

雅思口语复习资料 雅思考试 雅思


  Describe a garden or park you like

  where it is;

  what it look like

  what people are doing there;

  why you like it

  有关Park 或garden的超级实用词汇:

  Viking ship |ˈvaɪkɪŋ| 魔天伦

  seesaw 跷跷板

  bumper car 碰碰车

  merry-go-round 旋转木马

  maze 迷宫

  slide 滑梯

  bungee jump 蹦极

  Ferris wheel 摩天轮

  rockery 岩石

  fountain 喷泉

  flowers are in full bloom. 花团绽放

  In the morning, you can see seniors working out 晨练

  When the dark falls, you can see couples

  chatting and kissing under the trees 谈恋爱

  sitting on the grassland 静坐草坪

  walking on the bank of the lake 在湖岸行走

  tower 塔

  giant stride 旋转飞椅

  monorail 单轨列车

  entrance 入口

  swinging boat 秋千船

  money exchanger 换币处

  coffee cup 咖啡杯

  guide 导游

  rest room 休息室

  excursion boat 观览艇

  revolving boat 碰碰船

  mini-train 小火车

  track 铁轨

  roller coaster 环滑车

  go-cart 单座赛车

  rotor 大转轮

  mad-mouse (proper noun) 疯狂老鼠

  Sample answer:

  ★I wanna say something about the Water Park, which is located in the heart of Tianjin. Last week, I visited there with my family to celebrate my 18th birthday, although it’s a bit far, it’s still handy to go ...



雅思 中国 参考
Traditional Festivals

问题:Do you often celebrate festivalsin your culture/country?


· 回答"是"或"不是",然后给出一个简短的主要节日介绍,

"Answer'yes' or 'no' andthen give a few brief details of the main festivals


including its meanings and dates.



How do people celebrate them?

· 如果有特殊服装,那天需要穿些什么?

specialclothes worn at this time ( if any)




Yes, wedo. We have many special celebrations(庆祝)in our country throughout the year. TheSpring Festival(春节), the Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节), and the Dragon BoatFestival(端午节) are among the most important ones. But even with the samefestival, there are some different celebratingactivities invovled in differentparts of China.


