Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of unisexual schools.
Boy schools and girl schools shoot up very rapidly both in foreign countries and at home. In China, girl schools have enjoyed a very long history since one hundred years ago. Many sociologists and educationalists present their views on this issue from different angles. In this essay, I will zero in on the advantages and disadvantages of the controversial phenomenon. (60 words)
Some parents prefer to send their children to boy schools or girl schools in the hope that their children can concentrate on study and acquire adequate knowledge and skills because unisexual schools can make out appropriate curriculum and courses for students according to their sexual characteristics. In some girl schools, students have a wider choice of courses such as dancing, music, embroidery and drawing, which can cultivate their feminine elegance and charm. Furthermore, students can devote themselves fully to their study and will not be distracted. Campus love affairs are very common in the current society under the influence of media. Boy schools and girl schools can eradicate contact between different sexes and purify the campus environment. (117 words)
Of course, some experts p...
The rate of young women crimes is rising in the current society. What are the causes and how to solve it?
Juvenile delinquency is a very serious problem confronting us in modern society. At the same time, the rate of young women crimes spearheads very fast. Some sociologists and educationists show great concern about this problem. In this essay, I will find out the causes for this issue and explore some possible solutions.
First of all, the rapid development of society and the changes of people's value of the world account mainly for the issue. In the old days, women were confined to housework and baby-sitting, which barricaded women's steps. Now, with the eye-catching development of economy, many young women go out to find a job, which renders them more opportunities to contact the outside world. As a consequence, young women are apt to be influenced by the malfeasance in the society.
Secondly, the rise of criminal rate attributes to the lack of education of women. The prosperity and luxury in some metropolises are very attractive to some young women. Some of them leave the countryside in the hope that they can make a good fortune in the cities, where they often find themselves disappointed for lack of good education or skills. Therefor...
TOPIC: Traffic and housing problems in major cities can be solved by.moving the large companies and factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above statement?
居然要把大公司和大工厂都搬到农村去?解决交通和住房问题? 偶第一个不同意
先讲讲人权问题,凭什么要大公司的搬,大公司的人就不是人么?再考虑一下搬那么大一个公司要花多少钱?谁来替欧们出? 该死的,有钱干嘛不去多建设些地铁?偶们虽然在大公司收入比较高,但好歹也上有小下有老,我们每天也要回家的。你以为公司搬了,我们每个人都爱厂如家了? 去死吧,我们要每天开车回家的啊,这个都没想到?你还改善个P交通啊。
还是来谈点实际吧,想解决问题? 来来来,听我细细说来,最起码也要多盖房子,多建地下铁,用城市包围农村---别问我为什么,这个好像是XX领袖说的。或许我们还可以搞搞高科技,什么天空之城啦,空中飞车啦,将来不再是梦了。
我先来boil down the topic: moving可以解决 traffic and housing problems, 你同意吗?也就是说, 人家是为了解决traffic and housing problems才建议大动干戈搬迁大公司工厂及员工的.
你若同意,你就必须维护这个建议, 论证为何可行;你若不同意, 则须批驳这个建议,即论证为何不可行.
所以最简单直接的方法就是一个主体段落论证traffic problems--traffic jams, traffic accidents --搬迁能解决吗? 另一段主体来论证housing problems--high density, sky-high prices, too less spaces per dweller--搬迁能解决这些问题吗?
1. "讲讲人权问题,凭什么要大公司的搬,大公司的人就不是人么?再考虑一下搬那么大一个公司要花多少钱?谁来替欧们出?"-----------------全部与答题无关, 扣!
2."该死的,有钱干嘛不去多建设些地铁?"----------假如反对,这可作为solution, (后面已有, 重复了)
3. "偶们虽然在大公司收入比较高,但好歹也上有小下有老,我们每天也要回家的。你以为公司搬了,我们每个人都爱厂如家了? 去死吧,"-------------与答题逻辑联系不紧,扣!
Nowadays many people stay off job or school due to stress from work or study. You should use specific reasons and your own experience to analyze the cause and offer the solution.
---------Discussion—B-------------324 words in total-----------
Pressure is always there in some form, whether in the workplace or in our personal lives. If you allow it to control your performance in a negative way, then it becomes stress. I would like to examine the cause of stress, which has led to many people staying off job or school, and offer possible solutions as follows. [58 words]
Firstly, do not overestimate your abilities. It is not uncommon that many arrogant people first overrate themselves before starting a task, then they stay off the job after having found it extremely difficult. These people are pessimistic ones. Actually if they knew who they are they would not place themselves in this plight. Take me for example, I am an architect working for a construction company. Whenever I am given an assignment, I would study it for a couple of days. If it is over my head I would recommend another more capable colleague to complete it. This is the way I am and consequently and more importantly, I never feel stressful at work.. [113 words]
Now ...
When a five-year-old child commits a crime, should the parents be punished for that? In your opinion, at what age should a child start to be responsible for what he/she did?
----------Argumentation--------289 words in total--------------
There seem to be more senseless/unconscious crimes done by young children that appear to lack a motive or even indulge a whim. What a thorny issue to handle for both the parents and the victim involved! Some people may argue that children are products of environment, so the family should be responsible for all delinquency of them. This is absolutely wrong. ( 61 words)
In modern society, parents are not the only influence on children. Generally a five-year-old child is sent to attend kindergarten. Obviously the young child spends a great deal of time exposed to other influences such as the teachers, other children, other parents and television. Particularly in many contemporary families, both the parents are required to work, sometimes over time. This situation could possibly result in the little kids falling under more influence of others or media. If this is the case then too many people should be punished whenever young children commit crimes. Undoubtedly this would be too impractical to implement. ( 1...