

托福口语考试 口语考试预测 托福口语考试预测



  托福综合口语 Integrated Speaking 共120题

  第1题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Time Conflict 属性:核心预测




  【听力】问题:The woman has to conduct an interview for business class, and then write an essay on the process of starting business, but the interviewer who agreed to do the interview as a last minute business meeting that he has to go out of the town for the weekends. 解决方案1:The man suggested that she do the interview next week. 优点1:She could still do an okay job, may be not a great one. 缺点1:She will be left with only a few days to write up the paper because it is due next week. 解决方案2:Professor offer a list of business owners for student, she can find someone else to interview. 优点2:She could easily find a business owner. 缺点2:She is interested in healthy food industries, the person she was supposed to interview owns a healthy-food magazine, now she has to find people working in other fields.

  第2题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Dilemma Choice 属性:核心预测




  【听力】问题:Jenny 暑假必须参加一门生物课程才能毕业。但同时她已经许诺帮助姐姐这个暑假照料她的孩子。解决方案1:可以两者都做优点1:可以上午照看孩子,下午上课;同时可以免费住在姐姐那里缺点1:压力会比较大。来回走比较费时,晚上还有作业。解决方案2:可以在学校附近租房子上学优点2:可以专心完成学业;课程只需6周,剩下的时间帮助姐姐缺点2:会让姐姐失望

  第3题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Course-Choosing 属性:核心预测




  【听力】问题:the girl has a time co...



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  1.Your university is going to give out a scholarship of $5,000. Who do you think should receive the scholarship: students with academic performance or students who need financial aids?

  2.Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few employees. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?

  3.You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green space. Do you think this is a good idea?

  4.Do you agree or disagree that children who do sports at a young age will be more aggressive in the future.

  5.Some people get to know a person by the first observation while others prefer to get to know a person by long time observation. Which one do you prefer and explain why.

  6.Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why?

  7.When your friend is about to take a visit to your house. Do you prefer them to inform you before their coming, or do you prefer a surprise visit?

  8.All people should be required to stop working and retire by age 65. Do you agree or disagree?




托福口语考试 口语考试预测 托福口语考试预测



  Do you think that students should be required to take part-time jobs as soon as they attend college?

  Do you think that parents should decide their children’s careers for them?

  Some people believe that students should take several shorter breaks instead of taking a long break during summer vacation. Do you think it’s a good idea or not? Explain why.

  Do you think artists need talents?

  Do you think that people learn more from success than from failure?

  Do you think high school students should take one year off to travel or work before going to college?

  Do you think it is good idea to have “quiet cars” on trains and subway to offer people an environment where no one talks on the phone?

  What do you think zoos mean to animals?

  What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having more foreign tourists come and travel in our country?

  Do you think people learn more from failures than from successes? Why?

  Do you think that parents today put much more pressure on their children than before? Explain why.

  Do you agree that children should be taught how to use cellphones and computers at an early age?

  Do you think that children should be required to help with household work once they are old e...



托福考试 口语考试 托福口语预测




  1.Your university is going to give out a scholarship of $5,000. Who do you think should receive the scholarship: students with academic performance or students who need financial aids?

  2.Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few employees. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?

  3.You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green space. Do you think this is a good idea?

  4.Do you agree or disagree that children who do sports at a young age will be more aggressive in the future.

  5.Some people get to know a person by the first observation while others prefer to get to know a person by long time observation. Which one do you prefer and explain why.

  6.Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why?

  7.When your friend is about to take a visit to your house. Do you prefer them to inform you before their coming, or do you prefer a surprise visit?

  8.All people should be required to stop working and retire by age 65. Do you agree or disagree?

  9.Some people believe that students shou...



托福考试口语 口语考试题目 托福口语预测



  151010CN 独立

  Some people like to write diaries or take photos to record what they've experienced when they're traveling, others don't do so. What's your opinion on it? Please explain with details.

  190629CN 独立

  Some people sell the gifts their friends gave them or give the gifts to others. Do you think this is a good idea? Why?

  190223CN 独立

  There is a policy that parents should not be allowed to see children's grades without their permission. Do you agree or disagree?

  160911CN 独立

  Some kids like to play games outdoors, while other kids like to play inside homes. Which do you prefer when you were a kid and why?

