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Denounce:指责,揭发 Renounce:宣布放弃,抛弃

Delude:欺骗 Deluge:洪水,豪雨

Decompose:使腐烂 Discompose:使失态,慌张

Depredation:劫掠 Depreciation:贬值

Deposition:免职,沉积 Disposition:处理,天性气质

Demur: take exception, object. Demure: decorous; shy, bashful

Dilatory: delaying; tardy, show Dilate: swell, distend , expand

Disaffected: alienate the affection or loyalty of Unaffected: natural, genuine

Decorum: orderliness, propriety Decoration: ornament

Dinghy: a small boat Dingy: dirty, shabby, discolored

Drudge: to do hard, menial, or monotonous work Dredge: a machine or barge for removing earth or silt

Discomfit: upset, frustrate mollify Discomfort: make uncomfortable or uneasy

Duplicity: the disguising of true; intentions by deceptive words or action Duplicate: to make double or two-fold or action

Equanimity: 沉着,镇静 Equality: 均匀,同等

Expire:期满,熄灭 Expiate:赎罪

Edifice:大厦 Edification:陶冶 Orifice:小孔

Eclipse:(日、月)蚀,失势 Ellipse:椭圆形 Ellipsis(ses):省略法

Exquisite:精致的 Perquisite:固定津贴

Emancipation:释放,解脱 Emaciation:消瘦 Emasculate:weaken

Equation:等式、方程式 Equitation:骑马术

Elicit:引出,探出 Explicit:清楚明确的

Exigency: requirements; urgent need Exiguous: scanty in amount

Ecumenical: worldwide Empiricism: 经验主义

Epigram: a short witty poem or saying Epilogue: a speech addressed to the spectators by an actor at the end of a play Episode: a unit of action in a dramatic or liter...



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从准备考G开始到顺利完成,从红宝书、逆序、黑宝书上整理的易混单词。 为继续奋斗的战友们出一点力!

所有英文解释均来自M-W词典 abode: to continue in a place; tolerate. Adobe: a brick or building material

abjure: reject solemnly; to abstain from adjure: urge or advice earnestly.

abeyance: suspension. Observance: 遵守。

advent: arrival advert: refer (to )

affected: artificially assumed to impress others affecting: arousing pity, sympathy or sorrow

aloft: in the air aloof: removed or distant either physically or emotionally

allay: calm, pacify. Alley: a narrow passageway esp. between building. Ally: associate. Alloy: 合金

allude: to refer indirectly allure: charm, entice

amenity: convenience , enjoyment amiability amnesty: 大赦 animation: vivacity, liveliness animosity: ill will, resentment

amoral: being neither moral or immoral immoral: not moral.

anemia: 贫血 insomnia:失眠症 amnesia:健忘症

Annals:纪年表 annul: declare or make legally invalid

anxious: worried; earnestly wishing anxiety: painful uneasiness; abnormal apprehension

Apathetic:冷漠的 antipathetic:引起反感的

Apocalyptic:预示灾祸的,启示的 apocrypha:伪经,伪书

Appreciable:可以察觉的,可估计的 apprehensible:可理解的 apprehensive:不安的,焦虑的,能领悟的 appreciative:感激的,有鉴赏力的

Approbation:称赞。 opprobrium:恶名声,侮辱

apparel: clothe adorn apparition: a supernatural appearance ghost

appraise: set a value on apprise: give notice to approve: express a favorable opinion

Arbiter: one having power to decid...



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GRE preparation test
Activities for Teaching Vocabulary: English Adjective NounTest # GRE/W6

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adj. deeply established; firmly rooted


gre study guide 225 gre flashcards
adj. pertaining to the people


adj. having a sawtoothed edge


adj. attacking cherished traditions


adj. praising; eulogistic


n. ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform, etc.)


adj. disgraceful


adj. ardent


adj. dark; vague; unclear


adj. abdominal

(d)bloated GRE写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括:1、 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点;2、 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点;3、考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证;4、支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论;5、控制标准书面英语的各个要素。写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。
感谢您阅读《GRE出国考试词汇练习题3 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。...


gre考试 gre词汇

  Abacus abacus[5AbEkEs ]n. 算盘

  (考) abacus: calculate / sextant: navigate


  Abandon abandon[E5bAndEn]v./n.放弃; 放纵

  (英) v./n.放弃(to give up completely; desert, forsake);

  放纵(unrestrained freedom or emotion)

  (考) inhibition: abandon / agitation: tranquility

  (禁欲不放纵 / 躁动不宁静)

  abandon : inhibition / despair : hope


  (记) 尤其要记住GRE中常考的"放纵"一义(abandoned behavior)

