Intelligence is defined as the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with the environment. The reason why intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity is that intelligence is not made up of independent abilities, but qualitatively different abilities and these abilities can only be measured by measuring various aspects of these abilities.
Four major aspects contribute to intelligence. The first is awareness. Awareness means that a person?s behavior is purposeful, not instinctive or reflexive. The second is goal or direction. People behave in meaningful ways. The third point is rationality. People usually act in a manner that is understood by others. The last point is value. Others perceive the behavior of an individual as being useful. Together these aspects make up another definition of intelligence.
23 个性化教育的实现
The importance of working individually with the problems and potentialities of students must be emphasized. As we have had more and more students, this has become increasingly difficult. Our current grading system, with many students receiving poor grades, indicates that we are now mostly unsuccessful in helping the individual student. Grade inflation only further emphasizes this problem. Highly interactive computer material now makes this individualized attention possible. We need programs that continually probe the...