以下这篇Admission Essay,就是当年Sameer H. Doshi申请哈佛大学时递交的。他现在已成为一名律师。和出国留学网小编一起来看看一篇成功申请哈佛大学Essay范文。
很多学生家长都问我,有没有申请短文的模板。我告诉他们,如果你想得到一篇好的文章,就一定要学生写出自己的Admission Essay。写好后,可以由高手一起共同研究,琢磨如何修改。但一定不要全部让他人代劳。看看这位同学是如何写的吧。 My aim is creation. I love the idea of giving life to nothingness. Were I another person in another time, I might spend my whole life tilling the land. Just like the earliest farmers, the sight of dirt giving rise to carrots and tomatoes at my whim feels like a miracle. I like to randomly burst out in song. I like to shake my body. If I could I would be a pianist and a poet and a painter and a politician. Unfortunately, in all these disciplines my ability can&apos&apost meet my enthusiasm. Where I can create, and break tired codes, is in the kitchen. With unlimited time and resources I would become the best pastry baker and the finest chef in all of the eastern seaboard.
I really like food. On some drab school days I cheer myself up thinking of the dinner awaiting me in the evening. Often I do a 24-hour fast to ready my stomach for a huge meal. Now, being served this food is fine. It&apos&aposs usually restful ...