对于Facebook此次的数据助选丑闻,FT专栏作家John Gapper提出,Facebook的快速发展得益于它把用户的强纽带与弱纽带混在一起,但弱纽带发挥的强大影响也变成该平台的缺陷。
In Walt Disney’s Fantasia, the apprentice Mickey Mouse bashfully hands back the sorcerer’s hat after failing to stop a troupe of magic broomsticks from causing a flood. Mark Zuckerberg made his own bow to the US Congress last Tuesday by apologising for the havoc that he has unleashed at Facebook.
在华特迪士尼(Walt Disney)的《幻想曲》(Fantasia)中,魔法师的学徒“米老鼠”(Mickey Mouse)在未能阻止一群被施了魔法的扫把引发洪水后,扭捏地把魔法帽还给了魔法师。上周二,马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)也在美国国会上演了这一幕,为他在Facebook造成的烂摊子道歉。
With greater effort and honesty, Facebook can fix the laxity with which it has handled personal data. The Cambridge Analytica scandal showed that it was far too loose in allowing people and organisations to plug into its “social graph” and extract data about millions of users. It has already tightened its data controls and must tighten them more, but the task is achievable.
通过采取更多措施和拿出更诚恳的态度,Facebook可以解决它处理个人数据不严谨的问题。剑桥分析(Cambridge Analytica)丑闻表明,Facebook允许个人和机构接入Facebook的“社交图谱”并提取数以百万计用户的个人信息,是极其严重的疏漏。Facebook已经收紧了对数据的控制,它还须加大力度,不过该任务是可以完成的。
But other things cannot be fixed because they are beyond Mr Zuckerberg’s control, lost in myriad encounters among Facebook’s 2bn users. The technical term is emergence, the powerful and unpredictable outcome of millions of users interacting free...