

雅思阅读备考 雅思阅读技巧 雅思阅读提升


  第一种雅思阅读方法是先阅读全文,再看问题。对于雅思阅读考试,平均分配每一篇都有20分钟的时间。这样看来,你做题的速度要快要快还得要保证正确率!在用这个方法之前,你要思考你是不是可以在时间范围之内做到既能看完整篇文章又能看完问题还能做完题。首先你必须是一个fastreader,其次你有很强的信息集合能力! 一些人确实喜欢把文章从头看到尾,然后再做题,但是你得保证你看完文章能记得住啊,反正我是没有这个实力! 好处:你的脑子能够对文章的整个信息有了解。 坏处:你得读两遍,我相信你肯定会根据题目所问,再翻回去读一遍的!

  第二种雅思阅读方法就是先看问题规则(怎么看?首先你要理解不同类型的题目,是多选题吗?是填空题只让填写一个单词吗?),再划出问题中的关键词,然后再浏览文章,就根据关键词找出对应的文章段落。看问题首先你要仔细看清楚,到底问题问的是什么,回答规则又是什么?第一要看清楚啊!别费力找到了因为规则没看清而丢分,你自己说冤不冤! 坏处:就是问题出现的顺序会存在和文章顺序不符的情况。对于heading题,还是要把握文章的每一段。还有Y/N/NOT GIVEN 题有时候也是乱序的。 好处:节省时间,问题对应性强。

  第三种雅思考试阅读方法是:自己总结每一段(5-7分钟)。然后剩下的10分钟去答题。怎么做呢:要先找每一段的中心句也就是论点,一般会在开头的第一二句,或者结尾最后一句。 一篇正常的文章,每篇都会有中心句的。接着找到论据中的关键词,一旦找到,用少许单词去总结这一篇到底写的是啥。 然后你就去做题,这个方法的关键是,你总结完,再看问题的时候,你就知道这个问题的答案在哪里了,举例:如果这个问题问的是有关背景的,你就会根据自己的总结的内容马上就找到对应的段落,还不会忘记,因为你刚写了啊! 好处:你不需要读太多,只需找到每段论点和论证中的关键词;你会做的很快,而且准确率会高;其次对于heading题来说,额你已经完成了啊,只需把答案和你总结的对应一下。 坏处:这种方式很难去掌握,你要多练习,不过一旦熟能生巧,小朋友你逆天的时刻就到来了。 来些栗子来教大家怎么总结: The Phonautograph eventually evolved into the Phonograph. Thomas Edison discovered in 1878 a way to record sound onto soft. Impressionable material such as tinfoil、lead or wax. However,it was not until 1887 that this discovery was used to record sound on a flat disc creating a medium that could be mass produced. Emile Berliner discovered that instead of tracing the stylus over a rotating ... the resulting disc would then be ...

  首先这是一篇讲: the history of recorded music or even recorded sound,...



雅思阅读能力提升 雅思阅读备考方法 雅思阅读备考



  我们先来看一篇演说词,James Ramsay McDonald(1866-1937)曾经两度任英国首相,又是工党领袖.第一次世界大战中反对英国参战,1919年大战结束后他在英国工党会议上作了如下的演说:

  Today, as I read about the Peace, as I hoped and prayed about the Peace, I thought of the almost countless graves scattered in the centre of Europe. Many of our children are lying there. It must be in the hearts of all of us to build a fair monument to those men who will never come back to bless us with their smiles. Do they not want a grand and magnificent monument built for them so that the next generations, even if they forget their names, shall never forget their sacrifice? That is what I want. I almost felt I heard the grass growing over them in a magnificent, soothing harmony, and that simple soothing peace of the growing grass seemed to grow louder and more magnificent until the riot and distractive sound of the guns were stifled and stilled by it. Can we not have that sentiment today, that feeling in our hearts? Can we not go in imagination to where our children lie, and feel that, in Europe, in our own hearts, that same peace shall rule, and through sorrow and through sacrifice we shall obtain that wisdom and light which will enable Europe to possess peace for ever? (James Ramsay MacDonald)


  scatter撒布 monument纪念碑 bless使幸福



雅思阅读能力提升技巧 雅思阅读能力提升 雅思阅读备考



  If you want to improve your reading, the first thing to do is read a lot. There are no shortcuts or secret techniques; you will only improve with time and practice.如果你想提高,第一件事就是大量阅读。没有捷径和秘笈,你只有花时间练习才行。


  Anything you read in English is good practice, so read about subjects that interest you. Try to enjoy reading in English.任何英文材料都可以拿来练习,所以读一些你感兴趣的东西。尝试爱上阅读英语。


  English is the most used language on the Internet. Whenever you search for information on the net, try searching in English first.英语是网上使用最多的语言,当你在网上搜索信息的时候,记得用英语去搜索。


  Remember that "understanding is not the same as using". Keep a notebook with useful words and phrases that you find when you're reading, and try using them in your own sentences.记住,理解和使用不是一回事。阅读的时候在本子上记下有用词汇和短语,再尝试用它们造句。


  Apart from reading things that interest you, you also need to read lots of IELTS passages. If you've done all of the tests in the Cambridge books, read the passages again without doing the questions. Use a dictionary, take notes, and try to fully understand each passage.除了读些你感兴趣的东西以外,你也要读很多雅思阅读文章。如果你已经做完了剑桥雅思全部的题目,就再单纯地读一遍文章。可以使用字典,做笔记,确保充分理解文章内容。


  Another way to use the Cambridge tests is to look at the correct answers ...

