

雅思写作方法 雅思写作技巧 雅思写作范文


  题目:As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction?How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

  题干分析:本题是相对抽象的社会生活类话题,对于中学生以及没有上过班的大学生同学们有一定话题上的陌生感。但是即使是上班的“同志们”就一定觉得题目容易展开吗?是的,中国人的答案在面对这个题目的时候是惊人的相似,可以预见,大家的答案往往是:money, power, promotion。这些对于工作满意度的factors的回答本身是没有问题的,但是难点在于不要忽视了去解释和补充我们“为什么把这些元素”看的比较重的原因。回答的内容本身并不重要,但重要的是如何解释清楚。

  Nowadays many adults (直接用adults 是细化思维的体现,不要只是写people,使句子更贴话题) have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high. (首句不要写太长的背景,要从第一句话就开始描述这个话题,而不是“with the development of society and economy , there is a hotly-debated topic about whether or not …这样的套话,是注定让你丢分的,接下来将变成一个考官验证5分或者5.5分的过程。那为什么不能写模板呢?这样的句子本身的质量不是很好?威廉老师告诉你,是因为背景写的太大,紧接着就跳入非常具体的话题,这样严重破坏了作文的CC(连贯性)这一评分标准)。 So feelings about one’s job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life as a whole, and because of this, job satisfaction is indeed very important for the wellbeing of that person. (顺接的很自然)高手应该做到让段落的内容的话题的范文不要太宽,要尽量克制写很多内容的冲动。你有没有发现,当你从第一句就开始写这个话题,从写成年人的工作对于成年人很重要的前提下,自然就过渡到了“工作满意度“的话题,因为话题窄,所以很容易构成有逻辑)。

  Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways.(罗列式中心句,就表明接下来会有几个具体的方面需要具体展开) Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable wo...



雅思考试 雅思写作 雅思写作评分地点




  雅思考试的作文是由IELTS EXAMINERS(雅思考官)来打分,都是在中国当地判分的,如果考生提出复议,才会把答题纸寄到剑桥大学,由那儿的考官评分。很多时候,考官既给作文打分,又面试口语。






雅思考试 雅思



What is IELTS:

IELTS (the International English Language Testing System) provides an assessment of whether candidates are ready to study or train through the medium of English. It is recognised by higher and further education institutions as fulfilling English language entrance requirements and by professional bodies such as the General Medical Council. It is readily available in 251 approved test centres in 105 countries around the world who arrange tests according to demand.

IELTS writing examination:

For the academic module, there are two writing tasks, as I am sure you know. In Task 1 you need to write a minimum of 150 words in about 20 minutes and in Task 2 a minimum of 250 words in about 40 minutes.

In Task 1 you are asked to look at a diagram or table or bar chart and then to organise and present the data in your own words in the form of a general report suitable for a university lecturer or tutor. Scripts are assessed on the criteria of:

task fulfilment
coherence and cohesion
vocabulary and sentence structure.


How to prepare for the Task 1:

So that you satisfy the task fulfilment requirements, it is a good idea to spend a minute or two at the beginning, m...


雅思写作高分技巧 雅思写作技巧 雅思写作指导






  Some people think that government should establish free libraries in each town.

  While others believe that it is a waste of money since people can obtain information from the Internet at home.

  Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


  Nowadays, the human society is progressing rapidly on various fronts. Yet at the same time, whether government should establish free libraries in each town has sparked much debate. Some people think government should establish free libraries in each town, while others believe that it is a waste of money since people can obtain information from the Internet at home. Personally, I am in favor of the former view.


  Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members o...


雅思写作开头 雅思写作技巧 雅思写作方法





  Some people think that government should establish free libraries in each town.

  While others believe that it is a waste of money since people can obtain information from the Internet at home.

  Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


  Nowadays, the human society is progressing rapidly on various fronts. Yet at the same time, whether government should establish free libraries in each town has sparked much debate. Some people think government should establish free libraries in each town, while others believe that it is a waste of money since people can obtain information from the Internet at home. Personally, I am in favor of the former view.


  Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to lear...


雅思考试 雅思写作 雅思写作备考



  Technology in Education: Advantages

  Technology is a powerful tool to engage students

  Technology can make lessons much more interesting

  Students can do research using online resources

  Students can study at their own place

  Adults can take distance learning courses

  Students can study whenever and wherever they want

  Students also learn skills which are useful for their future jobs

  For example, they learn to write reports using a word processor

  Technology in Education: Disadvantages

  People rely too much on computers

  Young learners do not become proficient in some basic skills

  They use word processors and spelling may suffer

  People should be able to write a letter by hand

  Technology is no substitute for a r...


雅思口语 本文


The most important thing to remember in the writing test is your audience. On the tasks it often says thing like “write a report for a university lecturer” but in fact it should say “write a report for an examiner who will look carefully for mistakes & problems”. Most people think too much about the “whole” task and don’t pay enough attention to the actual sentences they write or the words they use. Your answer is basically comprised of sentences so you should concentrate on producing a series of “good quality sentences” instead of “an answer”. It is a good idea to work on key structures such as “conditionals” or subordinate clauses and get into the habit of producing these in your writing.

There is a tendency to “overcomplicate” answers by including too much information. It is a good idea to keep your answers as simple as possible in task 2. A good approach to task 2 is to take 3 separate ideas that are directly relevant to the question and to develop these ideas using good sentences & vocabulary.

It is very important that you answer the question fully. For example if a question asks “What problems does X cause and how can be these problems be solved?”, you must offer BOTH solutions and problems in your answer.

There is no right or wrong answers the writing test but it is important to keep YOUR answer relevant to the question. If you include ideas / sentences that are not directly relev...


雅思考试 雅思写作 雅思备考


  雅思写作错误用词之1 At last

  很多人在应该用“finally”或 “lastly”的地方用“at last”。“at last” 即使跟另外那两个单词一样,可以被译成中文的“最终”或“最后”,但它们还是有不一样的用法。

  我们为了谈论某一个过了很长时间后才被完成的事情会用“at last”。通常,我们对完成事情的时间长度不满意才用“at last”。比如:


  I waited for a full two hours. At last she arrived at half past ten.


  I looked for a job for two years and did over 50 interviews. At last, I got hired two weeks ago.

  在以上两句话,我们也可以用“finally”代替“at last”。

  但在以下的这些例子里,我们就只能用“finally”或 “lastly”,并不能用“at last”。

  Firstly........... Secondly.............. Lastly/Finally


  First you’ve got to eat, then wash the dishes and finally/lastly dry them.


  Finally/Lastly, my last point on this subject is....

  雅思写作错误用词之2 In a word

  很多雅思考生以为“in a word”像“finally”和“lastly”一样可以被用于文章的总结。事实上这个词组不经常出现在书面英语。这个词组在现实生活中出现最多的情况就是电视采访上。通常节目时间很有限,马上就快要结束的时候,主持人就会问最后一个问题,然后为了提醒嘉宾时间很紧,就会加上“In a word”。这样嘉宾就知道他没时间提供一个很完整很长的答案,得尽量直接用一个单词,通常“yes” or “no”回答。

  例子:你打算明年退休吗?In a word.

  In a word, 不打算。

  Do you plan to retire next year?In a word.

  In a word, no.


  In a word, 德国.

  In your opinion, who will win the World Cup?

  In a word, Germany.

  雅思写作错误用词之3 ...
