
今年6月英语阅读六级考试经验五 寻读

  如样题第6题:In the United States the building of landfills is the job of both federal and local governments.

  在判断时,一些特殊的用词,“United States”,“building of landfills”都提示我们顺利找到原文的“In the United States, taking care of trash and building landfills are local government responsibilities.”来判断正误。

  随后的第9题:To dispose of a ton of trash in a landfill, customers have to pay a tipping fee of . 则可以通过“customers”、“ tipping fee”找到原文“Customers are charged tipping fees for using the site. The tipping fees vary from $10 to $40 per ton.”来填写空格。




今年6月英语阅读六级考试经验四 特殊信息点

  如样题中“How Much Trash Is Generated?”一段中:Of the 210 million tons of trash, or solid waste, generated in the United States annually, about 56 million tons, or 27 percent, is either recycled (glass, paper products, plastic, metals) or composted (做成堆肥) (yard waste).
  再如样题中“How Is Trash Disposed of”一段中:The trash production in the United States has almost tripled since 1960. This trash is handled in various ways. About 27 percent of the trash is recycled or composted, 16 percent is burned and 57 percent is buried in landfills. The amount of trash buried in landfills has doubled since 1960.



今年6月英语阅读六级考试经验三 标点符号


  Dump—an open hole in the ground where trash is buried and that is full of various animals (rats, mice, birds). (This is most people’s idea of a landfill!)

  Landfill—carefully designed structure built into or on top of the ground in which trash is isolated from the surrounding environment (groundwater, air, rain). This isolation is accomplished with a bottom liner and daily covering of soil.

  Sanitary landfill—land fill that uses a clay liner to isolate the trash from the environment

  Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill—landfill that uses a synthetic (plastic) liner to isolate the trash from the environment

  注意到在“Dump”、“ Landfill”之后分别有一个破折号,如果我们已经明白该标点的意义就在于后面的信息对前者进一步进行解释,那么就可以在明白这些单词基本含义的基础上,放弃其后信息的阅读,因为,阅读理解,我们更强调的是对文章主旨信息的把握,而不是具体的细节信息。



今年6月英语阅读六级考试经验二 逻辑关系


  1、因果关系:as a result ,therefore,hence,consequently,because, for, due to, hence, consequently等等。

  2、并列、递进关系:and, or, then,in addition,besides,in other words,moreover等等

  3、转折关系:however,but, yet, in fact等等。


  例如样题中的第一段:You have just finished your meal at a fast food restaurant and you throw your uneaten food, food wrappers, drink cups, utensils and napkins into the trash can. You don’t think about that waste again. On trash pickup day in your neighborhood, you push your can out to the curb, and workers dump the contents into a big truck and haul it away. You don’t have to think about that waste again, either. But maybe you have wondered, as you watch the trash truck pull away, just where that garbage ends up.


  如样题中“How Is a Landfill Operated?”一段中:Along the site, there are drop-off stations for materials that are not wanted or legally banned by the landfill. A multi-material drop-off station is used for tires, motor oil, lead-acid batteries. Some of these materials can be recyc...


今年6月英语阅读六级考试经验一 阅读理解重要态度词完全版

 enthusiastic adj. 狂热,热心,积极性

  supportive adj.支持的

  defensive 为……而辩护

  objection /opposition 反对

  detestation/ hatred n. 憎恶

  didactic adj. 说教的,教诲的

  critical adj. 批评的

  dogmatic adj. 教条的,独断的

  skeptical adj. 怀疑的,多疑的,无神论的

  contempt n.轻视,轻蔑,耻辱,不尊敬

  Respectful 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的,谦恭的


  approval(disapproval) 赞成的,满意的(不以为然的,不赞成的,非难的) 

  reverence(irreverence) 虔诚的,表示尊敬的,充满崇敬的(不敬的,不逊的) sarcasm(sarcastic) 讽刺的,讥讽的

  scathing adj. 苛刻的,尖刻的

  indifferent 漠不关心的,冷淡的

  nonchalant adj. 若无其事的,漠不关心的

  deprecating adj. 反对的,轻蔑的

  contemptuous 轻蔑的,鄙视的,瞧不起人的

  cynical 愤世嫉俗的,讽刺的,冷嘲的

  bitter(bitterness) 痛苦的,怀恨的(悲痛, 怨恨)

  self-righteous 自以为是的

  insincere 不诚实的,无诚意的,伪善的

  nostalgic adj. 乡愁的,恋旧的

  stick to established facts 坚持已确立的观点

  noncommittal 不表态的

  paradoxical and witty矛盾的妙语,诡论的机智



今年6月英语听力六级考试经验一 从真题中总结规律


  1. 老师要求严格



  Test 18 no 9

  M: Erh-erh… Looks like I'm going to be a little late for class. I hope Pro. Clark doesn't start on time today.

  W: Are you kidding? You can set your watch by the time he starts his class.

  Q: What can be inferred about Pro. Clark?

  A) He wants his students to be on time for class. B) He doesn't allow his students to tell jokes in class.

  C) He is always punctual for his class. D) He rarely notices which students are late.


  2. 作业又难又做不完

  毫不夸张的说,作业是每一个学生的噩梦所在,不论对于中国学生还是国外学生,因此听力小对话中往往出现大量学生对于作业的抱怨,而无一例外的总是抱怨作业多,做不完;作业难,不会做;做作业的时候问题很多,有时候需要两人达成一致等。需要了解的是作业包括各种各样的assignment 和 homework 以及reading list。


  Test 20 no 8

  M: Mr. Smith, our history professor, announced we would be doing two papers and three exams this semester. I wonder how I'm going to pull through when two other courses have similar requirements.

  W: Well, can't you drop one course and pick it up next semester? 

  Q: W...

