

托福作文范文 托福作文 托福考试


  People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  One custom that is prevalent in all societies around the globe is that of gift-giving. This is a time-honored tradition in all countries, and evokes different feelings or emotions in all of us. Gift-giving has many different functions in Chinese culture. One can receive a gift as a token of affection, or one can receive or give a gift to stimulate business opportunities. In both of these cases, the gifts are always well received, and serve the function of a memento.

  Perhaps the most common situation in which a gift is given is on a special day, for example, one's birthday or an anniversary. These gifts come to a person from loved ones, and usually symbolize affection or admiration. These gifts can be large or small. For example, my father bought me a digital camera for my last birthday. This was a great present, and was quite expensive. I did not appreciate the gift because of its monetary value, however. I valued it because it was a very thoughtful gift, as my father knew I was interested in photography. Other gifts have less monetary value, but are still

  just as meaningful. An example of this is when a boyfriend buys flowers for his girlfriend. The flowers do not cost a lot of money, but they evoke feelings of happiness and love. Gifts can a...



托福作文范文 托福作文 托福考试



  Do you agree or disagree with the statement: In order to succeed, it is better to be like others rather than different from everybody else.


  Success can be perceived and achieved in many different ways. Some people believe being different holds the key while others attribute success to finding common grounds. I’d go for the former view because success depends on knowledge, experience and social circle.

  First off, the acquisition of knowledge is a matter of individuality. The best problem-solving method varies from person to person. A strategy may work perfectly fine for one person, but would turn out to be counterproductive for another. Take my roommate for instance. He is usually spotted rushing from library to laboratory, from classroom to tennis court, burning mid-night oil to hit books before finals, and end up with straight A’s through every semester. Taking him as a role model, I started to follow suit. I signed up for various learning groups and it wasn’t long before I got more than I could handle on my plate and stretched myself too thin, eventually stressed out. It seems to me working around the clock may serve him well, but I’d suffer if I take it too far.

  Second, there is no single way to success. When taking on a challenge, people who want to make a difference woul...



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  • 不可能用于烹饪的。想一想我们家里用的pans and pots,使用之后会blackend or discolored,因为长时间接触高温,炊具势必会发黑。但是出土的200件disk中没有一个出现了这种情况。

  • 做鼓使用也不可能发出好听的声音。这中disk使用陶土制作,即使蒙上兽皮敲击的声音也远不如用兽皮和木头制作的鼓好听。此外,陶土制作的鼓非常沉,使用不便。

  • 无法当作镜子。倒入液体后,disk就必须被水平放置,这样人们可以弯腰照镜子。但是被水平放置后,有花纹的那一面就看不见了。古希腊的镜子是手持的,垂直拿在手里,这样可以随时看见镜子的花纹。


  About the function of disks, the reading mentions three hypotheses, which are refuted by the listening one by one with the following arguments.

  The first possible function of disks, raised by the reading, is for cooking. The listening, however, is opposite to this point by further explaining that after being heated for a long time, cookers must be blackened or discolored, just like pans and pots at our home. But the fact is that among the 200 unearthed disks, none of them is blackened or discolored.

  Regarding to the drum theory, the listening still disagrees with it. For one thing, it could not produce sound that is pleasing to ears for this kind of disk is made of clay, which, even though covered with ...


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  Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?


  The movie industry has witnessed an unprecedented boom during recent years with endless movies coming into view. Among the ample supply of movies, many are based on original books, which provides the general public two choices about the order of reading books and watching movies. Some prefer to watch the movie followed by reading the book. According to my preference, I would like to read the original book first.

  The primary reason for my stance is that by reading the original book, I am allowed to let my imagination run wild. To illustrate, the original book shows us the detailed plots without displaying the specific characters on screen or through pictures. Therefore, we are free to imagine without the constraints of movies. Conversely, characters in the movies have already been chosen and designed including their facial expressions, body language and even dressing styles, which leaves us few chances to make full use of our imagination and curiosity to think logically. It is no wonder that giving priority to the original books provides us with more fun, for it is imagination that contributes to happiness.

  Another fac...


