

怦然心动里的经典台词 怦然心动经典台词


  我喜欢看我爸爸绘画I loved to watch my father paint.

  我喜欢在他画画时和他聊天Or really, I loved to hear him talk while he painted.

  这样我更加了解我爸爸I learned a lot about my dad that way.

  他和我聊各式各样的事情He told me all sorts of things.

  比如他怎么找到一份运输干草的工作,比如他后悔自己没有完成大学学业...like how he got his first job delivering hay and how he'd wished he'd finished college.

  有天,他出人意料地问Then one day he surprised me.

  你和对门那个布莱斯是怎么回事啊?What's going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski?

  朱莉:啊?什么怎么回事啊?没什么啊What do you mean? Nothing.

  父:哦,那就好,是我想多了Oh, okay.My mistake.

  朱莉:你为什么这么想?Why would you even think that?

  父:没什么,只是你成天把他挂在嘴边No reason.Just that you...talk about him all the time.

  朱莉:我有吗?I do?


  朱莉:我不知道I don't know.

  我想是因为他那双眼睛,或者是他的微笑I guess it's something about his eyes.Or maybe his smile.

  父:那他这个人如何?But what about him?


  父:你必须看到整体You have to look at the whole landscape.

  朱莉:什么意思?What does that mean?

  父:一幅画可不仅仅是它各个部分的简单组合A painting is more than the sum of its parts.

  一头牛只是一头牛A cow by itself is just a cow.

  草地只是一片长满青草和花朵的土地A meadow by itself is just grass,

  透过树枝的阳光,也不过是一束光线而已And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light.

  但是你将它们组合在一起But you put them all together...

  却美的不可思议and it can be magic.

  爸爸的话,我一知半解I didn't ...

