Official statistics——Con census
Britain's decennial population count has beensaved. Now make it work better
WHEN the first results of the 2011 census were published, almost two years ago, the moststriking discovery was straightforward. Britain's population, it turned out, was around500,000 bigger than statisticians had thought. For all that Britons are relentlessly surveyed,only a full count could reveal the size of the country, yet alone that of individual cities, townsand neighbourhoods.
Given that finding, the proposal made in 2010 by an austerity-minded coalition government toscrap Britain's decennial census seemed odd. It now looks as though the census will surviveafter all. On March 27th the Office for National Statistics (ONS) concluded that a full populationcount is still necessary, though many people will in future be asked to fill in the census online.In all likelihood, the government will follow its recommendations. Academics, marketresearchers and social historians breathed a sigh of relief.