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  Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  「范文」 Human Activity and the Earth

  There is no doubt that human activity has an effect on the planet. We see the evidenceof mankind's endeavors all around us. While some of man‘s accomplishments, such as the building of transportation systems and the consistent supply of potable water, have made Earth a better place for people to live, they have not come without cost. Overall, it seems that human activity harms the Earth more than it benefits it.

  For example, the transportation systems that benefit mankind also create pollution and use up valuable energy resources. While we cannot do without transportation these days, we cannot ignore the fact that it has an adverse effect on the planet. Furthermore, those advances that benefit people do not benefit all the life on Earth. Deforestation endangers many animals, and mankind's great thirst for water and other resources leads to the extinction of many plant forms. In addition, accomplishments such as the supply of potable water to a community are only responses to problemsthat mankind created in the past. It was man that mad...



  英文写作反映考生综合运用英语语言的能力,只有在宏观和微观两个方面都把握得当才能构成一篇完美的TOEFL作文。这里的宏观是就一篇文章的框架结构而言的,而微观是指一篇文章的语篇要素,即文章中表达意义的微观单位,包括单词、短语和句子。语篇要素运用的纯熟,能很好地反映一个人的语言修养,准确的用词、多样化的句式结构以及精妙得体的修辞会使整篇文章熠熠生辉,极富感染力。TOEFL作文考试作为一种语言测试方式,其重点在于考查考生的英语语言水平,对语篇要素的把握在写作TOEFL作文的过程当中无疑是至关重要的。熟练恰当地运用语篇要素会令你的作文妙笔生花,卓尔不群。 。



  1.Original: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will add your social experience and help you to understand other people’s feelings and learn to be kind.
  Revised: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will enrich your social experience and help you to understand other people’s feelings and learn to be considerate.



  2. Original: Science and technology have greatly influenced our lives and our society is changing very rapidly.
  Revised: Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed...


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  第四、VOA Special English是很好的听力材料,但是你已经听够了,给点信心自己,听一些外国人正常语速的东西。

  你不可能要求外国人用Special English的语速说话给你听。事实上Special English和正常的说话之间的差别并不是大家想的那么小,而语速对听力的影响更不是想象中那么微弱,往往是起了决定性的影响的。因为正常语速跟慢速之间不同的地方实在太多,譬如连读、省略、轻读、模糊等等,这些都是影响听懂与否的关键要素。Special English里全是完整的句子,可是实际上正常的说话表达才不需要那么正儿八经呢?你是否有信心听懂?况且Special English里更遇不到丰富的词汇,复杂的结构。听了几个月或半年的特别英语,别想自己还是特别的了,听听正常的东西吧。但是,我还认为,VOA Special English应该不间断的听,只是不能把重点放在上面了。因为VOA Special English不但是入门英语中不可多得的听力材料,也是纠正发音的绝佳材料。无论你英语学习到达了什么程度,我到希望你能够不断听Special English。

  第五、 专心听懂一盒磁带比你囫囵吞枣的听了十盒磁带的效果要好得多。






  1-5篇 不限时写作 结构完整 300字以上

  6-10篇 1小时 350字以上 结构完整

  要求:检查语法、拼写错误 跑题、表达不清问题

  11-20篇 半小时 400字以上

  要求:检查语法、拼写错误 跑题、表达不清问题 润饰文章

  理由不能太具体 否则不容易展开 要擅于利用“万金由”


  开头1 背景+论题+各方观点的理由+作者论点和理由







  开头2 事例+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者理由和论点

  ⑴ 媒体(电视、电台、报纸、杂志和网络)的报道

  ⑵ 朋友、邻居、同事的故事

  开头3 问题+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者论点和理由

  把背景用问题方式提出 连续提问(煽情式提问)

  开头4 “引语”+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者论点和理由


  必须是陈述句 必须表面观点 不要直接写事实 由观点到事实

  态度必须坚决 每段都要有主题句 通常位于段首或段末





  黄金规则一 –The longer, the better

  ⑴ 每一个论点都要有理由

  ⑵ 每一个理由都要有例子

  ⑶ 每一个例子都要有细节


  黄金规则三 重述语意的技巧








  (Support) argue for/vote for/be in favor of

  (Oppose) argue against/vote against/object to/be opposed to