  (同) n. abandonment

  Abase ABASE v.贬抑,使卑下(to humble or humiliate;disgrace)

  (记)a+base(降低) →贬低

  Abashed abase[E5beIs]v.贬抑,使卑下

  (英) v.贬抑,使卑下(to humble or humiliate; disgrace);

  (记) a+base(降低)→贬低

  (同) 同根词:debase(贬低); basement(地下室)

  abate abate[E5beIt]v.减轻,减少

  (英) v.减轻,减少(to make less in amount; wane)

  (考) abate : tax / alleviate : distress


  反义词: augment(增加); intensify(加强); promote(促进)

  (记) a+bate(走,打)→走下去→减轻



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GRE verbal test
Teachers Games for Vocabulary: English Noun Adjective Verb AdverbTest # GRE/W5

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n. sharp upslope of a hill


gre study guide 225 gre flashcards
adj. based on assumptions


v. enrage; infuriate


v. pollute


adv. with reference to; regarding


n. one who has more than one spouse at a time


v. suppress; extinguish; inhibit


n. agent; messenger


adj. suffering from a disease; destroyed


n. tendency to keep together

(d)remonstrance GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,GRE是美国、加拿大的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。 另有,Generic Routing Encapsulation(通用路由封装)也简称GRE。
感谢您阅读《GRE出国考试词汇练习题2 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。...


gre考试 gre词汇

  abber jabber[5dVAbE]v. 快而不清楚地说

  (英) v. 快而不清楚地说(chatter; gibber)

  (考) 反义词:speak slowly(慢慢地说)

  (记) 象声词:jar-ber(吱喳)

  (例) I can’t understand you if you keep jabbering like that.

  jade jade[dVeId]n. 疲惫的老马,玉,翡翠

  (英) n. 疲惫的老马,玉,翡翠(hack; gem; emerald)


  jaded[5dVeIdId]adj. 疲惫的; 厌倦的; (胶卷)暴光过分的

  (英) adj. 疲惫的(wearied);

  厌倦的(dull or satiated)

  (考) overexposure : jaded / vaccination : immune


  jagged jagged[5dVA^Id]adj. 锯齿状的,不整齐的

  (英) adj. 锯齿状的,不整齐的(notched or ragged)

  (记) jag(齿状)+ged→锯齿状的

  (例) The jagged edges of the fence need to be filed down.

  jamb jamb[dVAm]n. 门窗的侧柱(起支撑和装饰作用)

  (记) 分割记忆:jam(果酱)+b

  jamboree jamboree[`dVAmbE5rI:]n. 快乐、喧闹的集会

  (英) n. 快乐、喧闹的集会(a boisterous party or nosy revel)

  (记) 起源不清,可能来自jam(拥挤)+boree(喧闹声)

  jargon jargon[5dVB:^En]n. 行话

  (英) n. 行话(a language or dialect used by professions)


这个词 差异 两个 结尾 词汇



比如有这么两个词,discreet和discrete, 它们形状长得非常相似,但意义却有很大的差别。前面这个词的意思是谨慎小心的,后面这个词意思是离散的,不连续的。背这种形近词的时候一般可以两步走,第一步是找两个形近词的差异,第二步是通过差异来联想。比方说这两个词的差异非常明显,就在于一个词的结尾是eet,而另一个词的结尾是ete,找出差异之后就可以通过差异来联想了。由于后面这个词discrete的结尾是ete,两个e不连接在一起,所以这个词的意思是离散的,不连续的。而前面这个词 discreet的结尾是eet,两个e连在一起了,所以这个词的意思是谨慎小心的。http://www.Examw.com

再比如还有两个词,一个是ingenious,意思是聪明的,还有一个词是ingenuous,意思是天真的。这两个词的形状也很象,同样我们可以先找差异,差异在于前面这个词 的中间是i, 后面这个词的中间是u,我们可以把i想象成I,I就是自己,而u可以想象成you,也就是你。而联合两个词的词义,我们每个人都喜欢说自己是聪明的,而说别人是天真的,这样这两个词也就相应记忆住了。


批评(轻):v: admonish chide criticize reproach reproof(n) reprove flak

批评(重):v: berate castigate censure chastise condemn denounce diatribe(n)

excoriate fulminate impeach impugn invective(n) inveigh

lambaste rail rebuke reprehend reprimand reprobate revile

scold upbraid vituperate pan


称赞:v: acclaim applaud commend eulogize exalt extol glorify laud

rave tout

n: accolade encomium approbation orchid plaudit tribute





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  GRE Exam Wordlist

  English Vocabulary Words: Verb Noun Adjective TestTes

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  v. plead; ask earnestly





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  n. fern leaf; palm or banana leaf





































