prospective a.预期的,未来的,可能的
prosper vi.兴旺,繁荣,成功
Protestant n.新教徒 a.新教徒的
prototype n.原型
proverb n.谚语,俗语,格言
provocative a.1.挑衅的,煽动的,刺激的 2.挑逗的
proximity n.接近,邻近
prudent a.审慎的,小心谨慎的
prune n.1.洋李,李子 2.修剪,修整 3.删除,削减
pry vi.窥探,刺探,打听 vt.1.撬动,撬开,撬起 2.费力地得到,使劲分开
psychiatrist n.精神科医生,精神病专家
pudding n.布丁
puddle n.(雨)水坑,泥潭
puff vi.1.喘气,喘息 2.一口一口地抽烟(或喷烟) 3.喷着烟(或蒸汽)移动 vt.1.边喷边吸(烟),抽(烟) 2.喷出,使一阵阵吹(或喷)
puff out 使膨胀,使肿胀
puff up 肿起,肿胀,傲慢,自负,趾高气扬,盛气凌人
pulp n.1.果泥,菜泥,酱 2.果肉,瓜瓤,植物的肉质部分 3.纸浆 4.低级书刊? a.低级的 vt.使成浆状
pumpkin n.南瓜
puppet n.1.木偶 2.傀儡,受人操纵的人(或集团)
puppy n.小狗,幼犬
purge vt.清洗,清除,使净化 n.1.清洗,清除异己 2.泻药
purify vt.1.使纯净,提纯 2.使纯洁
To Be a Protestant
Dr. Hill was a psychiatrist who was puffed up with his own ideas. He was sure that there was something provocative about Protestants and their desire to purge themselves of their sin. What he would never know, however, was that they were as harmless as puppies and only interested in purifying their own hearts so that they could worship God. They believed that they would only prosper with a pure heart and that their prototype was Jesus Chri...