1. Cornell University
2. Univ. of Southern California
3. University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
4. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
5. Michigan State University
6. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
7. Purdue University
8. Ohio State University
9. University of South Carolina
10. Georgia State University
1.Cornell University
Cornell无疑是Human Resources/Industrial Relations领域中的大牛校,Ivy College的名气无需赘言,那豪华的Faculty阵容和细致的专业分工就足以另熟习该领域的关注者啧啧称赞。Cornell的IRHR学院共下设Master of Industrial and Labor Relations/ Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.)/ Master of Science and PhD Program三个研究生项目。其中,M.P.S项目并不适合国际学生申请,强调的是申请人的Work Experience且多为Native Speaker利用Part Time学习,而Master of Science and PhD Program可以理解为博士的申请,无论是招生数量还是申请难度上都是非常紧张的。而MILR Degree又细分成以下五个方向,Human Resources & Organizations / Collective Representation / Dispute Resolution / Labor Market Policy / International and Comparative Labor可以供学生选择,其中,偏重职业路线的国际学生多选择Human Resources & Organizations,当然,这一方向对于学生的Soft Skills要求很高。
2.University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
毋庸置疑,明大同样是HR领域的翘楚,明大的Master of Arts in HRIR同时也是Carlson商学院的Flagship项目。明大的HR专业无论是从师资还是研究实力、毕业生情况几项影响因素考评,都是很不错的,其HR专业Faculty中有18位 professor,4位associate pro...