


  Calculator tips

  Bring a calculator with you, even if you're not sure if you will use it. Calculators will not be available at the test center.

  If you don't use a calculator regularly, practice using it on sample SAT mathematics questions before the test. Use a calculator with which you are familiar.

  All questions on the SAT can be answered without a calculator. The questions do not require complicated or tedious calculations.

  Don't buy an expensive, sophisticated calculator just to take the test. Although you can use them for the test, more sophisticated calculators are not required for any problem on the test.

  Don't try to use a calculator on every question. First, decide how to solve the problem, and then decide whether to use the calculator. The calculator is meant to aid you in problem solving select questions, not to get in the way.

  It may help to do scratch work in the test book. Get your thoughts down before using your calculator.

  Make sure your calculator is in good working order and that batteries are fresh. If your calculator fails during testing and you have no backup, you'll have to complete the test without it.

  Acceptable calculators

  Calculators permitted during testing are:

  Graphing calculators

  Scientific calculators

  Four-function cal...

