Task:With computers and Internet, people can study and work without going to school or the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
I personally believe it is not necessarily bliss for people to study and work wherever they wish rather than in schools or companies.
It is understandable why some people are overwhelmed by the possibility that they can free themselves from commuting every day, sustaining themselves simply by clicking the mouse or touching the screen. They are exhilarated by the hallucination that they were longer to toil and could fully savor the comfortable life brought by technology. Nonetheless, the reality shows a different picture and such a lifestyle could also bring thorny problems.
Firstly, students and employees may feel physically unbound to study or work, yet the almighty technology could actually increase their work pressure and make them become tethered around tasks without much rest. This is typically ture for office workers. In the past, many of them has a fixed schedule each day, which was usually terminated when they clock out. With technologies such as email and mobile phone, however, managers are endowed with the ability to find employees whenever they like: consequently, people will gradually realize that they can hardly distinguish their life from work. Some employees, for instance...