The three pie charts illustrate the distribution of age, gender of game players and popularity of products in gaming industry in South Korea in 2003.
The age division is relatively even, with over a third respectively coming from players before adulthood(37%) and those between 18 to 35(38%) , while less than one quarter customers were middle-aged.In regard to gender, video gained ove whelming ly favor games more by male players(72%) , almost tripled compared to female players(28%) .
The types of best-sellers indicated diverse tastes for Korean game buyers.47%of the most popular games belonged to the category of Action, , nearly half of the total account.Competitive game types, Sports and Racing, ranked the second and the third positions, taking over 20%and 15%of the marketshare.The other two sorts, Education and Some, split equally the following 12%of the market.
To summarize, three major kinds of videogames were mostly enjoyed by young male players in this country in 2003.
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