First of all, the arguer ignores the other possibilities that lead to the decline in the arctic deer populations. Maybe in this area, nowadays there is a set of pollution that influences the arctic deer's life and the environment is entirely deteriorated, so as to that they cannot adapt on the environment even to be death. Finally the population of artic deer reduces. Perhaps among the group of artic deer around, there is a severe epidemic disease that threatens the life of arctic deer. Or perhaps local hunters kill more the arctic deer than before that result in the decrease of arctic. It also intimidates the life of arctic deer. So there is no conspicuous evidence to present that the decline in arctic deer populations is merely the result of deer being unable to follow their age-old migration patterns across the frozen sea.
在这段中,主要有三个例子,导致鹿群数量减少的原因可能是环境污染,疾病和猎人的屠杀。 可是作者并没有把这三个例子潜在的联系说清楚,只是简单的罗列自己的理由,中间没有任何类似于转折,让步的关系,这些实例之间没有罗家关系可言。而且文中所提到的环境污染,疾病和猎人的屠杀可以分为内因和外因的关系。这样的话,这三个例子除了能够增加字数外,没有其他的意义。ARGUMENT所关注的就是个人的逻辑推理能力,如果你这样写的话,虽然可以看出你找到了文章的漏洞,但是同时也证明了你自己的思维能力不强,不能很好的组织你的思想。