庆北国立大学建校于1946年(简称KNU),1951年发展成为一所国立综合大学,是韩国第二大国立大学。是韩国现任总统朴槿惠的父亲——朴正熙的母校。在韩国享有“汉江以南最高综合学府”的美誉。学校历届毕生活跃在韩国的政界、商界、教育界、医学界、知识界。庆北大学在国内外均享有影响,世界500强名校里被列为地区重点国立大学。2005年亚太高校百强排名,是唯一进入百强的两所国立大学之一。下面是出国留学网 m.liuxue86.com 为大家整理的庆北大学学生宿舍详情,供大家参考。
Housing 学生宿舍
KNU Dormitories
In KNU, residential facilities are provided for students from outside Daegu or Sangju city and overseas for their safe, clean, comfortable and affordable living environment.
Each dormitory is equipped with a gym, a recreation hall, a meeting room, a computer lab and laundry facilities. All the rooms are fully furnished and also have Internet access. Residents in the dormitory are required to cooperate with each other to maintain their surroundings. KNU dormitories have certain rules that all resident should comply with, and the residents will be held responsible for any violation of rules.
在KNU宿舍,宿舍是为从大邱或尚州城以为和海外来的学生提供的,为他们提供一个安全、 清洁、 舒适和可负担得起的居住环境。
每个宿舍配备健身房、 休闲馆、 会议室、 计算机实验室和洗衣设施。所有的房间装修好,并且有互联网接入。在宿舍里需和周围的人互相合作以维持一个好的住宿环境。KNU宿舍所有学生应都遵守相关规章制度,并对任何违反规则的行为负责。
Housing on Daegu Campus
KNU Dormitory on Daegu Campus has 10 dormitory buildings with 2,037 rooms, housing over 4,500 students. Since it’s located in the ...