



  A Large Population in China

  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

  You should write at least 250 words.

  You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

  Population expansion is one of the most serious problems in the developing countries. China has the largest population in the world. There are about 1.4 billion people in China now, and it is one-fourth of the world population. What’s more, it keeps growing dramatically. Each day, hundreds and thousands of babies are born.

  A large population has many disadvantages. It prevents our country from developing rapidly. First of all, the resources are limited. With too many people crowded on the earth, we don’t have enough food to eat, enough clothes to wear, enough houses to live in and enough job to take. In addition, social security is also a big problem. There will be more crimes because of unemployment, education shortage and other social problems. Therefore, good life and great progress can not be ensured.

  How to control our population? In my opinion, the most efficient way is to practise birth control policy. In China, each couple is permitted to raise only one child, especially in cities and towns. ...



雅思考试 雅思写作 雅思写作素材



  1. The aged 老年人

  2. The elderly 老年人(通常指生活不能自理的老人)

  3. Senior citizen(非常尊敬的说法)

  4. OAP 领取养老金的人,委婉指老年人(Old Age Pensioner)

  5. Old folk 老年人(美式用法)


  1. Feel lonely being on one’s own all day 每天孤身一人感到孤独

  2. Live in emptiness/ empty nest/ nuclear family 生活在空虚/ 空巢家庭/ 小家庭中

  3. Feel isolated and cut off from the rest of the world 感到孤立、与世界失去了联系

  4. Can not manage on pension 靠养老金无法过活

  5. Deepening generation gap 加深的代沟

  6. Be confined to limited social relationship 被限制在有限的社会关系网中

  7. Ageism 年龄歧视

  8. Outmoded values and skills 过时的价值观与技能

  9. Weak physique 病弱的体质

  10. Gerontocracy 老年人统治


  11. A mental aberration 精神错乱

  12. Negative mentality 消极心态

  13. Vacuous 感到空虚的


  14. Aged diseases 老年病

  A. hypertension(high blood pressure)高血压

  B. cardiopathy (heart disease) 心脏病

  C. Parkinsonism 帕金森病

  D. Costive 便秘的

  E. Malnutrition 营养不良

  F. Insomnia (hard sleeping)失眠



  1. Build entertainment and fitness facilities 修建娱乐与健身设施

  2. Encourage ...




宋老太现在住在南关岭街道姚兴社区,年前,儿子把她从外地农村接到大连过年,年后她也一直住在儿子家没有回老家。前几天,宋老太的儿子下班回家,看见门上贴了张单子,仔细一看是自来水公司(water supply company)抄水表的工作人员到他家去抄表后的记录,上面的数字吓了他一跳,两个月竟然用了98吨水,“我们家从来都没有用过那么多水,关键最近家里也没有特别用水的地方呀。” 宋老太的儿子给自来水公司的工作人员打了个电话,要求工作人员上门核对水表数据(data of water meter)。据确认数字的确没有错,确实是用了98吨水。为此,宋老太的儿子找来物业公司的工作人员把家里查了个遍也没有找到水是从哪里流走的。


上周末,宋老太的儿子休息在家,他发现宋老太上完厕所后摁了一下抽水马桶(closestool ; flush toilet),不到5分钟又进厕所,又摁了一下抽水马桶,老妈为什么总摁抽水马桶?宋老太说,她是第一次看见抽水马桶这个东西,感觉特别神奇,一摁开关,马上就有水出来,而且冲马桶的水不是从自来水管里流出来的,而是跟农村井里(well)抽出来的水一样,“井里的水不花钱,所以我一个人在家的时候,没有事就过来摁一下。”宋老太说,每次摁完以后,她都觉得挺有意思。儿子这下终于明白自己家怎么用了那么多水了,但他怕老妈心疼水费上火,只是告诉宋老太,总摁马桶的抽水开关影响开关的使用寿命,抽水马桶容易坏。“自从我这样告诉她以后,她摁抽水马桶开关的次数明显减少了。”



人口老化:population aging

人口老化是指某地某时期内总人口中老年人口比例增加的动态过程。根据联合国世界卫生组织定义,65岁以上老年人口占总人口的比例达百分之七时,称为“高龄化社会”(aging society),达到百分之十四时称为“高龄社会”(aged society),如果老年人口比例达到百分之二十时,则称为“超高龄社会”(hyper-aged society)。人口老化多见于发达国家,特别是欧洲国家。由于计划生育的影响,中国已于1999年进入了老龄化社会,在2004年底65岁以上人口占总人口比例为7.6%。

Among the countries currently classified by the United Nations as more developed (with a total population of 1.2 billion in 2005), the overall median age rose from 29.0 in 1950 to 37.3 in 2000, and is forecast to rise to 45.5 by 2050. The corresponding figures for the world as a whole are 23.9 in 1950, 26.8 in 2000, and 37.8 in 2050. In Japan, one of the fastest ageing countries in the world,...


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雅思写作指南 与老年人口问题相关



  1. Build entertainment and fitness facilities 修建娱乐与健身设施

  2. Encourage them to have deuterogamy/ digamy (remarriage) 鼓励再婚

  3. Organize societies 组织社团

  4. Provide them with employment opportunities 为老人提供就业机会

  5. Frequent lectures introducing latest technology经常的举办讲座介绍最新的科技

  6. Establish social security system and perfect Medicare system建立社会保障系统并完善医疗系统

  7. make community clinics available 建立社区诊所


  1. The aged 老年人

  2. The elderly 老年人(通常指生活不能自理的老人)

  3. Senior citizen(非常尊敬的说法)

  4. OAP 领取养老金的人,委婉指老年人(Old Age Pensioner)

  5. Old folk 老年人(美式用法)


  1. Feel lonely being on one’s own all day 每天孤身一人感到孤独

  2. Live in emptiness/ empty nest/ nuclear family 生活在空虚/ 空巢家庭/ 小家庭中

  3. Feel isolated and cut off from the rest of the world 感到孤立、与世界失去了联系

  4. Can not manage on pension 靠养老金无法过活

  5. Deepening generation gap 加深的代沟

  6. Be confined to limited social relationship 被限制在有限的社会关系网中

  7. Ageism 年龄歧视

  8. Outmoded values and skills 过时的价值观与技能

  9. Weak physique 病弱的体质

  10. Gerontocracy 老年人统治


  11. A mental aberration 精神错乱

  12. Negative mentality 消极心态

  13. Vacuous 感到空虚的


  14. Aged diseases 老年病

  A. hypertension(high blood pressure)高血压


雅思考试 阅读


  The most surprising demographic crisis

  A new census raises questions about the future of China’s one-child policy

  DOES China have enough people? The question might seem absurd. The country has long been famous both for having the world’s largest population and for having taken draconian measures to restrain its growth. Though many people, Chinese and outsiders alike, have looked aghast at the brutal and coercive excesses of the one-child policy, there has also often been a grudging acknowledgment that China needed to do something to keep its vast numbers in check.

  But new census figures bolster claims made in the past few years that China is suffering from a demographic problem of a different sort: too low a birth rate. The latest numbers, released on April 28th and based on the nationwide census conducted last year, show a total population for mainland China of 1.34 billion. They also reveal a steep decline in the average annual population growth rate, down to 0.57% in 2000-10, half the rate of 1.07% in the previous decade. The data imply that the total fertility rate, which is the number of children a woman of child-bearing age can expect to have, on average, during her li...

