For the third straight month, some SAT scores in Asia are being withheld because of allegations of widespread cheating, this time on the December administration of the college entrance exam.
The same thing happened in November, and in October, and in September. After each administration in those three months, scores on the college admissions test were withheld while cheating allegations were investigated; then some scores were released, and others were invalidated. Some students missed early-decision college application deadlines as a result.
How many? The College Board, which owns the SAT, and the Educational Testing Service, which administers the SAT for the College Board, said:
那么有多少学生作弊?SAT考试的主办方College Board和执行SAT考试的ETS说:
a) They could not share specifics about how many students had their scores withheld.
a ) 他们不会吧分数被保留的学生信息泄露出来。
b) They could not say how many have been invalidated this fall because of confirmed cheating.
b) 他们不会把因为作弊分数无效的学生数量公布出来。
c) They could not discuss how they were attempting to stop students in Asia from cheating.