

GRE作文 新GRE作文 GRE作文范文 GRE作文范文:职业选择



  Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needsof the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make.Hardly anyone is free to choose a career based on his or her natural talents or interest in aparticular kind of work.


  Few people, if asked, would list his interests as the first element considered when searchingfor a career, yet even fewer would believe people would find a job just because it is out of thatperson's own interest, especially when it does not have anything to do with the popular trend.However, I'd rather hold the opinion that these people do exist.

  True indeed, it is just natural to base one's consideration on relative ease of finding a joband the salary of that job. Let me call it "to follow the economic trends". Catering the needs ofsociety is following the economic trend, to weigh the ease and difficulty of finding a job isfollowing the economic trend, moreover, bargaining on the salary is also following the economictrend. It is human nature to follow a trend. There seems to be a hidden promise that by doingso, one's decision is probably to go right and won't lose much. Why not? When all people r...

