.Should young adults live on their own?

  想学的课程 Describe a course you would learn if you had time.

  1.How do people share good news?

  2.How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?

  3.When do people share good news?

  4.What kinds of good news have you received before?

  创作大师 Describe a creative person,such as an artist or musician,who has influenced you.

  P3:1.What can schools d...
