

托福写作范文解析 托福写作解析 托福写作




  The most important character of a successful politician or leader is good communication skill.是否同意交流技巧是成功的政客或者领袖最重要的品质? 【原创范文赏析】

  【首段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

  Such is human nature to strive for the position of a leader, for a highly qualified leader could temper his or her comprehensive talents, earn the maximum admiration and respect after obtaining the objectives. People differ greatly in their views as to what makes qualified leaders. An opinion springs up that communication skill tops all. As I see it, a good speech-craft is crucial for a leader,however,it is never the only standard of eminent leaders. 翻译:



  Effective communication ability must fall into the qualities of eminent leaders. To be the leader is what many of us aspire after, although not everyone could fulfill this dream. The connotation of leadership might include many elements. First-class speech-craft and perfect communication skills is, by all means, the manifestation of mighty leadership both for politicians and leaders. First, as for politicians, effective communication skills help to quickly r...

