gossip [5^Csip] n. 流言蜚语
v. (with, about) 说长道短
gross [^rEus] a. 1. 总的,毛(重)的 (请与net 结合记忆)
3. 公然的, 十分明显的
n. 总额
cross [krCs] v. 1.穿过,越过 2.(使)交叉3.打叉,划掉; n. 十字架
a. 1.交叉的 2.发怒的
across [E5krCs] ad. 横过,在对面
prep. 越过,在...对面那边
moss [mCs] n. 苔藓,地衣
boss [bCs] v. 指挥,支配,发号施令
n. 老板,上司
blossom [5blCsCm] vi. 开花 n. 花
For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances. (NETEM 1995, Translation, 第75题)
例如,测试并不弥补明显的社会不公;因此,它们不能说明一个物质条件差的年轻人,如果在较好的环境下成长的话,会有多大才干。(注:had he grown up 是if he had grown up 的虚拟倒装结构;另外,上下文中,they指测试)
bruise [bru:z] n. 瘀伤,擦伤 v. 打伤,撞伤
cruise [kru:z] vi. 巡游, 巡航 n. 巡游, 巡航
cruiser [5kru:zE] n. 巡洋舰
When the German cruise ship Wilhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes (鱼雷) fired from a Russian submarine in the final winter of World War II , more than 10,000 people — mostly women, children and old people fleeing the final Red Army push into Nazi Germany — were packed aboard. (CET-6, 2004.6, Passage 1, Paragraph 1)
就在二战后的最后一个冬季,德国巡洋舰Wilhelm Gustloff被苏联潜水艇发射的鱼雷击中,当时船上挤满了一万多人,他们大多是妇女、小孩和老人,正要逃离红军攻入纳粹德国的最后攻势。...