Overview 概述
Every fiscal year (October 1st – September30th), approximately 140,000 employment-based immigrant visas are madeavailable to qualified applicants under the provisions of U.S. immigration law.Employment based immigrant visas are divided into five preference categories.
每一财政年度(10月1日- 9月30日),约14万就业为基础的移民签证被授予美国移民法的规定符合资格的申请人。就业类移民签证分为五个优先类别。
This webpage explains the visa applicationprocess for Employment Fifth Preference (E5) Immigrant Investors, also calledImmigrant Entrepreneurs. Select Employment Based Immigrant Visas for additionalemployment based immigrant visa categories. U.S. immigration law makes visasavailable to immigrant investors seeking to enter the United States to engagein new commercial enterprises that benefit the U.S. economy through jobcreation and capital investment. E5 investors receive up to 7.1 percent ofall employment based immigrant visas issued worldwide each year.
此文介绍就业第五优先类别(E5),也称为投资移民企业家移民签证申请程序。选择更多的就业机会的移民签证类别的职业移民签证 。 美国移民法使寻求进入美国从事新的有利于美国经济的商业企业,通过创造就业机会和资本投资的投资移民签证。 E5投资者全世界每年高达所有就业类移民签证的7.1%。
To qualify as an immigrant investor, aforeign national must invest, without borrowing, the following minimumqualifying capital dollar amounts in a qualifying commercial enterprise:
$1,000,000 (U.S.);
or $500,000 (U.S.) in a hig...