1. 手机稀有金属
V1 A cellmanufacturer说Cellphone production requires some precious metals, such as...The price of thesemetals increased and decreased dramatically. We forecast that thegrowth of the sales of the cell phone will continue. Therefore, we plan to buy largequantities of these metals immediately to lock in the costs and guarantee theprofits.
V2“cell phone manufacturing requires a large variety of precious and expensive metasl, such like gold, silver and copper. 在过去的数年中,我们公司已经进行过对此类贵重金属的购买, and we found the price of these metals sometimes changed dramatically. 而且我们forcast a growth of our cell phone division and high-volume pruchasing looking strong. 如果我们购买(并且库存?) A large amount fo these metals, 就可以lock our costs. By doing so, we can lock in our cost savings and guarantee a high-level profit.”
V3 因为cell phone的原材料金属很贵,且金属的价格此起彼伏dramatically 为了防止其对什么的影响和保护产品的生产线 所以stockholder决定lock in the cost for those materials(没搞懂lock in有啥特别意思),这样可以把lock in 的savings用作以后来保证产业的高利润(收入)。
V4 有个report说手机生产过程需要一些昂贵的稀有金属,类似于金银神马的,厂商说过去十年中他们对金属的需求一直扩大,在此过程中见证了金属价格的大幅的上升与下跌。由于他们预测此后他们对手机的生产仍会扩大对金属的需求将会一直很大,厂商认为此时买下现在生产线上需要的large quantity of metals是明智的,将会lock成本,并且guarantee a high profit in the future.