1. 最后的晚餐中的13门徒
Some Christian traditions have it that at the Last SupperJudas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th to sit at the table.
2. 北欧火神洛基的传说
Triskaidekaphobia may have also affected the Vikings-it is believed that Loki in the Norse pantheon was the 13th god. More specifically, Loki was believed to have engineered the murder of Balder, and was the 13th guest to arrive at the funeral. This is perhaps related to the superstition that if thirteen people gather, one of them will die in the following year.
在北欧神话中,火神洛基(Loki)是诸神中的第13位,他本身邪恶而狡诈。他欺骗并唆使黑暗盲神Hoder害死了自己的兄弟、光明之神 Balder,又成为葬礼上的第13位吊唁者。此后西方就有迷信:如果葬礼中有13个人出席,那么其中一人会在第二年死去。这也是“恐数字13症”的一种由来。
3. 波斯黄道十二宫的传说
Ancient Persians believed the twelve constellations in the Zodiac controlled the months of the year, and each ruled the earth for a thousand years at the end of which the sky and earth collapsed in chaos. Therefore, the thirteenth is identified with chaos and the reason Persians leave their houses to avoid bad luck on the thirteenth day of the Persian Calendar, a tradition called Sizdah Bedar.