

加拿大留学申请 圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学申请 圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学 奖学金

  Financing your education is very important. At StFX, we have the resources to guide you through your educational financial planning to keep you on track. Let us help you explore your options:

  StFX has a dynamic Bursary Program offering over $500,000 annually in financial support. We encourage you to check out the opportunities offered with these awards.

  Our university participates in government student loan programs with both Canada and the United States.

  StFX also offers many opportunities for students to work on campus, with approximately 30% of the student population employed by the university annually!


  St. Francis Xavier University offers over $3 Million in merit-­based scholarships and financial aid to its new and current undergraduate students.

  Students with an admissions average of 85%* are guaranteed an entrance scholarship worth at least $5,000**

  Consideration for scholarships at StFX begins with your application to the university.

  (*Average is obtained from the requirements for the program to which a student has applied).

  (** $1250 per year over fours years. Renewable based on obtaining a minimum average of 80% in each year of study)





  录取平均分达到85%* 的学...



加拿大留学申请 圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学 圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学申请

  StFX is an immersive, living learning experience that promises to inspire and challenge you. Here, you have vast opportunities to explore, reach for new heights both inside and outsde the classroom, locally and around the world. With the encouragement and support of the entire StFX community, we promise your experience will transform you.

  Once on campus, it’s felt immediately—perhaps best described as a sense of belonging. Although StFX has the very best residential and academic facilities located within Canada’s most beautiful campus, truth be told, it’s the emotional connections you make with fellow housemates that make the StFX experience so unique and special.With nearly the entire first-year class living on campus, it won’t be long before you find yourself sharing new adventures and experiences with others just like you. Immersed in a vibrant community, you will live together, learn together, laugh together, share challenges and successes together.You will grow together. You will support one another. From day one, you will wear your house colours with pride and will forever identify yourself as a member of the family.And, when it comes time to graduate, fully prepared for the next great adventure in your life, you will look back and appreciate the incredible experiences – your education, your friendships with professors and new best friends, countless adventures and life-changing moments, the list goes on – and you will re...