  180915CN 独立

  Hiking club or speech club, which club do you think the university can cancel?

  150410CN 独立

  Do you prefer big family or small family? Please give your answer with specific examples and details.

  141115CN 独立

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should spend money on projects that can encourage citizens to lead a healthier lifestyle. Please give your opinion and explanation.

  190616CN 独立

  If you have a misunderstanding with your friend, do you prefer talking out in public like a restaurant or in a private place?

  190921CN 独立

  Do y...



托福考试 口语考试 托福口语预测



  1. Do you prefer to prepare something a lot of time before deadline or wait until the last minute before deadline? Please give specific reasons and details to support your idea.

  I would try to start a project as early as possible. Because an early-start leaves us sufficient time and energy to improve and revise, so the quality of the project could be better guaranteed; an early start also allows us to follow a systematic plan and enjoy an unhurried schedule. Actually, I used to procrastinate a lot, and a lousy time management only leads to bad consequence. I remember I was once invited to attend a high-level school presentation contest. So many things were distracting me at the time and I waited until the night before the deadline to start writing my speech, and the result was a nightmare. My mind went blank automatically when I was on the stage, which was totally embarrassing.


  1. Leaving some time for group discussion in class is beneficial for study. Do you agree or not?

  As far as I am concerned, leaving some time for group discussion in class has much benefit. First of all, it enables us to exchang...



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托福考试 口语考试 托福口语预测


  S1 If you are going to have an interview with a famous people in your community,which of the following people will you choose?

  nessman essor st

  Give detailed information to support your answer and explain why.

  S1 Which of the following creative activities do you feel like to get involved in?

  1. Pottery making

  2. Writing

  3. Art creation

  Choose one and explain why.

  S1 Among the following jobs, which do you is most interesting one and why?

  1. airplane pilot

  2. actor

  3. detective

  S1 In order to protect the environment, nowadays governments encourages people to use recycled bags, and charge for plastic bags. What are the benefits of doing so?

  S2 You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleep less or just study less and get full night’s h will you choose?

  S2 Someone choos...



托福考试 口语考试 托福口语预测


  1. Which of the following ways is the best in getting to know Italian culture,

  1. Watching Italian movies

  2. Learning Italian cooking

  3. Attending Italian

  lectures or history classes

  Well, I do admit that watching movies and learning cooking really help in getting to know a nation’s culture, like if you learn how to make dumplings, you get the chance to know Chinese culinary culture and the dumplings’symbolic meaning in

  Chinese people’s life. But in my opinion, the best and fastest way to know the Italian culture is still to attend Italian lectures or history reason is that with the

  lecturer’s professional illustration and well-designed classes, you get the chance to learn Italian culture in a more academic and systematic way.

  2. Which kind of method will you use to solve the misunderstanding between you and your friend? Use examples and details to support your idea.I always solve the misunderstanding through one way: communication. If we don’t try on other’s shoes when the conflict comes out, we would see the problem only by our limited perspective. For instance, once I quarreled with my roommates

  because she didn’t pick up my call the other day. Then she realized my anger but gave me no response. We didn’t talk to each other for two days. Then after an open communication did I realize her grandma passed on ...



托福考试 口语考试 托福口语考试


  1. Which of the following ways is the best in getting to know Italian culture,

  1. Watching Italian movies

  2. Learning Italian cooking

  3. Attending Italian

  lectures or history classes

  Well, I do admit that watching movies and learning cooking really help in getting to know a nation’s culture, like if you learn how to make dumplings, you get the chance to know Chinese culinary culture and the dumplings’symbolic meaning in

  Chinese people’s life. But in my opinion, the best and fastest way to know the Italian culture is still to attend Italian lectures or history reason is that with the

  lecturer’s professional illustration and well-designed classes, you get the chance to learn Italian culture in a more academic and systematic way.

  2. Which kind of method will you use to solve the misunderstanding between you and your friend? Use examples and details to support your idea.I always solve the misunderstanding through one way: communication. If we don’t try on other’s shoes when the conflict comes out, we would see the problem only by our limited perspective. For instance, once I quarreled with my roommates

  because she didn’t pick up my call the other day. Then she realized my anger but gave me no response. We didn’t talk to each other for two days. Then after an open communication did I realize her grandma passed ...

