特雷莎•梅将重组内阁 近半数成员或为女性
Women to make up nearly half of Theresa May’s reshuffled Cabinet
Theresa May will promote women into some of the most senior positions in her Government on Wednesday after becoming the second female Prime Minister in Britain’s history.
Mrs May is this evening expected to announce significant promotionsfor Amber Rudd, the Energy Secretary, and Justine Greening, the International Development Secretary, as she unveils her new team.
Mrs Rudd is tipped for one of the four big offices of state, with friends of Mrs May suggesting that she could be made Home Secretary, while Mrs Greening is poised to become the new Health Secretary.
Mrs May’s reshuffle is likely to propel several female Conservative MPs onto the front bench for the first time and could mean that close to half of the Cabinet are women.
A spokesman for Mrs May said: “It was Theresa w...