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  Banking in Congo——Cash in a canoe


  A new system for paying civil servants puts banks through their paces


  IMAGINE if, to collect your salary each month, you had to walk to the nearest town, perhaps tens of miles away, to conGREgate in a school or a football pitch or a church. There, you and your colleagues wait for a man to arrive from the capital, perhaps a thousand miles away, with a suitcase of cash. Most of the time, you do not receive as much money as you should. Sometimes the man does not arrive at all.


  Until recently, that is how most government employees in the Democratic Republic of Congo were paid. But over the past three years the government has been urging civil servants to open bank accounts, to which their pay can be transferred directly. In the process, it is accelerating the spread of banking in an economy that, according to Michel Losembe, the bow-tied president of the Congolese Banking Association, is “not very far off barter”.




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  Stray dogs in Chile——Spray as you go


  The state orders a sterilization of stray mutts


  IT IS one of the first things that visitors to Santiago, the Chilean capital, ask: “Why are there so many dogs everywhere?” Patricia Cocas, founder of ProAnimal Chile, an animal-rights group, reckons that some 180,000 stray hounds wander the city of six million people; a further 80,000 are let out by their owners to roam as they please. The area around the presidential palace is a favored hangout. Most mutts are harmless enough—Chile is free of rabies, which helps explain why they are tolerated. But some attack passers-by or chase cars down Santiago's main thoroughfare, the Alameda, occasionally ripping tires with their teeth.

  游客们去智利首都圣地亚哥旅行时,最初会打听的问题之一是:“为什么这儿到处都是狗呢?”智利的动物权利小组专业动物组织发起人Patricia Cocas估计大约十八万只流浪犬逡巡于六百万城市人口之间;有超过八万只流浪犬被它们的主人遗弃,任它们流浪。总统府附近地区就是他们最喜欢闲逛的位子。大部分流浪狗对人无害—智利没有狂犬病。这也就是流浪犬被容忍的原因。但是一些流浪犬攻击行人或者在圣地亚哥的主干道——林荫大道上追逐车辆,它们有时会用牙齿撕咬轮胎。

  The government is now taking action. In her state-of-the-union speech last month, President Michelle Bachelet announced a national sterilization programme for stray dogs (the details are still to be fleshed out). A bill on responsible pet ownersh...



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  Everyone knows that guy -- the one who can chug more than his fair share of beer, scarf down an entire pepperoni pizza, grab an ice cream, and make a donut run the next morning, all without gaining a pound.


  A new study suggests that people's bodies respond to the same food in very different ways.


  "If you have two people who are given the same exact diet, they won't necessarily weigh the same." says Dr. Judith Korner, director at the Weight Control Center at Columbia University Medical Center.

  “如果两个人都吃完全相同的食物,那么他们也不会增长完全相同的重量。”哥伦比亚大学医学中心,体重控制中心的主任Judith Korner博士如是说。

  1. They've got good genes


  Not happy with the way your body looks when you stray from your otherwise healthy diet? Blame mom and dad. Dr. Korner says genetics program your "set point," the weight your body strives to maintain. Some people may have a set point at a BMI of 22, while other bodies have a tendency to maintain a BMI of 28 or 30, depending on their genes and hormones."If you try and alter that set point, your body definitely fights against it,"

  Dr. Korner continues. "There have been studies where you take people of any size, thin or obese, and if you underfeed them, there are changes in the body that try to get them bac...


GRE周末趣味阅读The strange case of the missing baby

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  GRE周末趣味阅读The strange case of the missing baby

  Demography——The strange case of the missing baby


  As the financial crisis hit, birth rates fell in rich countries, as expected. But a persistent baby bust is a real puzzle.


  HE IS not exactly leading by example, but Pope Francis wants more babies. “The GREat challenge of Europe is to return to being mother Europe,” he said last year, while suggesting that young people might be having too few children because they preferred holidays. Europe certainly lacks young souls, particularly in Catholic countries such as Italy and Spain. But the baby shortage is broader: mother America and mother Australia have gone missing, too.


  They were certainly present a decade ago. Although birth rates were low in the former communist countries of Eastern Europe, and in traditionalist places where it is hard to combine work with motherhood—think Japan, South Korea and southern Europe—many countries were having a baby boom. In the decade to 2008, the tot...

