

澳大利亚圣母大学奖学金 澳洲大学奖学金 澳洲留学


  Scholarships at The University of Notre Dame Australia

  The University offers a range of scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.



  Scholarships - Broome Campus

  Broome 校区奖学金

  The Aboriginal Health Tertiary Access and Support Program Scholarships

  Value: $5,000 plus $1,500 for material support and resources

  The purpose of the Scholarship is to provide support for Aboriginal students to access and attain tertiary qualifications in health related disciplines offered within the following Schools:

  School of Health Sciences;

  School of Medicine;

  School of Nursing and Midwifery; or

  School of Physiotherapy

  The Scholarship provides financial support to recipients which may be used to assist with general living and educational expenses. Each scholarship will comprise of a cash payment of $5,000 per year to assist students with expenses towards continuing their studies at the University. In addition to the $5,000 per year, each recipient will receive a cash payment of up to $1,500 per year awarded for the purpose of material support and resources such as the purchase of textbooks, a laptop or tablet.


