A Master's Course
Applicants who have graduated or expect to graduate from a university in March 2014 (refers to university as stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Act (1947 Law No. 26. The same applies hereafter)
Applicants who hold or expect to hold Bachelors Degree as stipulated by the School Education Act, Article 104, Clause 4 by March 2014
Applicants who have completed or expect to complete a 16-year course of study overseas by March 2014
Applicants who have completed or expect to complete a 16-year course of study given by an overseas school through correspondence study in Japan by March 2014
Applicants who hold overseas university education certification (the applicant must have completed the 16-year course of study in said overseas country) and have completed or expect to complete the designated course specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the said course of study by March 2014
Applicants who have completed the specialized course designated by Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in a special training school (course must be 4 years or longer and fulfill the criteria set forth by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology...