

美国大学的录取方式有哪些 美国大学的三种录取方式


美国的大学总体来说有三种录取方式,即ED(Early Decision具有约束力的提前录取)、EA (Early Action不具约束力的提前录取)和RD(Regular Decision常规录取)。前两者简单地说是提前批次录取,最后一种是常规批次录取。


  英文是Early Action,简称为EA。权威的英文解释是这样说的:Early action is another type of early admission process for admission to colleges and universities in the United States.

  Unlike the regular admissions process, early action usually requires students to submit an application by November 1 of their senior year of high school instead of January 1.

  Students are notified of the school's decision by mid-December instead of April 1. There are two types of early action programs: restrictive early action and non-restrictive

  early action. Restrictive EA allows candidates to apply to only one early action institution and to no institutions early decision, while, as the name implies, there are no such

  restrictions on non-restrictive early action. Regardless, the applicant is still permitted to reject any offer of admission in both types of early action.

  申请者必须提前在11月之前递交申请,大部分学校EA的申报截止日期时11月1号, 少部分是10月30号或者11月30号或者其他日期。EA申请发布结果的时间一般是12月15日左右。与ED不同的是,EA可申请多所大学,一旦被录取,申请者可根据自己的意愿选择是否入学。


  SCEA(Single Choice Early Action)是单一选择的早期行动。与EA基本相同,唯一不同的是,SCEA只能申请一所大学。

  REA是Restrictive Early Action的简称,译为“限制性提前行动”。

  无论是SCEA还是REA,都对申请学生的EA提前申请进行一定的条件限制,但是录取结果都不具有约束性。 不同的是,与REA相比,SCEA招生政策的限制要严格的多:学生在申请一所实...

